Why do Flashes have confused loyalty?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by aoyagiaichou, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. aoyagiaichou

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  2. FateJH

    My feel is that was supposed to be an NS decal but the note was wrinkled when the graphical artist was reading it.
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  3. Radioactive Bomba

    Well quadbikes scream murica after all i guess...
  4. veselie

    Nanite Systems was part of NC
  5. Devrailis

    Why? Because...

    Flashes are unpredictable, self-destructive, impossible to control and provide the illusion of freedom while sending you careening headlong over the precipice.

    Much like the typical NC zerg.
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  6. Koldorn

    The reason Flash handling is so terrible; and also the reason they randomly explode and always seem to try to kil the driver is because.... of Terrorist NC sabotage! :eek:

    You can tell it was Terrorist NC Scum because they plainly left their logo on it. Mhmm. All NC's fault...
  7. Eugenitor

    Oh yeah, they still have this screwed up, don't they?

    I thought you were going to talk about the absolutely laughably ridiculous "skid" code (now neverending!) or the equally ridiculous flip-upside-down code, which is just the devs trolling the **** out of people who haven't paid to trick out their Harassers.
  8. Rift23

    Explains why they seem hellbent on killing whoever drives them.