TR : Good Counter for Ultra High RPM Carbines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aethestis, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Posse

    Yes, I don't know, I'd have to use the lynx to actually know if it's okay or not this way, but just don't assume that increasing RoF would be a buff when numbers are that high, that said, 40 magazine size is pretty different from 30 magazine size, I wouldn't want 845 RPM in my VX6-7, that's for sure
  2. TheKhopesh

    You misunderstand.
    I'm with you on this one!

    When I said "For some reason", I meant "Why do they get an 845 RoF 143 damage AR, instead of an 845 RoF 143 damage carbine?

    Why not give the TR one of each?
    After all, not only is it their faction trait, but the GD-7F and Serpent already go to show SOE doesn't think a 143/845 is too powerful for a carbine.
    As well, the Cycler TRV proves they also don't feel a 143/845 AR is too powerful either.

    So why don't the TR get one of each?

    Sorry for the confusion.
  3. DevDevBooday

    If TR's trait is faster rate of fire yet NC and VS have equivalents (or betters in the carbines case) then where the hell are TR and VS's 200 damage equivalent guns?

    Nearly everything the TR has is medium to high rate of fire and we only have two 167 damage primaries and the rest are 143.
    VS and NC have the choice of 'hmmm damage or ROF?' whilst for TR its just 'hmmm what name sounds cooler?'

    For example VS has two 250 cert assault rifles, one the corvus and one the HV-45, they both have different stats and are used for different situations, which is short range and rof (HV-45) and high damage and range (Corvus)

    TR on the other hand have TAR (close range high rof) and the TRV (close range slightly higher rof)
    As we mostly see now, people choose one OR the other, you dont buy both because they are the same gun. A while ago it was the TAR and now the TRV is the current fav flavour because of the buffs it got.

    All TR guns are just slight variants of the same thing, the only true guns that offer anything different is the TMG-50 and the SABR-13

    TR isnt OP it isnt UP its just ALL THE SAME.
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  4. Hobo Jack

    first person to put bullets on target wins. this is a FPS afterall. unless somone gets cover fast or the person who got the jump misses badly the hunter always gets his prey. you are not countering the gun you are countering the player. dont try and out shoot him try and out play him.
  5. Goretzu

    I think that will just make it too good (it is not underperforming statistically at the present), with its hipfire and its 40 round magazine.

    I think the only way they could maybe do that would be to buff the RoF whilst dropping the bullet damage a tier to 125 (so the DPS stays roughly the same (or at least no more than the 143/845 weapons).

    The problem would be the Lynx's RoF would need to be about 960, which I'm not sure is handlable by the engine.
  6. AssaultPig

    if the GD-7F/serpent were really so imba compared to the TR carbines, that difference would be borne out in the stats. As people have pointed out, that's not the case.

    The difference of 45 RPM really is not that large. An 845 RPM gun fires one round every .071s (rounding); an 800 RPM gun fires one every .075s (.08 for 750 RPM guns.) That is not a large difference in TTK; if superior accuracy means you land one more shot out of ten, or the .75 ADS weight means that they miss one, you've made up the difference in raw DPS several times over.

    This is actually illustrated most clearly by the TR assault rifles; the TRV has the same 45 RPM edge on the TAR, but you'll see far more TR medics using the TAR. I wonder why.
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  7. PastalavistaBB

    VS and even NC getting the highest RPM 143 damage weapon in the game while the TR, the "Moar Dakka" Faction gets it only on an Assault Rifle which is limited to the Medic class, doesn't make any sense. TR should've at least one 896 rpm/143 damage carbine in their Arsenal. And the ROF on VS and NC carbines should be lowered. ACX-11 is a perfectly good example for NC Faction Traits while the GD7-F and Serpent are totally TR.

    @OP Tbh I don't see any counter to the GD7-F and Serpent in the TR Arsenal. Unless you get the jump on your opponent and you are equally skilled, there's not much you can do. It's one of the main reasons why people jumped ship and switched to NC or VS from TR. TR LMGs suck too, but this is not related to the topic.
  8. minhalexus

    Give the TR an AC-X11, cuz its so OP of the high bullet damage.

    Buff the Lynx to 845 RPM cuz honestly, 45 RPM does not make a huge difference, unless both players are static and fire at the same time.

    TR always have the shotguns which is a viable counter to these high ROF carbines.
  9. PastalavistaBB

    Shotguns are a viable option up to 10 meters at most. Not to mention that TR shotguns have the highest bloom and biggest COF of all shotguns. Nighthawk for example is unusable in full auto mode. Good luck trying to counter GD7-F/Serpent with the Jaguar.
  10. Surmise

    They should remove serpent and gd7f alltogether from the game
  11. FishMcCool

    Just swap Jaguar and GD-7F stats. TR get their big number and NC gets a 0.75 ADS carbine. Everyone's a winner.
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  12. PastalavistaBB

    Either this:
    (But it won't happen since people bought weapons with SC. SC refund is not possible.)

    Or this:
    But I think that the 0.75x ADS movement speed belongs to VS which has "Mobility" as the Faction Trait. Give the Jaguar's stats and 0.75x ADS Movement Speed to the Serpent, half of the problem will be solved. Buff the Jaguar up to 845/896 rpm, but remove the 0.75x ADS Movement Speed bonus. What to do with the GD7-F? It's definitely not NC. Maybe increase accuracy, lower bloom, but decrease rpm to 698 rpm? I'm confused here, because GD7-F and Serpent should never ever have made their way into NC and VS Arsenals from the start.
  13. Goretzu

    You can't just ignore the 33% more bullets per magazine that TR get with Carbines though (or that the NC/VS equiverlent have 25% less - depending on how you want to look at it).

    The Lynx is in touching distance of the DPS and RoF of their NC/VS equiverlents, but with a 40 round mag and better hipfire, which is why it doesn't underperform statistically.

    The sheer magnitude forum complaining (from TR and to a degree VS) if the Jag was given the the NC would likely destroy the Earth. :D
  14. Goretzu

    Increasing the Jag to 845 (never mind 896) RoF without nerfing the minimum bullet damage and the magazine size and the handling and accuracy would create the Master Carbine. :eek:

    I can understand why you might want that, but it would be hideously unbalanced. o_O (and I can't see SOE being that daft)

    What you're proposing there would be far and a way the best Close to medium range Carbine in the game, nothing would even touch it.
  15. starlinvf

    Give the GD7F the 167 damage tier with a 670RPM. Or they could start experimenting with new damage tiers, like they did with the TRAP.
  16. Goretzu

    This is a more realistic option these days (since Flinch was normalised), taking the GD-7F the Anchor route.

    (just 670 RPM would significanly lower its DPS though - it would need a RoF around 720 to retain its current DPS).
  17. PastalavistaBB

    That's close to what the GD7-F/Serpent are atm.
  18. Goretzu

    They aren't though, the Lynx and Jag still perform on-par or even over-par to them.

    What you are proposing is basically giving the best handing Carbine that already has a hipfire, minimum damage and 33% magazine size advantage the best Carbine DPS too. o_O

    Reducing ADS speed to .50 would in no way make up for that.

    You're talking about creating a Carbine that would seriously outclass EVERYTHING (Carbine-wise) in the game in the Close to Medium range bracket.

    As I said I can see why TR only players might want that, but it would be ridculously unbalanced.

    Certainly a 845 (or higher) RoF TR Carbine can be created, but it has to be BALANCED!
  19. DevDevBooday

    I never said that our weapons dont ubnderperform, Im saying they are too similar.
    Also the large clip is good yes but it is already compensated for with the longer reloads. We shouldnt be punished twice for 10 extra bullets (lower rofs AND longer reloads)
  20. Goretzu

    The problem is buffing weapons that are already performing well (which suggests the +10 shots per mag outweighs the extra reload time) just results in OP weapons.

    People suggesting buffing the Lynx (or Jag o_O ) RoF with NO nerfs to then counter-balance such a buff are simply asking to have an unbalanced situation, which is plain silly and counter-productive to the game.

    As mentioned above a 167/720 GD-7F would probably work these days, what they'd do with the Serpent though I dunno (although they could leave it alone if they could make the Lynx a 125/960 weapon).