Death Factors: Poor Attention, or Downright OP? (SMG Infiltrators)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Elkybam, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Elkybam

    I'll admit it; I've been playing for almost a year and I have a hard time fighting anyone (<30 FPS).

    Possible Factors of Infiltrator Success because:
    -You are not focused on your surroundings, allowing the cloaker to murder you (Paid attention on a BR1 completely)

    -You are not equipped properly to deal with the threat (M-77B Sniper on Blitz GD-10)

    -You are not using proper settings to find the danger (Low graphics)

    -They ARE OP due to given extreme RoF SMGs (I'm talking to you especially VS and NC heretics)

    -Your teammates are also unfocused, poorly equipped, or simply not capable to detecting them (Same reasons as above apply)

    -Your reaction time is not sufficient enough to kill them (Self-explanatory)
  2. Inf1nite

    Lol, and this is coming from a guy who plays TR who have the fastest firing SMG and weapon(s) in the game! Ha.
  3. Elkybam

    And yet why does it seem that the other factions have better performance overall? I'm not sure either.

    Blitz has 50 rounds with Adv. Laser, SPA, and Suppressor

    Armistice has 40 rounds WITH extended mags, SPA, and Suppressor

    Guess who will win?

    Another thing to add:
    -Your opponent seems very skilled in what he/she is doing. (FrightfulCookie for example (where'd he go??))
  4. asdfPanda

    Number 1 issue:

    You are playing on Low settings.
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  5. Shaengar

    Quoted for truth. Its a pain in the *** to deal with completely invisible enemies. I tend to avoid general areas where I see a sensor dart on the minimap.
  6. MostlyClueless

    Comparing the Blitz to the Armistice isn't right since the Armistice is a 2nd Gen SMG and came out alongside the Cyclone.

    You should compare the 1st Gen Blitz with the Hailstorm and oh look, it has 60 Rounds with Adv Laser, SPA and Suppressor.
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  7. Teoke

    Hailstorm PDW can get more kills per magazine than the other 2nd gen SMGs
  8. PsyStorm

    The cloaking sound is a dead giveaway that an infiltrator is near. You also have a split second before they uncloak and fire to attack them. Most of them also aim for the head so that becomes a factor in how fast you die to them. Darklight flashlight if you are super paranoid. I think the most important thing is sound with infiltrators. It is a dead giveaway and if you don't pay attention to it you won't notice them without darts etc.

    I play close mostly on my infiltrator and can spot other infiltrators running and standing. Once you know what to look for it's not so hard unless they are in deep cloak which won't last long before it runs out with an smg infiltrator.
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  9. Stinneyt

    ...its just the low RoF means it takes about 2 hours of holding the trigger to empty the magazine.
  10. Teoke

    In that regard the Hailstorm makes for a good supression weapon!:eek:
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  11. RockPlanetSide2

    This is just more "Watching Montages" versus "Actual Play"... 99x100 you don't get a 20+ kill streak running around a Sundy killing people who are apparently blind, deaf, and dumb... the 1 time out of 100 that you do get into that lucky secnario you make a montage of it for people to watch... the other 99 times you maybe killed 4 guys then got splatted.


    Cloaks and SMGs are in line with every other available option in the game.
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  12. Inf1nite

    Elkybam, just because we have good people who can play Infiltrator SMG doesn't mean that we're all good and you suck. Ever seen Mustarde? Ya, and your complaining that we had Frightful Cookie.

    However, the Armistice requires more skill to use than the Blitz, I'll admit that. The Blitz isn't my preferred SMG but I can say (even with 1400 kills with the Blitz) that it isn't completely a noob friendly weapon. It fires at 800 rpm, has a 50 round magazine, but can't do much further past 15-20 meters. The Armistice has a whopping 896 rpm and 30 (40 w/ extended mags) round magazine, but rewards people who can use it effectively. You just need to know what you're doing and pick the easier fights.
  13. iller

    I find the parenthetical here a bit ...Odd... considering that most people agree the Hailstorm is "most versatile" in class.
    I don't know the exact reasoning, but I'm pretty sure that the irony here comes from "insane ROF" being the TR's primary characteristic :confused:

    That said...... yes SMG's are overpowered and the reasoning is even something I've had arguments with my own outfit on: Range and firing cones. SMGs should behave more like Shotguns while having very little actual recoil for sustained firing, yet almost NO DIFFERENCE in bloom whether you're moving or standing still crouched & ADS'd. That's how all PDW's have always been in most games. Large overall bloom that doesn't change much when moving or even firing after sprinting. Yet when I test them in the VR room, I discover they actually have a very deadly TTK even at mid-range and I'm not even a good marksmen when it comes to Autos. (My area is bolt actions only). This is consistent as well with all the times I've LOST to SMG players with an Assault rifle at mid-range which suggests either they were aimbotting with nospread, or my observations in the VR room with them are not far off.

    Basically: that accuracy and dropoff graph the game advertises them with, is lying. They're better than that graph indicates. High accuracy with the commisioner (66%+) or scout rifles should ALWAYS beat an SMG at midrange. ...Yet they almost never do
  14. KnT47r

    The fact that this even makes the list is ********. Different settings should not make it easier or harder to detect an entire class.
    Imagine if LAs turned into a giant yellow ball when they activated their jump jets on low settings
  15. Wobberjockey


    - they utilize their cloak to gain access to areas where they are not expected, and engage targets in situations that favor the infiltrator. (repairing, battle rifle equipped, etc)
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  16. MajiinBuu

    They are not overpowered at all.
    I'm repairing a turret. I hear cloaking/footsteps and turn around and the infiltrator is filled with PA pellets.
    Or I hear a cloak and proceed to follow the sound. With almost every weapon having greater range than SMG's, I win.

    Actually I often die in these scenarios, I play at around 20 fps. But someone with a decent computer would win in these situations.
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  17. Gadamlu

    if SMG infils are OP, then what does that make LA with OHK shotguns?
  18. Trilateral

    No. They dont.

    And you think SMG's are overpowered? ha

    The higher ROF AR's devastate SMG's at any range, unless they(infils) get the drop on you (that wasn't someone farting behind you) and you have the reaction time of a tranquilized sloth.

    Except, they pretty much always do.
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  19. MarkAntony

    If the enemy plays on high setting they have poor attention. If they play on low settings they have no chance.

    They are the things that kill me the most it seems.
    I usually run heavy or medic and they unclock right in front of and kill me before I can shoulder my weapon.
    I am usually running and it takes time to aim the weapon and in that time they break my over shield and kill me before I can take their shield down.
    Usually I am focused on a different person and they just appear out of nowhere and kill me.