Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. 10thRMDredd

    oh....light assault troops with lightning claws....maxes with thunder hammer and storm shield...oh yeah....
  2. TheKhopesh

    Where in God's name are you finding cheeseburgers for free?!
  3. Gambitual

    Holy hell claws sound awesome.:eek:
  4. Wecomeinpeace

    Ok, here is a question:

    I'm from europe, and on my Pro7 account no player-studio items are being shown in the shop, i heard that's because of the same reason we europeans can't create stuff with the player studio. I do not know if that is true or if it's just a bug.
    Now here is the odd part, on my SOE account i can buy player studio items without a problem, paying from within europe. I don't know if i can use the player studio on that account, didn't test that.

    So Tl;dr: Why can i buy player studio items with a european SOE account but not with a Pro7 account?
  5. biterwylie

    Yeah playerstudio :) :) :)

    Oh sorry I forgot, this is not for us Europeans :mad:

    But please keep pushing the fact down our throats.
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  6. Tykune

    Planetside 2 Equipment/Camo: Player Studio Helmets/Camo > SOE's Helmets/Camo

    Just leave it to us. We'll make your game better since you cant.
  7. TheBlazing

    Any plans to make player studio items available for ProSieben players?
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    to be honest, until player studio opens up for non-u.s. artists, this thread doesn't mean ANYTHING to me :mad:

    i've been waiting for player studio ever since it started in like august 2013 (??)

    now, all good item designs (camos, decals, helmets, hood ornaments, cockpit glasses) have already been made and taken by u.s. artists --- while europeans once again get the short end of the stick

    i hardly play the game anymore. my enthusiasm for creating custom content has pretty much reached zero over the last months

    i know it's tough to deal with every countries' tax laws and legislation, but still, you guys have taken far too long to make it possible. i dont understand this. other game companies are also allowing custom content to be submitted by the fanbase WORLDWIDE. i just think it was not a top priority for SoE.

    by the way, Tramell told me some months ago that player studio would be opening up for germany and france at the end of february. and what happened? more postponement and more disappointment. that being said, i don't believe you guys until i see actual evidence on your progress regarding player studio :mad:
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  9. siiix

    i love this feature !!!! and i'm not even a creator

    someone please make a mostly black (not gray) camo for TR, something non fancy (not like the fish camo) but simple black red... i buy it in a blink !!!!!
  10. siiix

    hey you guys can you not just switch your account to US/Canada ? i mean why would anyone even want to be a proziben customer ... its the lamest thing ever
  11. Reavenant

    I can't wait for the PStudio to finally become open for everyone!!! Why it's taking you sssooooo long SOE? :(

    In comparison with NC (which have an awesome overall armor/uniform design and style mods at the moment, while the VS is too much overpimped IMHO) the TR lacks the truly badass-authoritarian like empire design style. More to say all that you can have (except a well done desert and snow camo sets) is a bunch of greyish/red style camos with not very much of variation in their color/pattern scheme and it makes me very very sad to end up as a bunch of similar greyish bunch of guys T_T.

    We should have a better things to use on our characters and vehicles and I would loooove to jump into the PStudio and at least try to do something more badass and appropiate for the TR people.
  12. Cobsy

    We need more Cosmetics for the MAX-Unit!!!
  13. PlatoonLeaderG

    I m from europe and i have plenty experience with 3d modeling using blender 3d,i m gonna practice helmets,armour etc and hopefully someday i can submit too.

    For any1 interested on making his own model blender 3d is a free commercial software with tons of community lessons,tips and tricks that would make your life easier
  14. LividRaccoon

    I'm still holding out for when someone decides to bring in pants with words like "paws off" or "juicy" on the rear of them. 8/10 would buy.
  15. Mexiguy

    Meh, several of the ideas I had when I first ehard of Player Studio have already been done because you guys are taking your sweet time opening this to the rest of the world, so i could care less about Player Studio.

    Wake me up when you have some actual news about this.
  16. SirJMD

    Of course not.. they don't give a damn about EU players. Haven't you learned that yet?
  17. RIctavius

  18. RIctavius

    You do realize there's something European Tax codes and laws. It aint a walk in the park.
  19. Mexiguy

    Honestly, I think they could have already worked that out in the 1year+ that the program has been available for PS2 at least.
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  20. Spyrius

    I guess it`s nothing to do with EU taxes and laws since I got paid from all places outside Europe like Mexico, Kuwait, Australia and USA as well and somehow - magically - without any obstructions, and unless you sell cocaine or guns or don`t wanna pay taxes my treasury don`t give a damn about where I got my money from.

    IMO it`s SOE`s book-keeping kind of thing that prevents EU Player Studio from happening.
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