Vanu Pistols need a revamp. They are all Crap.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Ttariel

    No bulletdrop sounds good, but the onlyweapon that semi works with it is the battle rifle.

    But lets not forget the 50% "you just got killed by the beamer" bonus selfdoubt damage.
  2. EvilKoala

    I hear this every time someone mentions "no bullet drop". So if it makes no difference then why not just add it to all Vanu weapons so no one can bring this up again?
  3. GardenOfSilver

    The VS sidearms really do need to be looked over and made interesting I agree.

    Though yes, as said above the self-doubt bonus damage to the player from the Beamer is a nice thing, it still does not a good gun make.
  4. Akeita

    Beamer is OP as ****... Make it a 5 round burst gun with each bullet dealing 65 damage :D
  5. Wobberjockey

    because the only weapons that do have that trait at ranges that can use it are the battle rifles and scout rifles.

    everything else is is penalied with the same slow velocity plus drop, so the net result is MORE drop see also the magrider main cannon.
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  6. GardenOfSilver

    Also very true. No bullet drop is really of no use for the majority of weapons that the VS have. It's even more situational than the extended magazine built into TR AR's and carbine's and the payoff is just as bad.

    Either give it to -everything- and let it actualy be a thing for all weapons or drop the velocity penalty.
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  7. EvilKoala

    Thats just not true. If you cant leverage your advantage, thats on you. But no bullet drop is useful to my play style for use with all weapons. I'd gladly trade the 30 m/s penalty for it any day, especially now that there is no damage penalty anymore.
  8. Wobberjockey

    um… are we playing the same faction?
    NC/TR carbines, SMGs and AR's all suffer from negligible bullet drop within their effective ranges. a quick trip to the VR can confirm that for you.

    by the time bullet drop becomes an issue the COF on each of those weapons prevents accurate fire, meaning you are doing a better job drawing attention to yourself than you are of killing the enemy. (because at the end of the day, if you can't get their shields down you are just wasting ammo) this is where the LMG's have a problem (though the orion and SV-88 are beastly in CQB)

    the notable exceptions to this are the nix, artemis, phantom, and spectre.
    which can leverage their longer range abilities, all because of their accuracy and ability to engage targets at longer ranges(though honestly i wouldn't use my artemis outside 100m anyway)
  9. JP_Russell

    Speaking as an NC player, even I was disappointed that VS's shiny new ES pistol was just... another Rebel? I didn't even like that the Manticore was a Magshot. There's no good reason they can't have all the pistols be unique from one another between factions, and it's pretty crappy that NC and TR both got unique pistols added and the Vanu just got yet another copycat of our relatively unexciting (perfectly competent after the buffs, but unexciting) alternative to the Magshot that's existed for ages.

    I can only figure they just ran out of time and none of the ideas they'd thrown at the wall had stuck well enough for various reasons, so they took the safe route and made another copycat weapon. We've seen in some of SOE's behind-the-scenes type stuff that their design process can be inflexible about when things can be worked on (E.G., Kevmo said on the last FNO that they had been planning to add a TV missile as a Liberator belly gun, but they didn't have time to finish it, and consequently it may never exist), and I feel like that may be what happened in this case.
  10. EvilKoala

    I use the T5,T16, TMG-50 and AMR-66 and usually engage targets between 70-150m. I usually stick with the defaults (+Eidolon) on Vanu and do the same. I prefer superior positioning and shooting skills over twitch reflexes. I'm getting old ;P
  11. aoyagiaichou

    And how about you instead add new pistols and leave my crap pistols alone? I like having carp things nobody uses, go away with your competing thing.
  12. trichome

    Agreed OP, I tried the peashooter aka beamer and very quickly bought the commissioner and havent touched another VS peashooter since. I still see no reason to go near any of the VS peashooters.
  13. p10k56

    How is possible that whatever faction I play all crappy pilots are on my side?
  14. sindz

    Dont know, but how are pilots skill relevant to faction pistols?
  15. p10k56

    Pilot pistols writes similar:oops:
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  16. huller

    Let me just write down my suggestions for three new sidearms per faction to plug the gaps in each arsenal and offer a faction flavoured and fancy mechanic pistols as well.


    TX3 "tyrant"
    Named to openly mock the accusations leveled at the TR by the NC, this weapon is chambered for the powerfull 11mm bullet which gives it above average stopping power (basicaly a rebel/ceberus clone)

    TX4 "husky"
    This fully automatic sidearm was designed to give it more stopping power at close range than other alternatives, it pays for this with reduced sustainability and accuracy

    TX5 "pyro"
    This handheld flamethrower was designed to provide a specialist weapon for close range room clearance. (Yes realy, a pistol flamethrower, zero range, lots of area effect and style points)


    GD-10 "bandit"
    Designed as an alternative sidearm, this weapon features an extended magazine for greater sustainability in the field (basicaly an NC version of the emperor beamer and inquisitor, low damage, high mag size)

    NC2 Scatterpistol
    The good old clasic from PS1
    A clasic in the NC armory, the NC2 scatterpistol originates from Earth where it was a popular sidearm used primarily by NC mercenaries. (lots of stopping power, extremely short range even for a shotgun, poor refire time and small clip)

    AF 9 "totaly not compensating for something" (you think up a good weapon name)
    This weapon features the advanced railgun technology first used in the railjack to provide extreme stopping power at longer ranges (but realy, the NC were just mad that NS were outdoing them)
    2-3 shot railgun pistol, highest damage of any sidearm that exists, like 750 ish, extreme velocity, long reload, terrible refire time, bad iron sights and whatever ballance dictates


    Beamer storm
    The burst pistol that all VS aparantly want. Like a beamer, but more beam-y

    lasher pistol cuz reasons

    Andromeda VA84
    A charge up weapon which bridges the gap between the lasher and lancer, shooting a giant beam of SCIENCE. This is a charge up weapon, dealing somewhere in the 200-400 damage when charged up but also has a splash damage/emp effect (someone else can figure this out, but I'm thinking 334-500 splash per charged shot). The downside is extremely low damage per shot when uncharged (like 100 each, and no splash/emp effect), low clip size and charge up mechanic
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  17. Adistridos

    I actually tend to prefer the Beamer over any other pistol, including other factions' pistols and the commissioner/underboss. The real trick to using it is to bind shoot to T as well as left click, so that you can aim with your right hand, and move + fire with your left. The Beamer is disliked, I think, because its main pros are its accuracy and fire rate - both which are negated when you aim and fire with the same hand. Splitting up the work more evenly this way allows you to fire FAR faster and FAR more accurately, making the Beamer a surprisingly deadly weapon. The same trick also works very well for shotguns, too.
  18. Nanomorph

    I dropped the Commissioner for the Cerberus.

    At least the Cerberus has iron sights that are actually useful.
  19. iller

    I don't understand these comparisons .... they seem to be comparing a couple Stock ones to variants that have to be unlocked.

    I also agree with Wobber, there's just no creativity at all to the selection of pistols. The Desperado and Repeater are the only ones that really stand out as unique for functionality and they're not even on this list. ....And despite that, when it comes to "click as fast as you can Semi-autos", there's always been the Mousewheel binding trick in FPS's so no one can really complain about "not saturating that rate of fire" without macro cheats
  20. Peter Daniel

    NC cried about the TR machine gun pistol, and they got the Desperado.