The Death Screen Crutch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tenebrae Aeterna, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. jiggu

    I'm not really sure myself.
    But your "we're in the majority" means nothing.
  2. Brewery

    It seems easy for you to address only portions of my actual post. Being proven wrong from time to time hurts the ego, eh?

    How does my statement above mean nothing? Can you please elaborate more thoroughly?

    So we have come to the conclusion that skill capped jiggu needs his crutchs.
  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Example 1: Heyoka Chemical


    This is the position that I took right outside of spawn at Heyoka Chemical. The Terran Republic were piling up right on that little hill directly in front of me to assault New Conglomerate forces upon the opposite side of the chemical river. If memory serves me correctly, there were about four of them transfixed upon the enemy forces...and a MAX. I systematically killed them all while the MAX remained oblivious of what was going on around him...not a single one of them turned towards my location despite the fact that the Crossbow takes two shots to kill.

    When the medic returned to revive them and I took them all out that second time, he caught me uncloaking and was the only individual who ever turned around. Furthermore, even after he turned around, he was the only individual who came after me...the rest of them stayed there and remained transfixed upon the forces upon the other side of the river.

    Example 2: The Stronghold


    There has never been another point in my time spent playing the game that I have found more hilarious than when I took this position at the Stronghold. The Terran Republic forces were lining themselves up along this wall and assaulting my own forces down the road at the opposing base. All I did was shoot down the line...and watch as they all died one after the other, systematically slaughtered without ever once turning towards me...all this with a weapon that takes two slow shots to kill. They returned and went right back to obliviously firing towards the enemy...never once looking for me...never once even turning to acknowledge my fire.

    It was the single most blatant display of inadequate situational awareness that I have ever seen, and I can't even remember how many people I killed while just sitting there...never once moving.

    You say that you don't need situational awareness to realize that you've been flanked? Then you're saying that I and everyone else who have entered into these situations and whittled down the opposition for our faction are completely delusional and the killstreaks never happened. You're saying that the abundant amounts of youtube videos that demonstrate this behavior, a complete lack of situational awareness amongst all battle ranks, are fabricated choreographed propaganda.

    You're being an ostrich with your head in the sand. Apologies for the delay in responding, but I needed to find the names for each base. Either way, this isn't an uncommon happens whenever you flank an entrenched enemy and exploit the fact that the majority of Planetside 2 players lack situational awareness. In each of these two situations...the kill map would have given my position to the enemy after they died...and I would have been taken out in a quarter of the time.

    I truly wish I had the videos to demonstrate it. Sadly, I just have this individuals video...a Heavy Assault showing just how situationally aware the player base in response to your next quote:

    Here you go...hopefully I can find even better displays of the situations I'm detailing.

    These are situations where a lack of skill was exploited, where people who haven't developed their situational awareness enough to focus on hit detection while in chaotic situations were punished with death.

    Well, that's ultimately what might revert their decision.
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  4. Quikloc007

    My 2 cents. It's not needed and does dumb down the game. The first time I played an online game (BF2) I got killed all the time and had no idea why. So, it made play slower and think about what I was doing before entering a battle. Telling someone from where they killed you is kinda cheesy and tracer fire or lack off tells a person with a brain from where to look for danger next time you spawn. Telling you the player/level and what kit and weapon killed you is fine enough for any game IMO.
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  5. Wobberjockey

    some players simply AREN'T going to develop situational awareness though, just like some people have no talent for basketball, and others have a gift.
    developing situational awareness depends on what you did to get to BR100
    some players have situational awareness after BR25 because they pound the ground more often, and are used to watching out for the miriad of threats. other br 100's are useless if you get them out of their chosen farming implement.

    heck there were people who were BR100 in the first month due to lib farming. nothing there would grant them situational awareness in a biolab. which means that you can't point to the ineptitude of some of the highly ranked players as proof the SKillmap is needed

    i think i can provide some here.

    on second thought, i may have just proved the need for the SKillmap... not sure
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  6. Wobberjockey

    you forget that the crossbow is the single most powerful sidearm that you can take and it is silenced, meaning stalker infiltrators are using it a large amount of the time

    and stalker infiltrators are actually rewarded for staying in one place until the opportune time arrives.
  7. MurderBunneh

    Can't think of a single death where the Indicator told me something I didn't already know.
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  8. MarkAntony

    I am uploading a vids now. They show me kill guys all the way from BR 4 or 5 to BR 99. Disproving that only low BRs lack situational awareness.

    And here is another problem with the killmap. It doesn't tech you situational awareness. It keeps players from getting better at the game. Tips would be far more useful.
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  9. DukeFlash

    If the kill cam is such a crutch, put restrictions on it (such as):

    Kill cam is freely available to low battle rank (BR) players. Perhaps 1-10
    Kill cam is temporarily available to players who have died a lot, such as 3 deaths without a kill or 2 deaths (in a row) to the same player. Suicides wouldn't count towards gaining the kill cam.... I mean, you killed yourself afterall...

    Or if you're in a hex and heavily outnumbered, then the underdogs get it freely. (5:3? or thereabouts)
    Conversely, you could block deathcam entirely for over-popped empire hexes, such as 2:1.
    In this example, if you're a lone infiltrator taking on a small squad by yourself, they would never get a killcam of you.

    Yes, that's a lot of rules and would inevitably lead to confused players but it's at least something to consider.
    These are mostly either/or suggestions, not intending all of them to be used.
  10. MarkAntony

    You know why snipers really hated the nanoweave back in the day? Randomness. You could never tell if that next headshot gives away your position or nets you a kill.
    This would reintroduce that.
    And it doesn't help anybody. It doesn't teach new players to become more situationally aware. That is the whole problem with this. It doesn't actually teach people how to play the game. Give people real helpful tips. Tell them about different playstyles of the classes so that they can understand them and learn to counter them.
    And no that would not be expensive. I'd bet if SOE asked the community would write thousands of tips for free. Copy Paste is all that's left after that. (and maybe some proofreading)
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  11. DukeFlash

    Indeed, inconsistency is definitely not a good thing but I am trying to present options between having the killcam and not having the killcam.

    and it's not like the game doesn't already have inconsistencies, there's already plenty (render range, visuals for cloaked Infiltrators on Low graphics versus Medium/High... just to name two off the top of my head)

    And not all my suggestions would have 'randomness' to them.
    If you take only the ones about population, 'situationally aware' players would already be paying attention to the % balance for their hex. Hell, you could even add a UI graphic saying Killcam Enabled/Disabled to leave no doubt.

    Edit: and as for tool-tips, I'm sure SoE would have no objection to adding such things but the way you say it sounds like it's Killcam OR tool-tips, I don't see why it has to be one or the other. And for the record, I'm not even in favor of the killcam but I get so sick of divisive arguments with little to no attempt at finding middle-ground.
  12. MarkAntony

    Why do people always assume that the middle-ground is somehow superior?
    Make it killmap for BR 1-10 + tool tips and after that just the tips.
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  13. Wobberjockey

    the problem with all of your suggestions is that they are based off the idea that kills are the metric of success.

    it would be perfectly plausible that a pair of medics keeping their squad up in a biolab and rolling in certs would have permanent death cam access.

    and honestly the game needs to move AWAY from KDR as a primary metric of success and look at SPM/SPH
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  14. Zar

    good then we agree it has no point and we can get rid of the awful thing. if it has no purpose all they did was add an extra click that just pisses people off lets get rid of it and go back the old death screen
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  15. DukeFlash

    ... There you go, using a word like "superior", forcing one of us to be "inferior", with no possibility of any other interpretation. There's a lot of shades of grey between black & white. Ignoring any possibility of middle-ground is woefully ignorant.

    ... no, the population % suggestions have nothing to do with KDR.
    My post really isn't that long, try reading it again.
  16. Wobberjockey

    ok all your non population ideas, which were essentially random from the player's perspective and therefore not a good idea :/
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  17. MarkAntony

    There you go assuming that the middle ground is always better. I am not ignoring the possibility. Which you would know if you had paid attention reading my post. You are ignoring the options of black and white though. focusing only on the grey.
  18. Tuco

    Mixing cookies with crap doesn't make it half cookies/half crap, it makes it crap.
  19. DukeFlash

    .... It's not what's in the middle-ground that's "better" or "superior", it's the sheer number of possibilities the 'middle-ground' holds that increases your odds at finding an amicable solution. I don't understand your animosity towards compromise.

    And no, I'm not ignoring the options of black and white, I already said I'm not even in favor of the damn killcam but it's here and what bothers me more is seeing yet another argument that's either Option A or Option Z (killcam or no killcam), ignoring every other letter of the alphabet, so to speak. Willful ignorance run amok.

    The middle-ground would be placing restrictions on when/how the killcam is available.
    You could have it based on population %'s in the hex (to help underdogs), or
    You could have defenders of the hex receive killcam data, not attackers, or
    You could make killcam a benefit to controlling a specific facility (like with Tech plants giving MBTs)
    Or something else! shudder the thought O:

    Whether anyone likes any of those ideas or not, I really wish people would open their minds to creative thought rather than "MY WAY or NO WAY!" arguments.
  20. MarkAntony

    If you had read my first post you'd know I gave a compromise. BR 1-10. Done.