soe doing the same mistakes they did with swg?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OldMaster80, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. OldMaster80

    Last patch scared me. All the discussion on pts forum and reddit did it: it took me back to the old swg days.
    The assumption a change had to be done because "ps2 is too hard compared to other games", the fact the patch has been tested only 3 days, the fact feedback of most of the community was highly negative and it has been ignored, the fact changes are discussed on reddit instead of the official forum while one single youtuber suggestions (altough very smart) seem to be considered more than hundreds of players... this is sad.

    Seems like soe is wasting time at finding out what fps bestsellers like cod and bf4 have that ps2 is missing.
    But players do not leave because they don't get where bullets come from: lack of metagame performance unbalancement and still huge bugs are the problem.

    Maybe they should stop catching other games and focus on serious improvements. Otherwise what shall we expect in the future? Small scale instances? Removal of friendly fire? Deathmatches?
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  2. Regpuppy

    While I didn't agree with the mini-maps kill "cam" addition or that it'll do anything to "help" newbies. I think calling it a game breaking mechanic on the level of BFR's or SWG's is a bit exaggerated.

    The only thing I agree with you on is that devs tend to ask and respond to a lot more feedback outside of the official forums(not saying they ignore it, but they do respond outside the forums more). Feedback that not everyone whom plays their game are aware of (I know I don't frequent reddit, personally)
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  3. Tbone

    Why are you surprised?After Beta SOE released the game after 2 weeks with the same bugs and problems.Its SOE that's all.
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  4. Villanuk

    People will play cod or Bf if they want that game. They play PS2 because it is ( or was ) different. Its also a challenge but the problem with this game and why new players don't hang around, is unless you pay for the membership, its just a boring grind of hard work for little reward. SOE based their business model of people playing, liking the game and signing up but its not great value. You can own a new game for £45, but PS2 cost you £100 a year to play and you still end up paying for extra SC to purchase items.

    If they made the subs more inline with a true value of the game they would have more people sign up and stay and play the game but SOE money making mentality is whats holding them back. Then take into account that they start upsetting members by not listening to them, the members then cancel, like I have their membership. Im BR77, and I don't think I will get much past 80 as the cert grind will just bore me and the lack of resource, which is another reason why you need to pay for a membership.

    This game in the right hands would be " THE GAME " but its run by Smed, a little bit about him.

    As President of Sony Online Entertainment, Smedley oversaw the relaunch of Star Wars Galaxies in an iteration of the game known as the New Game Enhancements (or NGE). During the time period immediately after the relaunch, as subscriptions were dropping rapidly, there was much unrest on the official game forums. Smedley decided to participate in these threads in a manner most participants found antagonizing. In response to a discussion on the possibility of an emulator to recreate the game as it was before the New Game Enhancements, one such post by Smedley read: "ROFL. Ok. Without engaging in the obvious "we'll bust out our lawyers and sue people" rhetoric" .. "You don't seriously think we're worried about this do you".[3] Since then, in an online interview with the social media site reddit in July 2012, John Smedley admitted to “stupid decisions” regarding Star Wars Galaxies Combat Upgrade and New Gaming Enhancement policies,[4] and acknowledged player led emulator projects seeking to restore a free to play Galaxies circa April 2005, Publish 14.1, pre-Combat Upgrade, such as the SWGEmu project.[4]
    In 2007, he announced a change in direction for Sony Online Entertainment, including a broadening of business models beyond the subscription model and pursuing female consumers to balance their audience, which was 85% male at the time.[5]

    And I guess this will get deleted for "trolling" like another one of my posts when I questioned someone from SOE and having read the forum guidelines, this is not a personal attack, its a factual statement ( above ) the rest are my own thoughts on a discussion which are constructive.
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  5. Leftconsin

    I played SWG from launch to NGE. This does not feel like what happened at CU, and it certainly doesn't feel like NGE. Once this game has auto-aim and damage that scales to your battlerank both applied in a patch with less than a week's warning THEN it will be like NGE.
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  6. Tycoh

    Well damn, that sucks. Hopefully in the not so distant future SOE will improve.
  7. Latrodectus

    Pretty much this. They have yet to release a patch that caused the vast majority of their player base to disperse in less than a few days. The NGE pretty much turned every major social hub into a ghost town almost INSTANTLY.
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  8. Maljas23

    No f**king way is SOE stupid enough to pull this mess off again. I was there for all of this **** and I just can't see them ever doing this again.

    What is happenng right now with this rigged PS2 patch doesn't even come close to the insanity of the above quoted.
  9. AFK1

    Planetside 2 is definitely a ghostlands at many hours of the day, already

    SOE hasn't delivered such a dramatic killing blow like they did with SWG, but the same type of logic (or lack thereof) is fueling the decision making process here. SOE tried to change SWG to be more in line with competing MMORPG titles, and in doing so alienated the players that appreciated SWG for what made it different from those games, meanwhile people playing other MMORPGs just kept playing them, and new players were still more attracted to other products and newer games. Now Planetside 2 is going down a dark road of trying to emulate other FPS titles... there's a vast array of examples, but any intelligent person can see that for themselves, and doesn't need me to point them out. This death screen nonsense is another step in the WRONG DIRECTION, if I wanted to play "Generic Middle Eastern War Game: 2014", I would play that game; changing Planetside to make it more like that game serves no logical function except to remove me from the game
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  10. Aesir

    Actually, we do have a similarity in the logic. It's just not a giant motherload of a dump, it just happens gradually compared. The game, other than the technical standpoint and introduction of the Lattice has become worse and worse in all other sections for really silly reasons.

    I know there is a lot of nonconstructive whining and all that crap happening on the official forums ... but it wasn't always like that nor is it always like that.

    Around launch and in beta people actually were pretty constructive here. We had some good ideas and feedback, we still have that it's just buried under a lot of whining.

    The issue is that given feedback is not considered at all or used in the wrong ways. Even whine posts are "useful" feedback if you actually talk with the people. Except some very deluded people ... I actually got a decent common understand with most people I had longer discussions in the forums.

    We all want a better game ... SOE should want that to, issue is that it doesn't seems like that way -.-
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  11. RHYS4190

    I think there doing one good move and that making this a PS4 game, if they do it right they may get a whole lot more money in the budget, they are bringing out new alert types and a new contentment out which should change things, but the operative word here is PS2 needs to change a bit more to stay fresh, id be fine if they brought out weapons that supper seeded things so you have a goal to work towards, like I need to get that gun other wise im not going to be at a disadvantage that really does not happen in this game, iv not needed to buy any thing for a very long time because all the equipment I need I already have, a lot of the time the weapons they bring out just don't improve on any thing or are worse then there contemporary's.
    take the liberators guns for example I used them once in VR training and they were hopeless your better off using your old stuff, that does not work as a business model if you spend ages making some thing and no one buy's it you lose money. if they brought out those guns and it supper seeded every thing else it would be way better, and older but still slightly inferior weapons are still purchase able but at a less expensive price, where as redundant weapons are taken off the market.

    as for meta game, they are going to add hossin which im hoping will bring a lot of old players back, because like me we are just hanging around waiting, and new alert types are suppost to come out on same month as well. so we shall see.

    on a final note people have been doom saying this game for a very long time, but it still got a pretty ok player base even on the Australian server, last time I checked a independent graph we were on average 1400 players with all factions combined. during peak time you can guess the numbers using the map by counting the numbers of platoon sized fights, average I estimate at least 350+ to at least 400 some thing so that pretty good. there may even be more people then you can tell because the map charts only register up to 48 player on both sides

    this game is a lot more computer friendly now then it was when it started, what they did was extraordinary improvement on proformance, I when't from 30 fps in a big fight to 50 fps.

    as for them not wanting to lission to this site, I don't blame them the community is toxic, I don't know you tend to love this game but there just a lot about it that you just hate at the same time.

    As is yes SOE has made a lot of smaller mistakes but has not topped dice with there's what they did with BF4 was unforgiveable and really should lead to jail time for a lot of there CEO's for insider trading infractions,
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  12. TheFamilyGhost

    You people will never get metagame if you don't make it.

    Look up the definition.
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  13. Makkie

    indeed. this feels nothing like the CU or NGE. the Smed man looks like he may have learned from that horrible debacle. thats not to say that pushing content patches weekly / bi-weekly is a good idea either.

    for the record I like new content as much as the next guy, but it takes time to balance changes, and a week of testing and (IMHO) is not enough time to collect a large enough data set to say its where it needs to be. esp with the small pop that tests on the test server. (more so when those of us with x64 enabled OS'es couldn't get the test client to open for 3 days out of that week)

    I think there needs to be an incentive to test (outside of the obvious fact of faster discovery of possible issues). by no means make it OP but a custom title or decal ( or or perhaps a passive cert gain bonus) for those who put a few hours on the test server a week.

    (as for the decal for us testers I recommend this one)
  14. Aesir

    Metagame is a pretty broad term and we actually already have a metagame, it's just quickly boring.

    Right now all that is needed on tactical level of metagame and everything revolves around it is Infantry and Sundy's. Depending on the scale of conflict Air and Galaxies can also play an important role but anything past 48+ Air strongly takes a hit in effectiveness. Tanks are never useful.

    Not to mention mobile spawn points are the utmost important aspect of the current assault and defense play. You kill the Sundy soon enough, you cut the Infantry pushing in, you put a lot of pressure away from your base and can switch on the assault yourself.

    Look at most of the CCs, nobody uses Tanks to great effect and the ones that try more often than not lose. While in those 24 vs 24 matches Air is pretty strong, controlling the skies in those skirmish sized battles is important. But still not as important as Sundy's.

    So the one that controls the flow of Sundy's either to his advantage or deprives the enemy of using Sundy's wins. That's the entire tactical game. All the other aspects, like Vehicles, Terrain, base design and the likes never really add anything, while all those things could enrich the experience and thus make the tactical metagame more interesting.

    But that's just the tactical metagame ... the Infantry metagame is all about MAX's and how to best support them or get rid of them. Which involves a lot of Engis/Medics but also a lot of C4/Dumbfire Launchers ... All you need extra maybe is one Infiltrator for dart coverage and hacking.

    TL:TR Metagame happens on several Layers of the game, all which are mostly monotone and boring. Hossin or Global Lattice will not change the Infantry/Sundy Spam to Victory ... and only a hand full of people per faction will actually have anything to do with any interaction on the Global Lattice. Because otherwise your Empire would fail on a organizational level ...
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  15. TheFamilyGhost

    You shoulda looked up the definition of metagame.
  16. Bush82

    i hate the new death screen because its so in your face. i turned the game off last night because of it. its turning the game into a revenge filled death match. the thing that killed battlefield off in my eyes was the addition of the nemises crap. exactly where planetside is heading.

    if planetside is heading this way them im going to give up gaming as a hobby for good. the whole industry is starting to annoy me more than i enjoy playing games nowadays.
  17. Aesir

    You probably never read it ...

    So mixing up the composition of your Squad and inserting a Tank and using it to great affect because of the Infantry Support is a meta game of itself on the tactical level.

    The problem is that this is actually not viable right now. Because the only interesting things on that level of play is Sundy's and the HA/Medic/Engi/MAX Infantry combo.
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  18. Wecomeinpeace

    We should drop this stupid term "meta game" alltogether. It does nothing but spark useless controversies about the term itself.

    What veterans and players who expected something from this game (who all have probably quit by now) wanted was INTERCONTINENTAL WARFARE and STRATEGICAL OPTIONS, maybe even, dare i say it, GAMEPLAY VARIETY, not to mention IMMERSION.
    Instead they went and copy & pasted together an uninspired cash shop/F2P centered game and rushed it beyond belief to get said cash shop running. They followed corporate commanders guideline of making a cash in as close as possible, and that's where we are now. This game in all its aspects is a prime example of what is wrong with AAA FPS game development (and "professional" game development in general) these days.
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  19. Copperhead

    I would agree, there definitely needs to be an incentive to get on the PTS. The only time I've been on it was in the lead up to OMFG to see if there was much improvement in my FPS (had actually stopped playing for a month or two it was that bad).

    I think that they should update the PTS with the following weeks proposed changes on the Tuesday, then update live with the previous weeks PTS changes on Wednesday or Thursday. Then give players an incentive to go on the PTS while the live servers are down and have a dedicated play test, it would be a step in the right direction.
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  20. Kriegson

    People are whinging terribly about needing 1 more shot to kill a lib (yet 2 makes them critical, IE they are pretty much dead at that point anyhow) and some data displayed when you die.

    And you're comparing it to a massive rework of the engine and gameplay systems that literally killed a thriving game.

    Dramatic much?