Libs are on top of the food chain.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Mar 14, 2014.

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  1. KO-tic

    They're like sharks..they got to real threats anymore,now that's everyone is running flak armor. AP is useless,skygurad useless, ranger/walker is useless,heck even the deci is useless,ESF are a joke.

    now just like sharks Lib got only other libs to fear.

    I dont know why I still play infantry when I can get 100X more kills spam zephyr and shredders with ease.
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  2. Nyscha

    Don't know why this is a "PSA"
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  3. DevDevBooday

    Funnily enough my most effective anti-lib weapon is ramming my Gal into them.
    Their resistances are too damn high for everything else.

    Try and resist 150 tons flying at 260kph straight into your windscreen.

    TTK with almost any weapon on a Lib is at least 20 seconds, way too long to be a realistic option, and as other people have stated in other threads, you almost need to get every teammate in the entire hex to shoot at the 1 lib simultaneously with AA weaponry to actually kill it before it flees
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  4. Huxer feel that libs can easily defeat manned galaxy then?
  5. DevDevBooday

    If it uses a Dalton? Easily.
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  6. Adeon

    You Must Construct Pull Additional Pylons Skyguards.
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  7. antiheld84

    It's a teamplay problem, with 2-3 player it's easy to kill or frighten away a lib.
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  8. DQCraze

    Tank Buster much? I love the exaggeration, sounds exactly like the day after the harassers were nerfed and everyone was cryin how the game was ruined and nobody would play anymore. This is definately popcorn material, recliner please and turn up the volume please.
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  9. AltF4Fun

    PSA is like the new capslock in this forum.If you cant get enough attention with big letters you post PSA to make it look important.I agree forumsiders abuse the hell out of it:)
  10. Phazaar

    They kind of should be the top of the foodchain though... Like... Logically, it's a bit of a necessity that the deadliest thing in the sky should be the deadliest thing period...

    With that said, I see nothing in the patch that would change whether or not I can **** a Lib with my ESF (which I manage at least 95% of the time solo).
  11. TheBlazing

    They just need to be unable to flip over and fly overangled as easily, because right now if they are attacked from the sides or from above with their intended counter (ESFs) they can just roll over and point their belly gun at you, and you either get Dalton'd, or you have to immediately pull out resulting in almost no damage to the Liberator. I'd do a nerf to upside-down flying and rolling, it should leave their A2G ability pretty much the same but at least ESFs would be able to attack them properly, then see what happens (it should probably be enough though).
  12. Riddlley

    Being defenceless sucks. Its not fun. That's why libs can do the aerobatics that they can. I've been killed many, many times and more by ESFs in my liberator. Yes, my gunner is really good. He's that good because he has had practise shooting ESFs down. Flying a liberator is not easy either. Until recently, the tailgun was useless. Its still not awesome or anything at range either. In a one on one, the better pilot will win. Most (good) ESFs plink away at me with the default gun from 100 m plus. Its easy to dodge a Dalton, just hover and watch the tracers. (Be careful about getting rammed or tank busted though.) To combat this, a liberator needs to stay close. See the problem? ESFs are much more maneuverable. In a fight with an ESF, the liberator is at a disadvantage. So no, they aren't.

    Teamwork is at the top of the food chain. A liberator makes liberal use of that. Why can't you?
  13. RandomPostGuy

    SOE made it very clear that Liberators should be on the top of the food chain when they decided that Liberators shouldn't fear tanks.
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  14. Louey

    Did about 9 lib runs last nite, some dalton, some shredder and some new belly gun. We never got to farm status, died allot and sometimes very quickly. The problem right now might be that it's pick of the week right now so there are many being pulled. Let it cool down and then evaluate.
  15. kadney

    Nature is the #1. (Trees, rocks, cliffs..)
    If you don't pay attention, you are gone.. :D
  16. KO-tic

    PSA= public service announcement

    this is a public service announcement
  17. AgentSpades

    Going to give you a little hint man. Sharks are not on the top of the food chart, man is.


    Grab a rocket launcher and kill the shark you coward.
  18. RadarX

    Please use an existing thread of discussion on Liberators and be sure to provide specific and constructive feedback. Thanks!
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