scopes can be bought with SC. is this the beginning of pay 2 win?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lavans, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Lavans

    I recall Sony saying that weapon upgrades and attachments will "never" be purchaseable with SC, but now that has changed. Ok, so scopes don't require too many certs to unlock, but is this the beginning of the end of having to earn your upgrades? If people don't speak out against this move, then what's next?
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  2. Hosp

    P2W assumes what you're buying can't be acquired through other in games means. This is, at best, pay for a quick start or initial advantage over others in which time will close the gap.

    EDIT: Now, should the gap be closed faster? I think it should, but that's a topic for another thread.
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  3. MikeX7

    Every P2W says it won't be P2W in the beginning and then it slowly becomes P2W because them devs love them some green. It seems lately that SOE is making one bad decision after another regarding PlanetSide, and the few good ones get drowned in the sea of bad. This will make them less money in the long run though, since players will slowly run away.
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  4. Guppet

    What's your concern here? If an item can be bought for in game currency, then it's not pay to win. Pay to win is when an item can ONLY be obtained via cash.

    Some people have lots of time on their hands but very little money, they can obtain items with certs.

    Some people have lots of money but very little time on their hands, they can obtain items with SC.

    The only items which are SC only are pure cosmetics.

    For me they could make everything buyable with SC and so long as you could still get the same with certs, it's still not pay to win.

    The only people who would oppose this are people with no responsibilities or jobs that want to feel superior to those that actually contribute to the real world.

    Funny thing is one if those types is far more profitable to SOE, guess which one it is, lol.
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  5. ScottishRoss

    This is the dumbest P2W argument I've heard yet. Who the hell is going to spend 50SC on a scope, when 50 certs is easy to get. Okay for beginners, I understand it takes some time but not that long.

    Pay 2 Win means that you buy equipment with real life money that you CANNOT get via conventional means. I don't care if some Heavy spent station cash to get his T7 Mini-chaingun, which is a beast of a weapon. If I get the drop on him, my beamer will kill him.

    This game still requires skills to use the weapons you buy. There is no "I Win Button". Except everything the TR have ;)
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  6. Sigmundr Rumare

    Don't worry, soon the suit slots, utility slots and every thing will have a SC costs and it's not really SOE's fault, it's the nature of the FtP beast.

    People whine if they have to pay a subscription, then they whine the game is pay to win when they don't. That's why free to play system is **** and I can't wait until the mentally behind it finally turns back to pay to play. One of the worst things to ever happen to MMOs IMO.
  7. Lavans

    This is something I have been hoping for a while now. The option to cert into weapons is obviously there for the people who cannot afford to purchase SC. But for a non premium member, a 1000 cert weapon will take a long, long time to earn. Even as someone with full loyalty premium, a 1000 cert weapon is the last thing I want to grind for. In my opinion, shortening the cert to SC gap is the only way to justify offering weapon (and possible other) upgrades for SC.
  8. Posse

    My Orion with Iron sights disagrees with your P2W argument
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  9. Phyr

    OP should learn what P2W means, first.
  10. MostlyClueless

    If people want to throw 50 SC at a 30 Cert scope that's fine by me. It changes nothing.
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  11. Robes

    Complaining about games being free to play on a free to play games forum, that seems like a smart thing to do.
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    This game will get more and more pay-2-win as time goes on, yep.
  13. Elrohur

    Well it's a bit overpriced for what it is really but I can understand that people with little time and enough money would buy them that way. Especially if they're waiting for a 1k upgrade and don't want to waste 50 cred.

    Now talking about scope : why do we have to buy them again and again for every weapon we unlock ?
    Can't we, at least, unlock them by weapon types ? Meaning 1 HS/NV for LMG, 1 for SMG etc.
    There's no pleasure in getting the HS/NV for the 100th times. Ok it's cheap, but still.
  14. MickeySerendipity

    Let's not overreact here, optics don't have much impact on gameplay. They're more or less cosmetic.
    HOWEVER it's not a particularly good precedent to set. Thin ice, SOE.

    Comparing PlanetSide to PlanetSide 2 on a Planetside forum seems fine to me.
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  15. Lavans

    Its not an argument or a complaint. Its a concern. People who cannot grasp the overtone of SoE dipping their toes in making the first step towards having everything purchasable with SC needs to step back and consider the bigger picture.
  16. SenEvason

    Sounds like a waste of SC to me.
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  17. MostlyClueless

    Even if they did make everything purchasable with SC cash, it still wouldn't change anything unless they add stuff that can ONLY be purchased with Station Cash. Currently that's Boosts and Cosmetics. Neither of which are P2W.
  18. JesusVoxel

    I can't believe any sane person would actually spend real money to unlock things that you can unlock easily with a little patience! I have bought SC with real money just to support this game, but why would I spend any of that to unlock things that I can get by playing the game? I have spend that SC to buy camos and stuff that I can't get with certs.

    I don't care if SOE would make everything buyable with SC. Good way to milk money from impatient idiots, though I can't really believe anyone to be so stupid.
  19. Sigmundr Rumare

    Be careful on your definition of of "pay-to-win", something doesn't have to be only available via real-life money, it can also be attainable in-game but just require an absurd amount of time or effort in relation to it's ability to be purchased and be considered pay-to-win.

    There isn't really anything that falls under that category in PS2 at this time however, but just keep that in mind in the future.
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  20. Lavans

    Have you stopped to consider the amount of exp it takes to earn certs? For a casual player, much less a non premium player, certs don't come very quick. If it takes someone a week to earn and upgrade a single weapon, which is not an unreasonable time frame, the game may as well be P2W. Just because something is accessible through in game accomplishments alone does not make something not pay to win. If it takes someone a week to purchase and upgrade a weapon, then how much longer would it take to deck out a MBT or a Lib?
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