[video] Mattherson vanu does what needs to be done to win, platoon lead pov, indar alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeZeK, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. NeZeK

    Please read the ‘about’ on youtube and use it to better understand what happened during this alert

    the alert started with nc overpop but thanks to good team work in vanu command things worked out
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  2. LegioX

    Yes. We all know VS on Mattherson is the best thing since slice bread. Your glorified MLG clans just laugh at NC squads with no leadership whatsoever. Hell i hear yall can walk on water too.
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  3. NeZeK

    all true but the walking on water part, that didn't work.... yet
  4. Devrailis

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  5. Tycoh

    *Twirls tiny purple flags* "Wooo, Vanu... So awesome. What would Mattherson do with out you..."
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  6. Negator

    Ive only watched a little bit of this, but Nezek's intent was educational. Surely you can appreciate that?
  7. PlatoonLeaderG

    I m already playing solo TR,and i m doing a lot better than i was in squads/platoons-(i always do what i can do and i dont need leaders to tell me that).And nice bragging woo hoo VS won alerts,you guys are the best!I dont give a **** about alerts and i will never care,just give me certs and fun killing you all ******* VS and i m happy.I rarely fight NC,most people on NC dont know the game well(all BR 1-20),but VS at least they are 60+ so its more funnier killing them.
  8. minhalexus

    Agreed the Vanu in Mattherson is best even with equal populations.

    Problem is NC on mattherson does not respond to each and every alert, i hope this changes soon.
    If its a Amerish or Esamir alert, i often see that the whole of NC is crowded in Indar even though they have 38% world pop, while the VS is doing the alert on amerish with 40% pop when they have like 34% world pop.

    As soon as VCO / TAS / GOON actually get 'decent' i dont think Vanu will enjoy easy wins as they do now. This was a very close alert though.

    I used to be in VCO, and my they pull 20 maxes, kill 10 maxes then say 'Good Run.'
    And the worst thing is they make a level <15 squad or platoon leader, who has no idea how to go about these alerts.
  9. NeZeK

    wasn't easy for me.. I think nc and tr gave a decent fight on this one

    and believe me I have seen what easy wins look like :)
  10. Kaizure

    Barbarians, the lot of ya. We don't walk - we hover.

    Silliness aside, I think this video does a good job at showing how communication should work during alerts. Too often while playing on NC or TR alts, I find myself asking people repeatedly to pay attention to things I've noticed or suggested, but people are just so focused on getting immediate certs that nothing ever gets done.

    That happened yesterday while the NC were trying to defend Regent Rock. I kept suggesting to pull armor from Crossroads to wipe out the VS armor, but everyone was just so focused on the immediate certs that we ended up losing Regent Rock.

    You can trash talk the VS all you want on here guys, but the video is making a point you ought to learn from. Communication and coordination is key to success - not single minded rampaging.

    [Note: I'm not saying the entirety of TR or NC on Mattherson are single minded rampagers, but there are plenty who are. I personally have a lot of respect for BWC and VCO on their respective sides for being as coordinated as they are. Unfortunately, the single minded rampagers who are not affiliated with your outfits make it hard to take NC or TR seriously].
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  11. minhalexus

    IK, this was one of the alerts NC gave a **** about since it was an indar alert.

    Usually NC doesn't respond to alerts unless:
    1) Biolab alert
    2) Indar alert

    For example today we had a tech plant alert, NC lost with 0 techplants while having 36% population. (something i believe only NC on mattherson is capable of achieving) TR actually won with 4 techplants while having 31% pop.
    I honestly don't know how or if NC outfits co-ordinates attacks/defence in these alerts any more.
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  12. Devrailis

    There's a certain attitude some NC platoon leaders have which goes something along the lines of "don't you dare tell me what to do, you ******". You see it every once in a while in Orders when one or two platoon leaders request assistance at an alert facility and they get a handful of replies that amount to "**** off, we're trying to have fun".

    I doubt those leaders are from VCO, or TENC, or TAS, or BL, or any of the older NC outfits. But aside from VCO, most of our outfits are small and they can't do the heavy lifting on their own. They need the numbers and mixed within those numbers are those pubbie platoons lead by leaders who just don't give a ****.

    When we have this level of cooperation between platoon leaders who try, and platoon leaders who don't give a ****, well... I don't know. I really don't know at this point. Maybe if we personally went to their houses and paddled them like 5 year olds or something.
  13. Aesir

    Nice Video and a good insight into what is going on the purple side.

    On a sidenote ...


    This is really the question ...
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  14. Aeflic

    That is not really true? Perhaps a casual platoon. But no senor staff is 15 years old. A lot of people make the mistake that we always run ops, but we do not.
  15. Morgals

    I don't think most indi NC care. Vanu typically role in with 40-50% pop in the last 30 miss of an alert and role over most objectives. Fighting hard to get 1 base on an alert is simply not worth it.

    Vanu want a cookie when the indi NC pop want to go have a fun fight rather than an alert they get almost nothing for you need the end?

    So Vanu win an alert with out pop over and indie pop who was playing games somewhere else?

    Vanu show up for alerts because they are conditioned (like a spandex dog) to get their cert reward for an alert.... NC are not.
    So all you get awesome outfits fighting you with a smattering of indie support.
  16. ArcticMetal

    As a platoon leader of BAX, the possibility of fighting for alerts is on my mind when they happen, usually. However, it seems like most non-outfit NC on Mattherson have very little direction, or just plain don't care, which I don't entirely blame them for. Back when NC was underpopped on Mattherson we lost most alerts and I think it might have conditioned the general NC player to shrug at alerts. To be fair, NC do win alerts here and there, but it's easy to lose hope when you lose alerts to a ridiculous extent with 40% world pop.

    To be completely honest, I mostly shrug at alerts these days too. I take way more interest in the smaller victories, like holding against 3 times our number on a point. I kind of have to do that, considering we only get 2-3 squads per op night. It's not like we can hit a 3 platoon hex and take a major facility during an alert.
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  17. DQCraze

    If the NC organized the VS wouldnt role in with that kind of pop. You allow us to role in with that pop because you dont pressure more then one point at a time, which alllows us to focus fire. You have world pop most of the time but you do not use it. You guys are incapable of organizing effectively. If you did you would win every alert, you have premium outfits (BAX) and the like, I think you guys dont care about winning alerts.
  18. AngryPlayer

    How do you win a race when you're the only one in it?
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  19. libbmaster

    I think Matheson is a bizaro world, at least from the perspective of Waterson players.

    Overpoped VS?

    NC who don't communicate?

    Heck, on Waterson, the TR used to be overpoped... o_O
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  20. Morgals

    ? 90% of the time van have 40-50% of the pop. Last night for the bio alert they had 55% and we still heald 2.
    NC do not care about alerts because they are out popped and it is not worth fighting an alert when you get nothing.

    Fighting vanu is not fun beyond passing them off by doing an epic hold.
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