Fix the Railjack Now!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sicarius Aevita, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Sicarius Aevita

    I think you should fix the railjack.
    And i'm going to complain incessantly about it without giving any constructive advice to back my claims...

    Just kidding...

    I believe that the internet hates the idea that the Railjack has a firing delay.
    Since the internet has proven itself to be stupid in most, if not all, occasions, we can conclude the opposite.
    We should INCREASE the firing delay between pulling the trigger and the shot firing.
    Why, you ask?

    Well. It is simple.
    Watch that video Wrel put up:

    Well. He is absolutely correct.
    I commented on the video.
    I have done extensive testing with the Phaseshift and the Railjack, and i have come to the conlcusion that the best way to buff the railjack (and it NEEDS a buff) would be to:

    Increase the time between pulling the trigger and the shot firing (bring on the hate)....

    Thats right.
    I said increase the time.
    Right now, the Phaseshift allows you to throw two one shot kill bullets at enemies after clicking and holding the button.
    It is similar to the railjack in the sense that you need to click (in this case hold) and wait for the bullet to be shot.
    That being said, the Phaseshift has a much longer charge up time, allowing for more time to line up a shot. Upon that, with the Phaseshift, you can actually set your own time (with varying degrees of freedom) between clicking and firing.
    So with the phaseshift, you can actually eliminate the inaccuracy of clicking by holding the button before aiming, and have more time to aim AND can choose the amount of time you want.


    The best way to buff the railjack would be to increase the damage. Increase the projectile velocity. Make it silent (its a freaking Gauss weapon - the only sound you would hear is the breaking of the sound barrier if at all (the projectile is really small so very little noise would be made)). AND INCREASE the time between clicking and firing...

    So yeah.
    There is my logic
    fight me irl
  2. DevDevBooday

    I agree with the increasing the firing delay part but the rest? Increasing damage and velocity MOAR?

    Its already Tier 4.

    You want a gun with similar delays to the phaseshift (so basically the phaseshifts shooting mechanic) but SUPER SILENCED, ULTRA DAMAGING AND INSANELY FAST?

    you just want a silenced Tier FIVE phaseshift?
    oh wait, the phaseshift has semi auto, so it evens out.

    See this is why SOE ignores you. VS and TR would tear them to shreds if they BUFFED the railjacks velocity and damage.

    gg NC
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  3. Sicarius Aevita

    Dude i play VS
    This post was supposed to by serious yet funny.
    Political satire in a way.
    Sorry if i did not make it obvious enough...
  4. LownWolfe

    Stop trying to use clever nuances when talking to TR, use small words and short sentences. For example
    "Railjack bad! No make DAKKADAKKA, only go ........pew. NEED MOAR DAKKA DAKKA
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  5. iller

    If it's supposed to be a test of skill at hitting a moving target after accounting for the very Awkward delay (0.5 seconds would actually be less awkward) ... then it would ideally do enough bonus damage against moving targets on a Body-shot to kill anyone that wasn't @ Nano5 or a shielded HA. Right now, none of its "upsides" are strong enough to differentiate it in any form from the base Bolt-Driver and its smaller ammo capacity actually makes it a real downgrade overall.
  6. starlinvf

    Again I'd like to point out we screwed ourselves on this. We could had our infiltrator shotgun, but noooooooooo.....
  7. Vaphell

    shotgun mode might fly if done correctly. Too bad it was introduced to PTS with bugzored bonus AV/AMAX dmg which made it hilarious. VS and TR screamed bloody murder (not that i can blame them really) and that was it.
  8. FaLI3N

    I think it was more of a why do they get shotguns when they were removed from infiltrators thing. Shotguns were scary when infiltrators had them, many tears were shed. Would have been incredibly difficult to balance it and even then people would cry, wouldn't you rather a tier 4 bolt that has a negative you can overcome through practice over something that would be nerfed to uselessness in a few patches?

    At least your rifle has decent velocity when silenced, I've been sniping with a silenced phaseshift and I swear I need to aim at Amerish in order to lead my target enough to hit them on Indar at medium range.
  9. Vanon

    Yea i thought that it would myself. So i bought the attachment and tried it out. It drops like it has 500 Velocity. As far as i know silencer's don't take away 350 velocity, but it's more bullet drop then the SPR. I wonder if its just bugged
  10. Vaphell

    for me the Railjack is there already and that's from day 1. Normal sniper rifle with next to useless shotgun mode woul still be a sniper rifle and that nerfed secondary mode could be used to troll people for ***** and giggles.
    I am not saying i wanted a shotgun, but defnitely wanted something with unique flavor. RJ has the flavor of a cardboard and doesn't offer alternative playstyles like other 2 ESSRs do, it has the gimmicky sniper mode and that's it.

    suppressor doesn't make sense either way, because only Steve Wonder could miss the neon tracer the Railjack produces hanging in the air. Besides most sniper rifles are heard from 100m easily and have very distinctive sounds so the minimap benefit is overrated. Muzzle velocity penalty is not worth it and i am saying that as a person who used to use suppressor a lot in the past.
  11. FaLI3N

    I know how you feel, sucks when an empire specific weapon is just a bland redo of another.

    I like sniping closer ranges so the neon tracer isn't in the air for long and the minimap advantage is much greater. Phase doesn't have drop so I just lead further at longer ranges or pick them off the second they stand still.
  12. starlinvf

    Except the characteristics are significantly different. The original pool of shotguns in beta were all semi and full auto, with large capacity and fast refire rates. The railjack implementation the speed of a pump, the damage tier of a Piston, and a less then 2x head shot multiplier. You couldn't kill in one shot, and attempting 2 shots was extremely risky. It was however a perfect shot/knife setup, which would be no different then doing it with a pistol.

    However, it was something different, and managed to fill a range gap most of the Bolt actions had due to the scopes.
  13. FaLI3N

    Yer I never said it was particularly effective, I said the psychological impact of dealing with infiltrator shotgun users would still be there from beta. No matter what somebody would end up crying over it despite the drawbacks you mentioned and if it gained momentum you would be left with another useless weapon in your arsenal. At the moment you have a tier 4 sniper that has a drawback that can be overcome with practice, I'd be happy despite its lack of unique flavour.
  14. VanuBangura

    Simple solution


  15. FieldMarshall

    Increase the fire delay and give it less drop. Suddenly you have Phaseshift 2.0.
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  16. lilleAllan

    The Railjack is my favorite weapon for not getting any kills.

    Any buff to the Railjack would ruin it's carefully carved out niche of being absolutely useless. The good thing is that loads of VS and TR soldiers can return to their families after battle due to not getting killed by me. I pull Railjack for the sake of the children.

    Also it serves to remind me that I'm an idiot who should test weapons in VR before buying.
  17. Beverain

    The AF-8 Railjack is simply an awesome sniper rifle, the delay between shooting and the bullet leaving the rail (its not a barrel) is what sets it apart, I've had more success with the AF-8 RailJack than the starting Bolt driver, I've gone on huge killing sprees thanks to this sniper rifle

    My biggest kill streak with the bolt driver is ~25 kills, while with the railjack its 72 kills

    The TR and VS probably hates me and the AF-8 Railjack on Indar (Cerres server)

    That fire delay has saved me more times than I can count on my fingers

    I say leave it as it is....
  18. TeknoBug

    The Railjack is easily one of the best sniper rifles, Phaseshift is one of the worst regardless of it having zero drop.

    Yes I have both.
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  19. Rhumald

    I do not agree with you, I believe the Railjack is absolutly perfect as is.

    I agree completly with Wrel, I use this rifle in a very aggresive fashion. That firing delay means I can pull the trigger, and adjust for scope sway before the bullet leaves the chamber; meaning I don't have to hold my breath to steady any of my shots, and an overall increase in performance at both mid and long ranges. I also agree that it helps in getting a debilitating shot off in close quarters, before switching to your side arm to finish the job, which is absolutly crucial when facing off with heavies that have managed to get in close to you.
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