Does anybody use grid on their map?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    Just curious. I never do. I have never heard of squad leaders giving such coordinates or anyone else for that matter so I assume nobody does. o_O
  2. TheBloodEagle

    I assume it's just a stylistic choice for people.
  3. cruczi

    The only purpose I've thought it might have is for outfits to share location information more easily. Instead of referring to the name of some base that not everyone knows the location of, you can simply say the grid coordinates e.g. G7 or A3.
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  4. DashRendar

    No, but when platoon leaders say Angel 8, or Hector 9 or something and everyone goes "...huh?" is certainly worth a giggle. I heard that kind of stuff on Jaeger, can't remember ever hearing that kind of direction on Waterson.
  5. KAHR-Alpha

    I think the main issue with the grid is that you can't have it shown on the minimap (or at least, I haven't found how). And since opening the map is impractical in battle the grid can't really be used.
  6. cruczi

    So you never have use for the large map? Because if you do then what makes the grid unusable exactly?
  7. deggy

    When I derp hard as PL and can't find the facility I'm supposed to be attacking, sometimes an outfit mate will say "It's in A4" and it helps. Other than that, I keep it on because it doesn't hurt.
  8. Sen7rygun

    I find the grid pretty much useless as it's far too large and vague. If I tell my squad "Sunderer in grid G11 needs wrecking" that means absolutely nothing. That grid location is around 40,000 square meters of ground to cover and if it's a well hidden stealth sundy it's even harder still.

    Sometimes when I need to make very specific reference to a location and there are no landmarks that will identify the location immediately I'll make a call along the lines of "Enemy sunderer spotted. Grid G11, 3,8." where G11 is the grid reference in X,Y format and 3,8 is the location within the initial grid reference also in X,Y format. It makes things a touch easier that we and people aren't left scratching their heads saying "Thanks Sen7ry for that vague bullsh*t location, I'll just search the entire map inch by inch by hand then".

    Even in the above situation, having the need to give grid references accurate within meters are extremely rare. The only time I really needed fine grid referencing (G11 - 3,8) was when I was making a map of every known snowman location for the snow blower event on Esamir going by location reports by voice marking them by hand on a 3000x3000 res image of Esamir with the grid overlay.
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  9. Robes

    I actually had no idea it was even there until i seen this and started looking through the map settings
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  10. OrbitalNZ

    The trouble with the grid is that it hasnt (or hasnt since I last bothered to take notice) been on the minimap.
    If your Grid location was shown there then it would be of use.
    However as it stands now to call out a grid coordinate requires others to switch to the main map to see it.

    I suspect this wont change as if SOE choose to show grid on the minimap they would be required to discontinue the option to have the map rotate (rather than the player icon) with the usual player outcry when something is removed
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  11. KAHR-Alpha

    I said "impractical" and "in battle", you noticed? How does that imply I never have use for it?
    With that said, opening the damn map is always stupidly long, and I don't really want to buy a SSD for that alone.
  12. AzureKnight

    It would have its tactical advantages for brevity, but most platoon leads will just use squad way points for where they want people to set up.

    Generally, it's just faster and easier to say "The hills East of Indar Excav" while also being less confusing to the masses.
  13. Camycamera

    no, because it is pretty useless. the grids are too big, and one pretty much covers one hex.
  14. DashRendar

    SSD here, probably not much better. Still have to wait 1995 amounts of time for it to load sometimes.
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  15. cruczi

    You didn't say the grid is impractical in battle, you said:

    Which implies that the grid is useless because it's impractical in battle. If you meant simply that the grid is impractical in battle but practical otherwise - fine. If you meant exactly what you said, then my question still stands... do you never have use for the map outside of battle?
  16. KAHR-Alpha

    Sigh... :rolleyes:
    The large map is definitely impractical in battle, but can still be used because the only information it provides and that you can't find on the minimap are not necessary that often. Now doing interesting stuff with the grid requires actually seeing it while being in battle, which you can't do unless you open the map and thus become completely vulnerable to anything.

    Can you see yourself opening the map every ten seconds while flying to know where on the grid you are? Seriously?
  17. z1967

    If the grids were smaller it would easier to use. I could request in command then "need an armor column gone, coordinates at 23, 21 and 23,22. Grid squares should be about 100m*100m. Better communication and a reason for more people to turn it on.
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  18. cruczi

    I don't understand why the grid would even be useful in battle in the first place. It's something you'd use to help communication with a squad or outfit in advance of battle

    Why would I need to do that?
  19. Nyscha

    I play with a guy whos from the military and we play in a little sniper squad and he calls out from grid references.
  20. Phukkitt

    I tried back when I started playing, but it got annoying in combination with the (now useless) hex grid of the zones. Besides, once you know the names of every base on Indarside it just becomes easier with base names.