[Briggs] Vanu admin/developer abuse?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mazzar, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Mazzar


    I do have a screenshot of what happend, although im unsure if its abuse or just another lazy bug/design flaw.

    Briggs server, alert on esamir, roughly 6pm AUST time.
    20 minutes into the alert, warp gate rotations. TR and NC switched, vanu remained the same with the previous slight majority of territory, which then became a 50% cap after 15-20 minutes.

    Is this abuse or a common idiotic game flaw to rotate only 2 factions during an alert?
  2. dirtYbird

    Dude, tell me you are not serious.
    • Up x 1
  3. Mazzar

    I have not seen vanu win a single alert all week.
    Im a veteran player who has started playing again and is new to the rotation system.

    Be more constructive, otherwise you just look like a total crapstick
  4. MichaelS

    Yea, everyone knows the Devs are not Vanu :D
  5. Nerp

    Scheduled Warp gate rotation :p
  6. dirtYbird

  7. Mazzar


    What a stupid system.
  8. ShortRovnd

    Oh yeah, it's the system that's stupid, totally... :rolleyes:
  9. DevDevBooday

    Ignore the idiots in this thread such as ^^

    Yes its a bit unfair, but at least it was Vanu that stayed in the same spot, they really needed the win.

    As for everyone else either say something constructive or nothing at all.
  10. Pherlofsky

    I have seen warp gates on Connery randomly change during the week not on fridays but it was specific to one continent.