The Cohort - Recruiting for organized Infantry [NCOx]

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Salous, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Salous


    We Have moved to the Emerald server as TR.

    The Cohort is a fast paced infantry outfit tailored to attract the casual-competitive gamers out there who understand the balances between real life and gaming. First and foremost, the goal here is to have fun. We achieve this by kicking *** in-game with a bunch of like-minded cohorts(being drunk/high is optional, but expected), as well as teaching/training all our members to a set standard that will create an atmosphere that any drunk bastard good at video games would enjoy. (Note - There is currently a three week waiting list for all applicants living in Canada.)

    Our outfit philosophy is simple. Our goal is to mix the numbers and brute force of a large outfit with the tact and a speed of a special unit. Employing the Sunderer and Galaxy as our preferred modes of transportation, the Cohort strikes lightning fast to turn the tide of battle and help The New Conglomerate in its goals to conquer the continents. Utilizing a veteran leadership with a background dating back to the beginning of Planetside, the Cohort is sure to make anyone that’s team oriented have a great time accomplishing feats on the battlefield—especially during prime time 7pm-12am PST.

    Outfit Goals:
    Our goal here at The Cohort is to bridge two styles of outfits. We want to have the numbers close to the large outfits, with the skill closer to the hard core elite outfits. We're looking for like minded people to help build an outfit based on using sound tactics and skill, along with your fellow Cohort members, to achieve great tactical feats and win the base.

    Types of ops we do:

    1. Galaxy airborne infantry drops.
    a. Point Defense.
    b. Base Defense.
    c. AMS hunting.

    2. Sundy/Tank/Harasser convoy.
    a. Point Defense.
    b. Base Defense.
    c. AMS hunting.
    b. Rolling assault/defense.
    e. Vehicle hunting.
    f. ***** and giggles.

    What can we offer to give you purpose in this game?

    1. Nightly Operations – Everything from a simple base hold to a continent wide population shift. Ours ops are Monday - Friday, starting at 7pm PST. Weekends are casual.

    2. Organization – We enjoy working together, and our tactics reflect that. We are not here to hold your hand or play for you. We teach you how to play in our group and expect you to think and play for yourself.

    3. Training – The Cohort was founded on the value of teaching it's members how to play the game and become better as an individual and as a team. We will teach you the basics to how we run ops all the way to how to play each and every class. The most important aspect we will teach you is battle awareness.

    4. Great Atmosphere within the group - This is a game, not a job. Yes, we set this outfit up for success, but that does not mean we can't screw around on TS while we do our thing. This is a gaming community that has been around for years. Half of us have played games together for 6+ years; This allows us to keep things light on teamspeak and still be organized in our ops. Did I mention movie nights?

    Do you think you found a purpose in us? See our requirements to see if you fit in:

    1. Must be 18 or older, unless you're the next Dalai Lama; then we might make an exception. However, we would have to speak with your mother on teamspeak, no exceptions.

    2. Communication is imperative! Must have a working microphone and be willing to speak using Teamspeak. If you're in game during ops, you're expected to be on teamspeak and with the outfit.

    3. Must be team oriented—that means being able to follow orders as well as help give them and support them.

    4. Thick skin – we are not kidding, have thick skin or you will not last long. You the type that likes to laugh your *** off while killing people in-game?- We might be just right.

    If you found your purpose in us and meet our requirements, please proceed to contact anyone wearing a [NCOx] outfit tag on Connery, leave a post in this thread, or head to our website and post an application. Understand that all recruits will undergo a trial period in which their actions will be gauged in determining whether or not they are Cohort material. We're not here to make you change your personality to fit us—if its not working out, you will be kicked.


    I'll even go one step further, here is our teamspeak 3 info:
    ip: password: cohortstrong

    Door is open, all you gotta do is walk on in...

    Our website is:

    Officers to contact:

  2. Kbuzz

    I've been playing with these guys in various games since July 2012. This is a great group of dedicated and talented players. Expect good communication and a tactical awareness you just wont find from zerg outfits. Looking forward to meeting our new recruits!
    • Up x 1
  3. BadxKanye

    Been running with these guys since Planetside 1, we aren't kidding about diamonds.
  4. OdinsPride

    looking forward to fighting you guys then.

    In other news, your logo looks suspiciously familiar......cant quite place where though. ;P

    This just so happens to be ours!

  5. Varuuu

    I've been in the Cohort since they built the Stonehenge, it's always been fun :D
  6. Bird Jaguar

    Been in the cohort for a bit now awesome buys awesome teamwork
  7. fusionross

    Been in since TDC terrain death company in planetside 1. Good groups of guys/girls that you will no doubt be laughing while playing. Also ops night always makes you feel like you have a purpose and not just zerging around
  8. NoWuffo

    Salous picked me up from another game a year and a half ago, and I've hopped around with them ever since. We're now pushing back into Planetside 2, and we're here to stay. I came into this game completely green, but these guys have gotten me up to a moderately passable player. Any new guys looking to learn, if you bring a motivated, driven attitude and an open mind, and we'll teach you how to fight, improving your solo game and teaching you invaluable team-based skills. That being said, if any veteran members are tired of their old outfits or are just looking for a second squad, come check us out. We typically have a dozen plus people a night rolling ops and kicking as much *** as we can. Try us out, you ain't regret it.
  9. Salous

    Still looking to pick up some more guys. Feel free to join our platoon when you see it up, or just head over to our website and post an application!
  10. Quantization

    In only a few weeks we've taken old PS1 vets, brand new players, returning PS2 players and trained them up to work as a cohesive squad and kick some serious butt. I for one, am sick of seeing NC loosing alerts despite having a pop advantage- hop into our open platoons and help us do something about it!
  11. OdinsPride

    How come I can never get you to post on OUR forum thread Q? *sad face*

    Seriously though, I am really looking forward to seeing you guys in action. We are more than happy to swap bullets any time to get you up to speed....
  12. GoAheadTACCOM

    In case anyone is wondering who we are.

  13. Varuuu

    Hey Daric, I saw your application earlier on our forums, but due to a small hiccup it got removed. Try and find one of our members sporting the awesome NCOx tag to get in :D
  14. Salous

    If anyone is interested in learning more about us or trying us out, feel free to jump into our open platoon that will be doing ops nightly.
  15. Trudeus

    Saw these guys at Eisa the other night, thought we'd come help em out. Turns out [v0c] was there too, and I think [ADK] showed up a bit later. Solid group.
  16. Salous

    The Cohort will be running an open platoon tonight for ops. Feel free to jump in if you're interested in joining or if you're just looking to have a good time.
  17. NoWuffo

    Call to arms again, boys! We're gonna start this week off right with some tough ops tonight. Join us, we'd love to have you.
  18. Lebowski89

    Hello, I am hoping to join your outfit. My in game name is the same as my forum name.
  19. Varuuu

    Well Lebowski! If you are truly interested, why not come hop on our OPs platoon tonight and hang out with the gang? Just look for some NCOx tags in game and message them.
  20. Tigarekkusu

    As a fairly new recruit, I'm proud to say that this has been the best month of planetside 2 I've had since I started in december 2012. If you are looking to really play a role in a platoon and mean something in an organized outfit, The Cohort is where you belong.