Thoughts on Nano-Armor Cloak changes

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by PsyStorm, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. PsyStorm

    Just wanted to hear some feedback regarding the latest patch notes. I for one and a bit disappointed since I feel like I wasted alot of certs for nothing. I never felt over powered with this cloak so not sure why the no stack nerf. It's not like we could do damage while cloaked so it doesn't make sense for me.
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  2. Xenryx

    It worked perfect, nothing to complain about, and now they nerf it into uselessness.

    Heavies can have their zomg shield, why can't we? It's not like the 2 "shields" fill the same role.

    Heavies can still shoot, but have their mobility reduced, making it more of an "assault" ability. Infiltrators can't shoot, but retain their mobility thus enabling us to get away with (hopefully) our green health bar still full, making it more of an "hit-'n'-run" ability.

    We need this since we're usually away from our allies, perhaps inside bases even, busy killing high-threat infantry targets. It opened up a new playstyle for us as well, a hit-'n'-run style, which we can't/couldn't do otherwise because the cloak is useless once we're spotted.

    EDIT: For the people who didn't read/missed the patch notes about the Nano-Armor Cloaking Device change, it no longer stacks with Nanoweave Armor now. It used to stack with each other so you could have 48% resist.
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  3. Tenebrae Aeterna

    It was only a matter of time...

    As it stands, it's essentially more of a Heavy Assault ability than an Infiltrator cloaking device...and having the ability to stack with Nanoweave? I figured this was going to happen, and I personally feel that they should just do away with the entire concept and come up with something more exclusive to the Infiltrator.

    What? I don't know...I'd have to think more on it.
  4. Wobberjockey

    replace nano armor cloaking with a personal gate shield diffuser.
    only works for a second or two, recharges faster and faster with each rank
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  5. PsyStorm


    We are the class that takes the most risk and are out-gunned by everyone. I don't think giving us a bit more chance to get away is too much to ask. It is so easy to gun us down it's not funny and with this cloak we couldn't fire back so I think it was uncalled for to nerf it like this. I waited 6 months or more to come back to this game for the infiltrator and now they buff and nerf us which I don't understand. You can't use the numbers of snipers and confuse them with close quarter infiltrators. They need to look at the data seperately so they don't confuse our K/D with sniper K/D.
  6. Blackhand

    I'm pretty pissed about it, because it was only last night that I finally decided to dump certs into nano-armor to try it out, and found it a refreshing way to play. Its great for fast paced hit and run style play which is totally in line with an infiltrator. Now, why would I take nanoarmor over nanoweave? No cert refunds when you cahnge the mechanics of an abiltiy are BS. It's common courtesy to your playerbase to refund.
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  7. Dill Bagner

    They improve nano-armor cloak and everybody calls it a nerf.
  8. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Before Nano-Armor stacked with Nanoweave, the majority of Infiltrators found it to be lackluster. They buffed the original incarnation in ways that really didn't change that...and removed the only reason why Infiltrators actually took a shine to it recently. So yes, most are going to view it as a nerf.
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  9. Dill Bagner

    So maybe you don't have ridiculous defenses any more, but you could consider yourself free to use another suit mod.
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  10. Blackhand

  11. Wobberjockey

    the improvements are hardly enough to justify the low total cloaked time and the loss of the stacking.

    there is really no reason to run nanoarmor cloak when nanoweave is active all the time
  12. Blackhand

    If anything, I think I'll try combining adrenaline pump with nano armor. For some reason, when I first bought adrenaline pumpe I saw no difference at all in my speed. Today when I logged in I was running around superfast like a mad man. /shrug
  13. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Sure, we could consider ourselves free to use another suit slot...and we will; you just won't see anyone using Nano-Armor because it's not worth the certification points. Truth be told, I've never liked Nano-Armor and would like to see it removed and replaced with a different cloaking concept entirely. It's too akin to a Heavy Assault shield, in my opinion...and with the removal of that stacking's a worthless variant atop of that fact.
  14. Benevon

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  15. Jawarisin

    Used to love it... Now I just drew a cross on it, I won't be using it anymore. They only nerfed it, they NEVER buffed it. The last level is always the same. It's only a little boost for early levels.

    I don't even understand this, it was an uncalled nerf.
  16. Epicstrat

    Hunter cloak + Max Nanoweave = better version of NAC below max rank.
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  17. Chad444

    Are you sure about this? Someone please test this and see if it is true.
  18. iller

    I........ umm... actually support it not stacking. If my HA can't stack Flak+NanMesh anymore, then I don't see why all these SMG-filtrators ever should have been allowed to stack Nano + this. Is it a misplaced Nerf? ...most likely, But we know that Higby won't nerf a gun that his precious L.A. might still need to Crutch on.

    For CQC -- arguably the ONLY place you actually need Nanosuit?? (personally I prefer Bandolier here) -- I think we should be adapting and finding ways to make Stalker better -- and also see how those Melee weapons + Implants pan out for us. For everything else that's more Mid-range based: I think this actually opens up an opportunity for something many of us have been begging for for a LONG TIME. And that's Verticallity. -- Not the kind that steps on the LA's toes, but just say like... something, ANYTHING that lets us jump 2-3 ft. higher & also climb an 80 degree slope w/o sliding back off to our death -- even if there's a large speed penalty for climbing. Access to better positioning in general (especially inside biolabs) would more than make up for whatever 10% DR loss from this patch I think.

    the changes here actually make me want to run it MORE for my open-field loadout that uses Flak/medkit & the Railjack.
    (that up until this point, was always just Hunter cloak most of the time)
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  19. Blackhand

    Not sure what you want tested. Just my personal experience with using adrenaline pump. I've never play light assault so never used AP before. When I first purchased it and ran around the warfare I saw no noticeable increase in speed.,today I gave it another shot and felt so much faster than without it slotted.
  20. Kumaro

    I gave up after they tried to fix something that already worked when it was a short moments cloak with 40% resist which worked fine for me <.<