Liberator Suggestion - Small but Huge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SilverAura, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. SilverAura

    There is only one thing I can honestly say bugs me about the liberator more than anything else. This isn't a nurfing post suggesting they need to be less powerful, nor is it a buffing post suggesting they need more armor.

    No, simply put... I'd like to suggest that their cannons not be allowed to fire when the aircraft is angled more than 45 degree's horizontal to the horizon.

    Why on earth is it considered an acceptable strategy for a liberator to literally be hovering with it's bottom perfectly parallel to a Bio Lab entrance, blasting zepher rounds in and killing everyone inside the entrance. Or liberators who don't even attempt to gun you down with proper anti-air guns, but instead just rotate upwards, almost upside down, to one shot an ESF.

    I don't care how hard it must be for the pilot to keep the liberator flying there or how hard it must be for the gunner to 'hit their target', the bottom line is... it shouldn't be allowed to happen.

    I'm not suggesting it be as strict as the bomber was in Planetside 1.. where you had to be almost perfectly level with the horizon, but seriously... how is this still allowed to happen?
  2. Pikachu

    Come on there are enough of these threads. I for one think its funny when aircrafts shoot into biolabs. :D

    Btw I so wish I knew how to get a mosquito in there. :(
  3. Gundem

    Funny how he proclaims it to not be a "Nerf Liberator" thread...

    But that's exactly what it is.

    Lib's are fine.
    • Up x 4
  4. SilverAura

    My goal wasn't to scream "nurf the liberator", but merely to point out a major issue with the way they're handled right now. If you want to fly around like that, get an ESF. Liberators aren't supposed to be that flexible.
  5. SilverAura

    I don't consider this to be a "nerf" because if this issue is addressed, you could easily buff other aspects of the liberator to compensate. Please don't muddy my point.
  6. Gundem

    I don't care if you made the Dalton 1-shot galaxy's, I would rather keep the Lib as is then make a change like that.

    And I, as a Liberator pilot myself, do consider this a nerf to an extreme extent.
  7. Devrailis

    Aircraft who are hover podding into Biolabs are pure Falcon bait. I wish it happened more often.
  8. Killerdude8

    The amount of skill Required to do what you're describing is a lot, They deserve those kills.

    Skills get you kills.
  9. ToastyMan

    Have you even TRIED to gun a dalton and effectively take out air with it? It takes an INSANE amount of skill, if your going to nerf it your nerfing skill. It is a high risk, high reward weapon meant for those who want extremely rewarding kills. Also, I have no clue why your whining about the dalton, (I know you didn't directly say "dalton" but you said one shotting esfs, so I assume your talking about the dalton) the shredder is much more effective at taking out air targets than the dalton. The shredder can output more damage consistently than the dalton....
  10. Tommyp2006

    Do I need to make a video on how to kill a liberator?
  11. Gundem

    Please, do!