Dear Vanu of Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aspisis, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Mittens4kittens

    I don't mind it when we ghost cap entire continent because it means I have Zergs to farm when they come to reclaim the bases. I don't know why people find it necessary to murder themselves over and over just for 10 alert certs.
  2. VakarisJ

    It's not the alert reward that matters: You get 20% XP bonus for participating in the alert, during the 2 hours of it you gain a substantial amount of certs, because of that bonus and because people tend to group up tightly in alerts, meaning for more kills. After that, winning the alert is just a bonus.

    I mean you could farm a biolab on Indar during an Esamir alert and get 20k SpH, which will get you 160 certs, or you could participate in the alert and get 30k SpH, which will get you 240 certs + the victory bonus if you achieve it.
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  3. Wobberjockey

    implying the VS win a victory bonus more than once in a blue moon.
  4. Mittens4kittens

    On a Normal Waterson day I do about 15k an hour with no membership or boost. Thats about 70-90 kills an hour. The bonus XP barley helps people who usually do about 40 kills an hour. They get even less when you tell them to try and storm a place filled with maxes or tanks.

    I know why the retention rate for new players in this game is so low, because Zergfits will gobble up all the new comers and tell them to charge into a Biolab filled with Scatmaxes to win this thing called an "alert" and those people log off forever because the game is no longer fun. Alerts are the lamest Meta any game has ever had. They exaggerate population issues and every mechanical flaw that happens with this game in large fights.
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  5. toxs

    It seems like the anti-MLG crowd is convinced 48+ ghost capping a continent is the ultimate form of skill. "Attack the enemy where he is not, or some art of war crap." I don't play PS2 as a mil-sim. I play it for the competitive battles.

    Do you enjoy capping a continent by going 75 minutes from base to base standing around?
    There are plenty of outfits on waterson that do.
  6. Msixty

    As someone who mostly plays solo as TR on Waterson, it can be quite frustrating to face lousy odds, but, since I'm alone, I have the freedom to choose when and where I want to fight and how long I want to get my **** shoved in. I prefer to go where the fight is, alerts don't really matter, fun matters. It's sad that newer players get suckered into ridiculous BS at the hands of half-wit Zerg Commanders, but what can be done about it? People complain about NC overpop; I say it's just their time in the sun. Soon it will be another faction's turn and the cycle will just keep on going.