Planetside 2 DLC : Ceres Engineers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Awestruck, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Awestruck

  2. kadney

    Simply stay in from of his turret until he drops ammo.
  3. Veridiux

    that was entertaining lol, gj
  4. libbmaster

    I used to rage when I saw these people.


    I send them a tell saying "You know you can make ammo by equipping your turret tool and pressing B, right?" They usually pop right off and drop a pack, sometimes they thank me.

    It's shocking how many people get so far in the game, but never find this out, so they spend all their time running around with mines/C4, thinking they can't distribute ammo.
  5. Dragoon_Hunter22

    This video was awesome, thank you for making it. Gonna show this to my friends. :D
  6. gigastar

    You see, in Europe we have this thing called non-English speakers.
    • Up x 2
  7. libbmaster

    Ooooh... you might not know their language, gotcha.

    Welp. That makes things more difficult.
  8. P4NJ

    At least you Vanu actually have engineers...
  9. Gustavo M

    I fail to see the point of this video, other than someone implying he is special and that everyone he sees must serve and support him, no matter what that other person is doing, if he is in a squad, etc.
  10. Atis

    There are medics who run around wounded and ask for heal long enough to recharge aura 10 times. I'm yet to find out a way to roll medic without self-heal.
    Some ppl just found out that they can do things here besides shooting. Not all can accept such revelation easy.