From Your Friendly Neighborhood Engineer...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Linedan, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. iller

    I once TK'd every engineer in a Biolab b/c all they wanted to do was sit on their turrets..... none of them were even doing anything else, or had an enemy in range to shoot back at. In their defense though, they WERE all N.C. so standing around watching paint dry waiting for stuff to flip was their #1 strat at that time. Xp requiring effort be damned!

    It went like this: Stand behind spamming V, then begging in /Say and jumping around in front of them, then sending them Tells, then SCREAMING in Prox-voice. A solid minute of this for each one of them, sometimes 2 minutes. ...then lightly tap them with melee ... and again and blow up their stupid mana turret. Then finally, just pull their plug entirely and put them in the spawn b/c it made me feel better that that point.

    OP makes a great point about mines though. And what I've seen eclipses that stupidity. I'll drop Betties near a door that no other allies are within 50ft from. Then sit way back from it waiting in Stalker. Other N.C. ... will literally wander over to see what I'm doing -- SOMEHOW make the connection that this doorway is some point of interest to me. Don't even ask me how they put this 2 and that 2 together after what they do next. But I'm not even kidding about this.... they will then walk up TO the door frame and pop a squat right in the middle of my mines.
  2. JesNC

    So with - apparently - no enemies in the vicinity and a spawnroom nearby, what kept you from simply running to an equipment terminal instead?
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  3. f0d

    why should engineers get killed for this?
    infiltrators dont get TK'd for not spamming their motion sensors
    HA's dot get TK'd for not destroying tanks
    LA'd dont get TK'd for not putting spawn beacons in good spots
    medics dont get TK'd for not reviving and healing

    why should engineers get TK'd for playing how he wants? when other classes do the same?
  4. Pyrode

    Pretty much this. I'll repair tanks if they're behind cover and i honestly don't care about getting ran over by mags anymore (always nice when they apologise though).

    As for maxes. I might repair you, i might not, depends how i feel. The fact is if you're a random max who's decided to spend resources without getting the proper support from your squad, well that's your problem not the random engineers. You NEED engineers, every bullet that hits you counts to your death. The only thing keeping you alive is your engineers, the engineers are your GOD, you die when they want you to and you are useless without a friendly one, if you attack them or even kill them, you're only leading to a faster death and i WILL try to kill you if i see you do it to another engineer or anyone (in fact if anyone seemingly deliberately targets anyone in my faction, my instinct to to shoot them first and ask questions later, because they're probably an enemy in odd looking camo).

    The same goes for people that shoot medics for not healing them (i heal them with bullets and a trip to the spawn tube).

    Also, MAXes, a single AI turret can cover a door much better than you can, a dozen turrets are much more effective at defending a doorway than a dozen maxes will ever be AND we could lay our mines down just in case someone does break through. Plus we're behind some very good shields the can provide cover for friendlies with the turrets AND we don't stop other players from shooting their guns while doing it (unless we die, in which case a medic may or may not rez us like the may or may not with every other infantry)....

    Here's the thing, having my face stuffed in a maxes crotch is not my idea of fun, neither is doing the magic dance around friendly vehicles. Shooting enemies and spreading plasma is fun.
    As an engineer i have unlimited ammo, turrets with no ammo limit and AI and AV mines. All things that don't require the repair gun. If it were up to me i'd swap my white magic gun for a green magic gun (or even a rocket launcher or another secondary) as this is much more useful on the battle field as far as i'm concerned.
    I play this game for my fun, not for MAXes fun and their certs. You have a problem with that, go find another engineer.
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  5. Xenai

    Personally, I think they should not only make it a lot more visible to the driver that they are being repaired, I think they should add the directional cue that you get when you're being shot at. Say a blue marker at the bottom if you're being repaired from behind, to the left if the engineer is to the left of you etc. I also find the huge visual cue for the enemy to be a moronic idea, making a vehicle light up like a christmas tree when someone starts repairing it so a well-meaning Engineer might well end up accidentally giving the tank a death sentence rather than a helping hand must qualify for the Most Stupid Idea of the Year Award.

    And last but not least, if you do accidentally run me over while trying to escape, I will not be angry at all, because I know your tank is a lot more valuable than my Engineer, and more Engineers should recognize that and stop crying about it in chat. Tanks cost resources, have cooldown timers, soak enemy fire and are more useful for their area-denial effects alone, nevermind the fact they tend to kill a lot more enemies in the course of a base siege than an Engineer does and generally helps ensure enemy tanks don't have a free pass to zoom right up to your Sunderer(s).
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  6. MikeX7

    Not sure if it was mentioned but friendly vehicles always drive away with like 70% or 80% health when i repair them and stop for few seconds, the repair tool ain't a med gun, i needs to cool down every once in a while.
  7. Hiding in VR

    You are secretly one of those MAX haters, that wants them removed from the game aren't you?

    And having failed to get SOE to remove them, you have now embarked on a campaign to stop Engineers from repairing them. It might be working.
  8. Chivalry

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  9. f0d

    thats just wrong
  10. Chivalry

    I play medic frequently when it's needed (max medgun on all factions ftw), which is often (my most played class by far), but I would do what Wrel did if the medic was as negligent as that one.

    While I am no healbot (COMBAT medic, rather than combat MEDIC), I always make sure everyone is alive and topped off when safe to do so. A medic who can aim well is a formidable enemy.

    He's doing a disservice to his class by leaving those rezzed unable to win in almost evenly matched 1v1 fights.

    Think of it another way, how would you feel if a friendly medic accidentally shot you down to half life (thinking you were an enemy), but then instead of healing you back just ignored your existence, and there was nobody around to heal you?

    Medics like that are a detriment to the team. That's straight up incompetence, not comparable in severity to not receiving ammo. With half ammo, you can kill many foes. With half life, not so much.

    Fortunately I'm almost never in a situation where I'm abandoned without a medic who knows how to top you off.
  11. f0d

    honestly i wouldnt care
    i like rely on nobody except outfit members

    anyone not in my squad/outfit can do whatever they like
  12. Akeita

    Why would I bother about MAXes when I spent 70% of my time in the air and 20% in a tank when I log in... Plus the new VO pack already help solving the problems this thread is trying to fix anyway.
  13. ncDieseL

    Medics know they can press F to heal the people around them right? I mean medics DO know this right?

    With your corpse hanging around for only 30 seconds, medics need to be healing more than ever. I've started certing in to medic kits because it seems most medics don't heal you, and the majority of the time, are far too slow to revive you.
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  14. SenEvason

    To all MAXs, if you want to be repaired, defend your Engi! You are the meat shield, not him!
  15. Crackulous

    I always feel bad for the engineers that repair my Magrider, surrounding me. If I'm damaged, it means the enemy is nearby, which means I can't stay stationary for too long. The number of accidental teamkills is off the charts. Doesn't help that the tank cuts through infantry like butter. Sorry!
  16. NovaAustralis

    Would have been awesome if vehicles had steps, rails or seats on the exterior that friendlies could ride... :(

    For example, friendly Engineer(s) can repair tank without fear of being run over.
    The guys on the outside would still be as vulnerable to enemy fire, but at least less likely to get run over by friendlies.
    You could give ground troops a lift, but it would be without the protection offered by a Sunderer (APC).
    Besides, how awesome would it be to do this: :)
    http://2.bp.************/-dkawe8gAUNA/UhVHP-c-mxI/AAAAAAAABK0/_dFIFCEn6vI/s400/riders.jpg [IMG]
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  17. St0mpy

    buy yourself at least 1 pip of nanite auto repair and put it on a loadout up the end you dont use, when you get back to the spawn change to it and then call for repairs, if no one listens at least you will repair yourself slowly.
  18. AdmiralArcher

    i did that already
  19. St0mpy

    Well said.

    Even if someones not that skilled with Max if they stick around and check back on me then im much more likely to pair up and work as a unit keeping them topped up and spotting threats over his shoulder, but if they run off and only want to find me when they are 1 bar from losing their suit putting me in jeopardy with a long double repair and probably less than idea cover then from this end thats me playing on my own with interruptions.
  20. R4GING

    to everyone who wants to get repaired.

    when I am not shooting, dropping ammo packs, or repairing anyone with my engineer, its because I got weapon locked TKing those who TK'd me not even thinking why I am not repairing them or reading my pm saying my equipment is locked.