Kwahtee Mountain Complex

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Baccano, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Baccano

    Anyone else notice tha the Kwahtee Mountain complex vehicle garage is eeriely similar to the old Planetside 1 Tech plant vehicle garage.

    Had the weirdest feeling of deja'vu till I noticed it
  2. Chrispin

    You mean the long *** tunnel that vehicles have to exit from? A little yea lol. Alot of these base tunnels on Amerish aren't too infantry friendly but they look damn cool when you're driving through them.
  3. dsiOne

    shhh if they find out the base designers snuck something from PS1 in they'll make them remove it.
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  4. Nocturnal7x

    best base evar.
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  5. Mastachief

    It's a great base, if they destroy it i might have to shank someone.
  6. Prudentia

    The Fight we had against you guys in it wendsday sure as hell was great, so i have to agree :cool:
  7. Regpuppy

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