Have you bought any voice?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Pikachu

    I did for my NC. The one at the bottom of the list. Sounds nice. I did it not long before I quit so I havnt heard all the common phrases yet. I have met at least one other player with new voice.
  2. Halcyon

    Don't plan to. Not spending $5 just to hear my character have a slightly different voice when speaking the limited lines he has.
    It's just a money sink.

    Now if they added custom armor pieces like different shoulder pads, combat vests, harnesses, and add-on accessories like spotlights on max armor that have 3D graphical cones or different kinds of backpacks, I might consider spending $3 on something cosmetic.

    I say $3 because that's the max amount I think cosmetics should be priced at.
    $10 for "certain" types of camo is just insane. Camo is camo. Price it all the same.
    And by the same I mean $3. That's a micro transaction.
  3. Trudriban

    I'm only 100SC short which totally blows but I am very tempted to buy the same one you did. Though I would have jumped ship back to TR just for that russian one that Vanu Labs showcased and that also isn't in-game :(
  4. HadesR

    Nope.. And good job really since mine seems bugged and I can't even hear the basic default ones ..
  5. EmmettLBrown

    Something like this should be put into the actual character creation.
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  6. Tommyp2006

    Nope, not really a big fan of them. Will save my SC for future options.
  7. DFDelta

    Got one for my female NC toon, because the standard voice is very easy to identify for enemies (even more so then any other voice in the game). And it is also extremely obnoxious to listen to.
  8. KickinWingz

    I bought one, but i can't figure out how to equip it. I see it in my drop down menu on the profile tab, and i can select it, but if i leave the profile page and go back, it puts me back at the default voice every time. Is there a trick to enabling it? or is this bugged out for me?
  9. Klypto

    Wish I could use the female voices.

    That way people would be like


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  10. Ultimatestormer

    I was getting this issue too. What worked for me was to select it from the menu, then click somewhere else that doesn't bring you to a different menu. After that it should be fine.

    Anyway, I have bought the Female VS Calculating voice, I like how it's a lot calmer than the default, no need to scream as loud as possible for a medic if I have more than 400 health left.
  11. Halcyon

    And give up the chance to charge us even more for the limited character customizing we already have?!
    It should be, but it isn't. Just a lame greedy attempt at getting more money off a basic missing feature.

    Really though, who honestly notices during a firefight that a guy said something in the voice of "X Soldier" vs the voice of "Y Soldier".
  12. NoctD

    I suggest boycotting the voice packs totally - because of the horrid voice callouts that got added to the game.
  13. Thardus

    Is there a Planetside 1 voice pack? I'd buy that. "Hail!"
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  14. Chivalry

    You mean the random voice callouts that the enemy can't hear?
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  15. WyrdHarper

    Prox chat is free, so no.
  16. Goden

    The enemy can't hear them.

    And I like knowing when an engineer has placed ammo near me, thank you very much.
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  17. ironeddie

    Personally got no interest in spending my money on a voice pack. Just doesn't float my boat.
  18. faykid

    I bought "daredevil", and some of my outfit buddies did too. I can't stress enough how grateful i am to devs for this treat. I thought it was going to be $10, but it turned out even cheaper! I wish they modified more than just voise, but changed the standard wording too. But its cool even as it is.

    I also noticed a lot of people using new VO packs when I played yesterday. It was so cool when a max rushed over to my tank asking for repairs and ammo in the open field with his "roughneck" voice, and i got out and placed ammo for him and repaired him saying things like "here's ammo" and "i can fix that" or something in my new voice. i love it! thank you so much devs.

    i even plan to buy more than one VO pack, for more immersion, to switch between when i get in and out of max suit (i think roughneck will fit a max suit better than daredevil)
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  19. MuldoonX9 Developer

    Glad to hear you liked it! :)
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  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    yes. i purchased "daredevil" for my VS male too. finally i am able to pretend i am james earl jones as a tank commander in a magrider. i love this voice!

    that said, i actually bought it because i got pretty tired of that default VS male pedophile voice. and i hear my voice constantly when i spot things. FINALLY! FINALLY, soe gave us an option to customize our characters more. i think this is a great step into the right direction
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