Railjack: 850M/sec; Shade: 500m/sec. REALLY???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. TorigomaSET

    See, I would have actually liked something like that. Makes sense too. Maybe would not be the best Balance wise though >_< ROFL!
  2. Akeita

    I bought it. I had Longshot. Just for collection.
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  3. TorigomaSET

    The Shade can Switch between Semi-suto and Bolt-Action, as well as having Unlimited Ammo. It's FAR from useless, Its just Diffrent than the Parralax.
  4. FieldMarshall

    Biggest weakness of the RailJack is that it has a 78% chance of starting a 15min long discussion every time you get a kill.

  5. Myka


    No more charge mechanic! Give us lasers for vanu's sake!

    Also, the bullet drop on the thing is a major roshambo to VS players. Not cool.
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  6. Wobberjockey

    actually yes, it would.

    i've been wanting the thing to be a skullmasher for a while now
  7. Corezer

    Told ya, SOE, infiltrators never stop whining.