Thank you SoE for the update!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nilidus, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Nilidus

    Really love the update! good work!
    positive things about it:
    -short downtime + game runs smooth and update was also small
    -UI changes
    -Physx!! nice suprise!
    -voice packs a bit boring but im sure they will add more interesting voices
    -Phaseshift! the sound team did a great job srsly! its just so sexy and also nice to use!
    -Railjack also like the sound and the look. the short fire delay makes it interesting to use!
    -NS rifle nice model and reload animation and sound! that thing is lika shotgun with lasersight!
    -Camo changes, only need to pay 500sc for all normal camos!
    -Automatic callouts. i like them because they add immersion (at last for me)
    Negative stuff:
    -Mad people because Camo price changes. im honestly ok with it.
    -TRAP! that thing.. the model is ok but the sound!! same sound as the NS rifle has!! srsly that needs a change
    and also its mechanics, i mean 3x burst for a Sniper rifle? i have seen a few good suggestions how to improve it
    and make it acutally fun to use and i hope SoE changes something about it in the Future!

    So these are my impressions about the update and i know it would be downvoted because to much positivity about
    SoE but i just wanted to share it ;) *sorry for bad english*
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  2. FieldMarshall

    Yes, much amaze about todays patch.

    Just wish we could preview the voice packs.
    Im very curious to know about the "Thank you" command, and a few others before i spend any sc.
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  3. zdzieblarz

    I really enjoy this patch so far, despite the negativity

    1) Callouts are spot on! Thank you. They improve immersion a lot and I love them.
    2) Streamlining medic gameplay, my favourite class so far, so obviously I enjoy the change :)
    3) Free camo + shotty + gun of choice for new players is an excellent move, gives a taste of things to come if you drop a couple of SC or prem membership.
    4) New voicepacks are always cool. Wont buy any anytime soon, but it's nice the option is there.

    Overall a step in the right direction, this game has gotten hugely better since launch!
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  4. nonrg1

    what are the auto call outs?
  5. Boomotang

    I find it interesting that people are surprised that patches like this one are small and take little downtime when compared to last week's patch where an entire continent was replaced.

    Don't mind me. Just thinking out loud.

    I too am loving the update so far from my lunch break.
  6. Phukkitt

    The callouts are a bit weird when 5 engineers repair a MAX and all of them shout every time they start repairs on him... Also, the most important one; "Stop shooting, I'm friendly" only seems to play for the person getting shot, not the shooter, which is totally reverse of how it should be.
  7. Boomotang

    I don't think so. I heard it right when I accidentally started shooting a friendly.
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  8. NCDaniel

    I'll update when I'm home from work. Hope it's great.
  9. OldMaster80

    Thumbs up for me as well. I've bought a voice pack and I'm pretty sure not all callouts are translated in italian: for instance V+6 says nothing....
  10. Phukkitt

    Well, me and my friend tried it out with me shooting him, he heard it but I didn't, no matter how close I was standing. Weird.
  11. johnway

    A Big thumbs up from me. The free goodies and the slight adjustment to spawn mechanics when you first start off is pretty neat additions.

    Thank god i don't need to ponder whether to waste my certs on a shotgun! i have one to play with!
  12. Nilidus

    last weeks update also took longer because there were last minute issues and other complications
  13. Boomotang

    Yep. And it's reasonable to believe that with more content being updated, there is a higher chance for more problems to occur.

    Most updates won't be like last week's. But at the same time, look at all of the positive posts about the results of the update.
  14. Pikachu

    I like the yellow camo I have for my gun now. :)
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  15. RisKey

    One of the best patches in awhile SOE should get a pat on the back. The UI looks sexy and the game seems to play better and I like a voice addons so far. The camo fix is great now everthing can be the same color camo with out breaking the bank.
  16. NinjaTurtle

    I agree, great update.

    Your English was fine btw
  17. Inex

    Yes. The fact I'm probably going to blow $30-$45 on Camos now that they're reasonably priced is "great". ;)
    Am I the only one noticing that I've got a few more suit slots unlocked now? I know I sure didn't spend any certs on Drifter jets, but I've got them now.
  18. RisKey

    Yea I spawned in yesterday reported a bug because I couldn't equip a sniper rifle. I come to find out I have stalker cloak unlocked and selected which I never purchased. So it kind of tripped me up for a few minutes.
  19. Nilidus

    Ok it seems like Physx still needs some work but it works pretty good so far.
    I played the whole evening with physx on [High] and had stable frames + no single crash.
    running with a gtx680.
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  20. libbmaster

    I'm shocked that the auto callouts turned out so well.

    They are not just random, they are few and far between, to the point where I barely notice them!

    And, I love the new call outs when placing ammo or trying to rep/heal someone. It makes life so much easier!

    Now if only they could add a full macro menu, and remove the echos we get when we are standing out in the open...:p