Apperently infiltrators with smg's are fine.?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Pondera

    In my humble opinion, SMGs aren't the issue you're seeing here. Granted, an infil taking .5 seconds of LMG fire to the face and then proceeding to take you apart was probably using that nano-armor thing. I hear it's 25% off of all small arms fire, but the cloak only lasts 6 seconds at max level.

    I'm thinking that the issue that makes Infils so deadly is that, if they are doing their job right, they are practically guaranteed the first attack and getting hit from behind where you just came from and thought was safe is extremely disorienting.
  2. Botji

    PS2 has client side hit detection, just because you have a good ping to the servers doesnt mean you have an advantage... that cloaker might have a bad ping and by the time you saw him decloak he had already spent half a second to a full second spraying your head with the SMG and since its client side hit detection = you died.

    What you see on your screen doesnt have to reflect what is actually happening in the game because of the latency of the server and players. If I have a 200ms latency everything I do will show up with that latency + whatever the server needs to show it to you.

    ^ Very rare but I have died to infiltrators before they even fully decloaked, mostly when they could have shotguns but also close range bolt rifle or TR pistol(crazy fire rate).
  3. Hapah The Heedless

    On a somewhat related note, has anyone done the research on how Nano-Armor Cloaking interacts with the client-side hit detection? I imagine it would work the same way Heavy shields do, but I haven't seen the research on either. It could easily explain this particular instance, if nothing else.

    EDIT: What I mean by this is: If your Heavy NMG shield is up on my screen, but down on yours, and I land a shot on you, what happens?
  4. Captain Kid

    I just checked the wiki and it doesn't say how many health and shield each class has. I guess this is some kind of secret information.
    I really thought an infiltrator had much less health then the other classes, this explains a lot.

    If an infiltrator really has 400 or 500 health and shield I think I'm going to invest my remaining 1000 certs and 5000 cash on that class.
  5. MorganM

    I'll take SMG infiltrators over snipers any day. I at least have a chance of spotting them, defending myself, and/or killing them. Instead of some KDR padding nerd who drop-podded using instant action / spawn beacon to some spot he'd otherwise never be able to get to, where I'll never spot him, and I die to with very little recourse. 50/50 vs. SMG infiltrators is better than 2/98 vs snipers you'll likely never find, if you do you'll need several refuels from your LA jet packs to get to them, plus they will likely hear you coming and be waiting for you anway.

    I've tried many times to go after those snipers. Rarely works. They move on when they get a few kills, hear you coming and pop you as soon as you come over the ridge, and sometimes it takes so long to find them and get to them it's really not worth it.

    So yeah.... I'll go up against that SMG guy any day. At least he has the huevos to engage me toe to toe, is actually INFILTRATING, and helping his team.
  6. Captain Kid

    Oh yeah, agreed. I hate snipers. Especially semi invisible ones.. Whoever thought that one up is an idiot.
  7. WorldOfForms

    If you're having problems dealing with Infils as a Heavy, don't expect to suddenly do amazing as an infil. I've been playing a lot of SMG infil lately, and if I do the dumb thing and uncloak in front of a heavy already looking at me, I'm dead every time. It's the shield.

    In your scenario, if you had turned on your shield, you would have won, period. You mentioned needing to aim in a split second. That's wrong. Your first objective is to get your shield up. Ideally, you should be able to hit F while aiming and shooting all at the same time. It's not hard.
  8. Chivalry

    Don't do that.

    A heavy, once you use the over shield ability, has much better survivability than any non-MAX class.

    It's the shield ability that makes the heavy assault tough.
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  9. Moisture

    I think they can can fire too quickly after starting the decloak.
    They have a pretty decent chance of getting you before you can acquire them if you end up in front of one fairly often.
    The common forumside opinion they are PERFECTLY visible is just false. I have died a number of times because they are fairly hard to track cloaked when silhouetted against certain backgrounds, Or wile in motion when in a frantic situations.
    Or simply concentrating on something else.

    But you know what? Im pretty happy they are good at something. They would be pretty lackluster if they couldn't do this, I dont think infils a nerf at all.
    Ill take this fairly small issue if it makes a underutilized class (I mean NON sniping infiltrators AKA useful ones) more used.
    Because Im pretty sure the HA's overshield is more annoying to every other class.
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  10. AdmiralArcher

    the base LMGs are actually not bad if you know how to use them, they cna hipfire decently if your good with it
  11. MurderBunneh

    Infils determine what settings I can run. No other class does this.

    Low settings: I am Infil meat. But this setting alows me to run at 80fps and the dips will take me to 55-60 fps.

    Med settings: I can see them but can't use NV scope. Also lose fps and can't play at full res or rendering.

    High settings: I can see Infils. The NV scope is at it's best here giving more range and actually highlighting enemies. Unfortunately to run at an acceptable framerate I have to drop my rendering to 55%.

    This game needs to run at 55fps to ensure my shots are registering and my aim is much smoother.

    The past week I have been playing on Low and running around with my flashlight on all the time. My K/D has been .5 higher then before. That is the power Infils have. I can actually run around with a "shoot me sign" and still do better then without it.

    Last night I switched back to medium to see if I can find a sweet spot between my resolution and my rendering setting. I think I found something that works but the game is not as clear and kind of has a muddied look.

    Can't decide whether I want to upgrade my GPU or just wait for the PS4 version.
  12. iller

    Last week an Infiltrator over 35ft away with an SMG, killed me when I was Medic and ADS'd right at "her".... Apparently my range spec'd Nc1 guass wasn't good enough even though I've managed to snipe many BR100's with it. ...I was the one who started firing first just for reference. SMG is good.... very very good. So good I find it too boring to use.
  13. smokemaker

    Apperently infiltrators with smg's are fine.?

    Yes... yes they are.

    Whiners and nerfers on the other hand.......
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  14. cruczi

    Hipfire accuracy is still the worst for LMG's compared to any other weapon type. You have to be nearly at point blank range to hit reliably. Using a laser sight (or ALS with some of the more cqc-friendly LMG's) might increase effective hipfire range by a few meters.
  15. andy_m

    Hilarious, truly. Makes me chuckle when ever I see anti-sniper sentiment like this. Makes my sniping efforts that much more satisfying :D
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