
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CHEF, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. CHEF

    Is there some type of system that can be implemented where a person can not create a new player on the opposing team on the same server. We now have issues with people doing this and then giving away positions to the enemy. Small arms fire from level one players who far exceed their ability at galaxies and gunships in an obvious attempt to give away position and the inevitable rain down of Sundy or Galaxy destroying projectiles. This one act can turn the whole battle and if persists will ruing this game further. If someone is a level one and is reported they will simply make a new character. Perhaps a fee or time limit for an enemy player on same server. Know you guys like money, so there you go.
  2. Blarg20011

    Problem is US west only has one server, so if I want a reasonable ping I have to use Connery. A restriction like tat would affect people like me more than it would affect the small group of people who use their power for evil.
  3. Regpuppy

    Takes two minutes to make a new account = impossible to do this without an insane amount of policing
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  4. CHEF

    Thus the time limit.
  5. Regpuppy

    Multiple accounts will beat any timers placed on character switching.
  6. Maelthra

    Locking players to one faction per server doesn't make sense in a system where server merges are always a possibility (and have already been done). Just one server merge will screw the whole "one server, one faction" system up. That's why PS1 switched from that system to a timer.
  7. Elrobochanco

    Other people have already said it but the means to lock a faction swap is almost impossible in a free to play game.

    Most of the time people don't need to swap to get the info they need on where a sunderer is parked or the general flow of enemies. Which just makes it that much more frustrating when what felt like a secure location for so long all of a sudden evaporates, or the whole tide swings against you. It could just be that some more persistent enemies puller their LA C4 fairy loadout, or a platoon lead called for and received reinforcements to an area (this is probably more rare than it should be, but whne it happens it can be pretty amazing).

    Small arms fire from lowbies well we all get to deal with that. Sometimes yeah it might be a guy swapping just to give you that lovetap (but take heart in that in takes you 10 seconds to respawn and him probably longer to swap and get back and forth to you). For the ones shooting at scary things and getting their attention most likely it is a new player, or someone who doesn't understand what weapons affect what. I've sat in sunderers and had level 3 infiltrators try and shoot off my basilisks.

    If you just got into game, but were a veteran of something like BF or COD you probably have decent shooting skills. You see your squad open fire on a passing ESF and take it down, the first couple times you see a lib or gal without someone around to tell you otherwise, odds are you are going to fire at it with whatever you have.

    The distinction to doing damage in this game could be better presented for new players. Right now all we get is hit markers (and the circular ones which aren't really explained). Doing damage, doing no damage, or even doing bonus or less depending on resists, are the type of thing that should be easier to visualize and see distinctly (and be covered in training). And the same goes for trying to teach to keep a low profile.

    Like many things, it's easy to guess at the worst, but you can also just try sending a PM to the guy in question and (try to be nice) see what he was trying to do, he might not know and appreciate the tips that will stop a gal from bulldogging him in the future.
  8. strangulate

    point is they need to do something about it! yes I understand the game is free to play, and people can make more accounts. Here is a tip tie the users ip to the account they made or to there log ins.
  9. bPostal

    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew

    There's a bit more to it than that but until IPv6 comes out and everyone has a public IP (and even then, people will still have multiple addresses) there's not much that can be done when you can just grab a new IP from your ISP.
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  10. Blarg20011

    Should just assign us IPs at birth, like SSN.
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  11. GoyoElGringo

    No. I have toons for each faction on Connery, as it's the only US West server.
  12. Hatesphere

    Wait for 1pv6. There will be enough IP addresses to give you light bulbs their own unique IP.
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  13. Booface

    I don't like this. I play all three factions on the same server, and I don't exploit it. Why should I lose that ability due to some people exploiting the system? Sometimes I want to play with my friends, sometimes I want to play against them. Nothing wrong with that.
  14. Regpuppy

    IP is easy to change. Hell, most peoples IP changes often without them knowing. There are other methods of blocking, but even those aren't water tight(I've played numerous free games that attempted to fight this, but were overrun by multies anyway). The only time systems like this is on P2P games where there's a monthly fee. Even then you have the odd crazy or two who's willing to pay on multiple accounts for whatever reason, but it's a lot easier to police and less likely to happen.
  15. smokemaker

    Its coming.

    You will log on with biometrics.
    And then be denied access with your biometrics after you displease the government.

    Don't worry its inbound.

    No more ranting on the net, no more anti government opinions.... the system of controls are in place and are tightening.