Test Server take down calls, are they global?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. TheRunDown

    Are these new sounds global?

    After Killing a Target:
    Tango Down
    Got him
    Enemy Solider down



    If the take down voices are global can you please make it so they only say those words on targets that have been spotted (Q Tagged). Other than that, they are just sounds to tell the enemy where you are and please come kill me.

    As for the reloading, though I have no problem with it per se.. this also just screams I'm vulnerable charge me.. I believe silence is key to surviving as a Inf or LA while preping or leading the assult on many bases.

    I would be interested to know the level at which these calls are received by the opponent players.
    Just like Jet Packs (From many many updates ago), they are noticeably louder, but not enough for get the LA killed by every person in the area.

    There is also;
    and FRAG OUT~!

    Anything that has 1 ammo counter is extremely annoying such as Rockets.
    Swoosh! I'M OUT! RELOADING, Swoosh! I'M OUT! RELOADING, Swoosh! I'M OUT! RELOADING, Swoosh! I'M OUT! RELOADING... etc..

    Things like the Ammo pack, and repair/medi gun should have voice overs.
    Such as dropping Ammos, should state Dropping Ammo..
    And Repairing you should be something like "hold up, I'm am Repairing you" or "I got ya"

    Those would be some useful voices..
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  2. Wobberjockey

    pretty much yes. noise discipline is a thing, and if you are infiltrating into a base as ANY class, you don't spot, you don't use the quick voice command, and you don't use proximity.

    you shut up and don't say a thing that could be heard in game until the bullets start flying, because otherwise you just give yourself away.

    if there is no way to control these new callouts... well hell just take away the inf cloak all together and be done with it.
    because lord knows there will be a base full of enemy looking for me as i reload my cross bow because i had to take someone down
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  3. AdmiralArcher

    proximity cant be heard by the enemy, it used to be but not anymore

    hopefully these reloading and action VOs will be limited to friendly only, otherwise it would throw a monkey wrench into the cogs of infiltration and silent running
  4. Wobberjockey

    i missed that patch note... i thought it showed your dot on the minimal too... i might be mistaking that for left for dead though.
  5. TheRunDown

    The voice commands would be awesome if they do what I suggested..
    Which is only call out on Stopped Targets (Q-Tagged)

    As for reloading, there needs to be some sort of system I'm place to prevent these sounds in low combat areas..

    This is my Version of shouting "Shouting Grenade!"
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  6. AdmiralArcher

    yeah there hasnt been enemy proxy chat since......GU......4? i think?

    its been a loooonnnggg time since that was in the game
  7. LibertyRevolution

    Voice call outs have nothing to do with proximity chat.
    Voice call outs are global, if the enemy calls out with the V command, you can hear them.
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  8. Baracuda

    FUNFACT: proxy chat has been relegated to faction only since release.
  9. Winfield

    About time they brought in some callouts, nice.

    But yeah, there is the valid concern if enemy can hear them...infils would be a joke after that....or anyone who tries to flank/get behind enemy lines.
  10. Tommyp2006

    all these "new mag" and "I'm out" callouts, what is this, Killing Floor? Those would get really annoying as automatic voice commands, no thanks. I want an expansion of the current callout system, but not like this. What the players want is a true VGS system just like Planetside 1 (and several other team based shooters) have had.
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  11. Hibiki54

    These new voice call outs should be faction only. I don't want to have my guy saying he's reloading with 2-3 guys on another side of the wall.
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  12. Acceleratio

    And why on earth is friendly fire not an automate callout. THAT one would be usefull and make free room on 0 for a much more needed callout... GO GO GO
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  13. AdmiralArcher

    i know, i wasnt talking about VOs, i was talking about proximity, prox chat has nothing to do with VOs
  14. CardinaI

    Please no passive callouts. If you really have to implement them then please add a way to disable them. I don't want to be a Light Assault or Infiltrator hidden in a sweet spot just to scream "Enemy down" after every kill.

    Something I would like to see is a "Smart Voice Callout". You press a Button and then a callout according to the situation is made. The main point is that it is done ACTIVELY.

    You killed an enemy infantry or vehicle - if you press the Button in the next x seconds -> "Enemy Infiltrator neutralized", "Tank down", "Aircraft down", etc...
    You killed a friendly -> "Sorry"
    You are reloading ->"Cover me, I'm reloading"
    You have your repair/healing tool equipped -> "Wait, I can heal/repair you"
    You have been revived/are getting healed/repaired -> "Thanks"
    You have put down ammo in the last x seconds -> "Ammo Pack down"
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  15. maxkeiser

    Please do not add in these 'call outs'. Or at least make it so they can be turned off.

    We don't want automated call outs that can't be controlled and just make your character shout out stupid stuff the whole time (giving away your position and other details).

    Nobody asked for this.
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  16. Lazaruz

    Well this is a bit silly. Personally I'd like to control the actions of my character, this includes call outs. Next you're probably thinking of implementing sneezing and coughing, and some other involuntary actions/noises that reveal my position and get me killed.

    Please do not add this sound pollution in the game. Focus your energy on fixing/stabilizing the in-game voice instead.
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  17. Hicksimus

    But Battlefield has it!
    If they must keep stealing things from CoD and Battlefield the least they could do is steal the good things.
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  18. maxkeiser

    Yeah, and it was a HORRID addition to the BF series. BF2/2142 managed fine without these sorts of call outs. The abomination that was BF3 (not really a BF game) introduced them.
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  19. Regpuppy

    proxi no, voice callouts/voice macros yes. I still hear Vanus requesting batteries.
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  20. AgentSpades

    Ok, when people are saying "voice macros", it's akin to hitting V on your keyboard, then a number. Some people are confused here, and that is MOST definitely heard to enemies. A legit strat is when chasing down someone with a shotgun for instance, and he is running away from you. Do a v + taunt, target stops for a second to wonder who said that/direction, and bam. Fun stuff

    Also, the type of info in the OP's post is good stuff in my opinion. Just needs to be easily toggled off/on, this type of info is very valuable to an enemy. Or make it so that you can bind all the voice macro call outs. Macro voice call outs really help eliminate unneeded comms chatter often times, which frees up comm time by more important calls.