Rocket launchers vs Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stix6029, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Wobberjockey

    then the waterson NC are silly, because they use them to tag groups of infantry all the time
  2. Posse

    I have mixed feelings about the rocket launcher, instagibbing at close range is lame, but on the other hand, if I lined a shot perfectly from 150 against an infiltrator with his easy mode OHK rifle and he didn't move to avoid it (something really easy to do), I deserve the kill.

    So, what about giving it, instead of damage degradation like every other weapon in the game, damage increase over distance? Making it a OHK after, say, 40 meters (or whatever, I'm just throwing a random number, this distance should be the minimum distance required for the receiving end to have enough time to dodge it)? Of course, we'll still need to guarantee that 2 shots kill a MAX at any distance while doing this.
  3. Shatara

    That's not a rocket launcher. It's a recoilless rifle, probably one intended to be fired from a solid tripod. A weapon actually designed to be fired from the shoulder won't do that...
  4. PlatoonLeaderG

    I use rockets on infantry all the time,dont nerf that too!
  5. TheFamilyGhost

    Could you imagine a rocket projectile losing punch over distance? What's happening, is it leaking its explosive? lol
  6. stix6029

    I didn't call for a nerf,i just wanted to see what others think about people who use a rocket launcher as their primary gun,i mean i've seen people on the Ceres server (that's the server i play on) use only rocket launchers for the heavy class and killing infantry with one shot.
  7. PlatoonLeaderG

    Its really good because tossing grenade and then rocket enemies while you run back to cover yourself and repeat :D,with guns you cant do that you will die most times from enemy fire
  8. Dragonblood

    I love to get oneshotted by rockets at point blank range. Rocketlaunchers are clearly designed for melee combat.
  9. Xien

    Well, I play as TR, so our most effective AI weapons happen to be rocket launchers and AV Phalanx turrets.
  10. Frosty The Pyro

    pretty sure flak can already stop being one shot by rockets, that was the entire point of setting base rocket launcher damage to 1000 for the lock ones and (what is it 1100 for dumbfire and 1300 for deci?) wasnt it?
  11. HadesR

    Only issue I do have with them and it's maybe really explosives in general is that we have all these wonderful new infantry only Amerish areas, and there is just as much explosive spam coming from Infantry than the spam we wanted removed from vehicles.

    ( Yes guilty myself of RLshotgunning )
  12. Paperlamp


    I miss it a little TBQH
  13. St0mpy

    Its cheap and lame but until SOE change the mechanic to punish exploiters with greater personal splash damage (or increase infantry resistance, or something else) then we all have to join in this stupid gameplay or be at a disadvantage to those who do.
  14. Metallic123

    Striker one shots infantry, killed engineers during the harasser craze and I want to say a friendly LA once (bad luck + bad timing).
  15. Desann

    I think rockets should KILL infantry. As much as it IS annoying.

    Now that being said, rockets hitting me at point BLANK range should kill the user as well, but that doesn't happen. They run away LOLOLOLOLOL I GOTZ A KILLZ OMFG!!! and I am clicking my next spawn point...
  16. Rogueghost

    I think you would rather it if rocket launchers didn't kill the user at point blank, doing so would mean that rocket launchers would deal at least 1,000 splash damage. Which would mean rockets will be capable of one shot killing people, without even needing to hit them,
  17. iller

    Quake old school 4 lyfe
  18. Typhoeus

    If it bothers you, equip flak armor. You'll survive a direct hit.
  19. Rikkit

    Aktually, this is possible, if the fuel of the Rocket is also used as explosive. You know, the longer the distance, the more fuel is burned, and the less fuel you have to explode it. And in times of crazy nanites, it would be possible to design such a weapon.
  20. BobRonski

    If rocket effectiveness vs. infantry decreases, it'll just make it even more whoever pulls more maxes wins than it is now, cause heavies will be way more reluctant to take out the launcher, and maxes will just be comparatively more effective at dealing with enemy infantry and maxes together.