50-60 FPS, but it feels like 20 FPS.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by N1ghtFeather, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. N1ghtFeather

    So i used the ingame fps counter, and a one from EVGA, and even if it says OI have between 50 and 60 fps, it looks and feels like 20. Any idea why this is happening?
  2. nitram1000

    Same. Getting 70fps or so and it feels choppy when panning landscapes etc

    This game is a steaming pile of ****, end of story.
  3. UnexpectedSquirrel

    I played thursday night and everything was fine, logged in friday and it started doing this. As much as I love this game, it pushes it just over the line to unplayable for now lol.
  4. DieHard2Live3

    Most likely micro-stutter.

    Common on multi-GPU systems, but may also occur on single-GPU systems.
  5. RainbowDash9

    my game just runs slower altogether now
  6. N1ghtFeather

    How can I fix this? Can you give me a link?
  7. Kwyjibo

    Then go play a different MMOFPS. We all know Defiance and Firefall are just so amazing......
  8. BlackDove

    Turn off smoothing. Turn in game vsync off and use driver level vsync instead.
  9. UnexpectedSquirrel

    Already tried that sadly :/
  10. Dragam

    Why is it that people always just write one line, without giving any details whatsoever, and expect to be given an answer....

    Give us your full computer specs, and your ingame settings, and MAYBE someone can give you a qualified answer.
    • Up x 2
  11. CONNE666

  12. MajiinBuu

    complaining about 20 fps :rolleyes:
  13. nitram1000

    I did, uninstalled and cancelled sub. SOE lost one of their biggest spenders by pissing me off., you should be begging people like me to stay so freeloaders like yourself can enjoy new content.
  14. MajiinBuu

    One of their biggest spenders?
  15. Kwyjibo

    lol ok dude. I'm sure you're a big spender that was singehandedly keeping this game alive. Oh what will the freeloading premium members like myself do without your limitless generosity?!

    Get over yourself, no one is going to miss you. The fact that you think you deserve respect because you spent some cash in a video game speaks volumes about your character. This game will keep getting patches, new content, and new subscribers without you.
  16. N1ghtFeather

    So this thread is getting a bit off topic, but my specs are:
    -i5 3570K OC 3.8 ghz
    -EVGA Gtx 660 Super clocked
    -Some higher end Mobo that is too good for my system but was on sale
    -650 Watt Power supply from Corsair
    -500Gb Hard drive
    -8gb Ram
  17. Dragam

    N1ghtFeather : okay, now you are halfway there... now you just need to tell us all your exact settings, and then maybe we can help you.
  18. Kwyjibo

    And please tell us when it happens. Is it during flight? Large battles? All the time? On certain maps?

    I have nearly the exact same PC, but I've noticed this problem once. I was flying around a bio-dome during a large battle on Amerish. I have my settings up to ultra, except for particles and shadows which are on high. I have in-game vsync on and motion blur off. 1920x1080 resolution.
  19. N1ghtFeather

    Right now I have the preset ultra, but turn shadows on high and particles on high. I sometimes turn shadows off when in a biolab if I am in a competitive mood, and want to have a more steady fps. I also turn off fog shadows. I was thinking it might be my mouse, but when I set up my xbox controller it still looked choppy. I think it is micro stuttering, or something like that. Any ideas whoever asked the question I just answered?
  20. Dragam

    When asked for your exact settings, it would be a better idea to copy-paste the content your useroptions.ini.

    What is your resolution? What is your render quality - have you set it above 1.0 ? Are you using ultra textures? How many gb ram does your gpu have?