2000 WDS REWARD IS ****.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JamesRASHERS, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Llamar

    After I got my first 2000 reward I just completely stopped putting any effort into getting WDS points.
    And to anyone saying "stop complaining about free stuff" shut up. It's not free. Unless you play like like 8 hours a day you aren't going to get 2000 WDS points passively. You have to zerg. And if I knew that the rewards at 2000 were the same as the ones at 200 I would have spent what was probably of 5-6 hours zerging just playing regularly and get 2-3 times the certs/exp.
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  2. f0d

    i did the same
    i farmed wds points and got all 2000 in something like 3 or 4 days (i played a lot and was lucky with a fair few 100 point bases) - but when i did it i was like "meh" then i read on the forums the things others have won and i was like "meh"

    its not worth dedicating so much time farming them for such a little reward - sure its free stuff but it takes so much time farming the points which is boring as bats*** and takes you away from actually playing the game and having fun

    now i just play normally and whatever i get then i get, i dont go out of my way just to farm wds points and attempt to get the 2000 reward, its just not worth the effort
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  3. TomoB

    If only these tiers would make some kind of sense but they appear to be completely random, either 3xboosts or camos no matter what the tier. I haven't even tried to get more than 200 wds points because I thought that tier1 boosts would be OK enough but last time I got those useless camos, damnit. Not going to bother with these wds points anymore.
  4. JamesRASHERS

    I want nice prizes at 2000.
  5. Purg

    I just shake my head reading posts like this.

    It's a game. Something you're meant to enjoy. If it's not enjoyable, don't play it. If you think it's a grind to score a free exp boost or whatever else is on offer, then simply log off and forgo the grinding. If you happen to stumble across the 2000 points through a typical enjoyable progression then you just received a bonus!
  6. JamesRASHERS

    Shut up