Please, fix the damn login servers. (EU Miller)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Yelser, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Yelser

    Title says everything.

    Been logging already for the 5th time, 10 minutes login screen and still not getting in.

    Yay for the EU Miller players.

    Seriously fix these goddamn login servers.
    Im paying monthly for this game and now this happens all the time.
    Seems im not gonna pay anymore..
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  2. SamCrow1

    This crap goes on for weeks now, why am I paying you SOE for this game? Why? Why? Why?
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  3. Kantsler

    wer still playing because there is nothing else to play.. this game is alive only because of that. It has not meta game so its kinda team arcade shooter that people play for an hour or 2 before they get bored. The community been asking for meta game since beta and the devs are busy with making new weapons with 20+ rate of fire and a bit less recoil so we can keep buying it for SC.

    What makes me even more angry is that planetside 1 had better meta game than this and to be frank it was very limited back then. You would think that with all that experience learned over 8 years of running planetside 1 and playing other successful games they would come up with some thing interesting. VIVA la COD players they said.
  4. SuperLexatron

    I made the fatal mistake of relogging because the of the lag spiking on Miller (pretty sure it wasn't from my saide) aaaaaand now i'm stuck in 'Logging in...'

    Great, ******* double exp because of how ****** the servers were... but can't use it because of how ****** the servers are...

    Not to mention the fact that SOE didn't even bother to announce that it was double exp.

    So true, the only reason I have stuck around like a sucker, is because when the gameplay is good - it's GREAT. Other than that, it literally has less reliability than games from EA, more lag than Arma, and worse community support than - well I hate to use them twice, but they're that bad - EA.
  5. MichaelS

    Thats why EU have double XP weekend. when you manage to log in you can play half as long as normal ;)

    all EU login sucks atm, but yes miller is the worst.

    its in the EU game launcher
  6. Sworaven

    Same here. Been trying to log in for 20 minutes now.
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  7. rockNoob

    40 mins here
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  8. AgenteJ

    bahhh Cobalt player, some here....
    2 times game close @ login queue
  9. SuperLexatron

    Also, let us not forget...

    This patch went into 7-8pm prime time EU - and still has done absolutely jack **** to fix the problem.
    On a side note, another thing they STILL haven't fixed..

    My vanguard and reaver still can't have decent cosmetics.
    Lesson: Take anything SOE ever says, with a grain of salt - or alternatively just don't believe it at all. Pessimist logic: You're either right, or pleasantly surprised.

    Edit: As someone who has given up his usual sunday plans for this, i am pissed.
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  10. Yelser

    SOE thinks... Let's bring out double xp this weekend because of the many downtimes and problems. Well SOE. This weekend, i only played for a few hours of the double xp and the rest of the time i was waiting to login. Thanks for the wonderful double exp weekend, cant wait for the next one.. And they are saying leaderboards is the issue.. yeah right..
  11. WarpGuN

  12. Buzzcut

    They don't bother to tell those of us with SOE accounts that. Doesn't make much of a difference though, can't get in to play.
  13. JackD


    Isnt a Miller problem btw.
  14. GlueHead

    After 30 minutes trying to login to Ceres - I shut down.
  15. Botji

    Same, same and same.

    Its nice getting a double xp weekend but its less nice when the reason we got the double xp weekend keeps us from playing during the double xp weekend :(
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  16. Joros

    Miller a no go atm :(
  17. SuperLexatron

    Should we also mention the fact that your game gives up after a while and closes itself after so long of being stuck on the 'Logging in' screen. What a ******* joke. Double exp for a mistake that stops you from using the double exp. GG SOE - ******* GG.
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  18. Arch

    Loginside 2, best game evah!
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  19. allelujah

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  20. Botji

    I got in, then I got disconnected after about 3-5 minutes.