which helmet??

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by miraculousmouse, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. miraculousmouse

    i got 1500 sc to drop. should i get the gd titan helmet or the kestral? which camo would make my character look sweet. i already have comp. armour
  2. Kwyjibo

    I like the Torment camo. For helmet, I just use the composite helmets since I bought the bundle.
  3. miraculousmouse

    thanks for the reply. if you could can you
    take a screen of the torment camo? im on mobile right now
  4. Chivalry

    You can go into VR and equip everything there to see how it would look.
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  5. Amundsenkalmah

    First of all, DONT BUY THE TITAN HELMET, you have to buy them for each class, and even with the bundle (1400 SC) the single helmets look better.
    I got the kestrel and love it, also i like the Hyper camo on the armor.
    That would be exactly 1500 SC
  6. miraculousmouse

    thanks man. nice to see anothNC potp member :D
  7. Inf1nite

    I really like the bandana. If you also have a cool camo and the composite armor, then you look super bad ***. But if you don't like ones that show your face then it's not for you.
  8. Amundsenkalmah

    Bandana is cool... for Male NC
    I hate how the composite armor looks when your char is female
  9. Skallo

    Personally, the only NC helmets I would purchase are the Fullmetal Scout, Kestrel, and the Retracted Foreman. Even though I'm TR, the VS helmets are my favorite. I would do anything for that Hornet helmet. :eek:
  10. SinerAthin

    That's the big pro of being part of the faction with the monopoly on all the crazies and cultists!

    Badass looking gear!
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  11. KnightCole

    ur toon looks like a guy...looking into one of those weird mirrors at a carnival or something..just smashed a bit =D
  12. miraculousmouse

    thanks for the advice everyone. I got the kestral a few days back and finally gave my character the 2014 look (was still rocking a maniac helm :p) I would have gotten the bandana if characters in this game could have facial hair. Indar dry brush + beard would be like medal of honor or somethin :D
  13. starlinvf

    Sadly, aside from the skull line up (which is hit and miss), the good looking NC helmets have weird camo coverage. The Titan helmets are nice because the base design works with everything.... kind of like the MHS helmets for the TR. (Whether you like the design or not, they are nicely proportioned). But a huge down side is the cost.

    This is partly opinion, but here is an aesthetic break down of the helmets and which armors match up well.

    Composite: These are essentially the stock helmets with face covering. The only one that looks out of place is the Infil helmet, as the face plate's odd coloring and reflection makes it stand out too much. I find myself switching back to these frequently due to their practical camo coverage.

    Night Stalker Helmet: This helmet is easily one of the best helmets in the NC line up. Design wise it works well with all classes, partly due to it looking like the PS1 NC Infiltrator helmet. However it has 2 functional drawbacks. First, the glowing trim can give you away at night, and the camo coverage is poor. Otherwise its an excellent match for the stock NC colors.

    Djinn mask: Hands down the best camo coverage. Looks great on faster classes like Infil and LA due to their slimmer armor.

    Retracted Foremen: This one irritates me as I think it would look a lot better with the visor down. The same can be said about all the retracted helmets. However, I constantly dream about a HUD/Visor mode that would give reason to animate these helmets, sending the cool factor through the roof.

    Bandana: Good general purpose design that works well with all of the classes. The proportions however can look a bit odd with HA or Eng composite armor due to difference in overall bulk.

    Fullmetal: Good overall design, but has terrible camo coverage. It will blend with lighter camos, but stands out heavily with dark camos.

    Kestral: This is a bit of an odd ball. Its excellent camo coverage is its major down side. This makes it great with default colors, but looks a bit off with pattern heavy camos. The large yellow areas also make it stand out with dark camos. However, the design works well with composite armors due to its sharp angles.

    Osprey: Similar to Kestral, but with less issues on the yellow contrast. The smooth curves of helmet blends well with the infil, Medic and Engineer classes with stock armor.

    Longbow: This one is a matter of preference, and is compatible with all of the existing classes and armor combinations.

    Tactical Cap: Never seen this in use.

    Scout Helmet: I can't form a clear opinion on this one. Its not particularly bad, but doesn't seem to mesh well with most armors.

    Skulls: Preference. Works equally well with any armor.

    Apex: Hard Hat. It looks goofy to some, but not bad overall.

    Maniac: Personal Preference, but does work well with all armors

    Titan: One of my favorites. Makes good use of all camos, and its flat appearance will work with armor combination. One of the best MAX helmets by far.

    Impaler: Composite with spikes on it.

    Infil Crest: Only looks half decent on the TR

    MAX Helmet summery.
    Default: Its plain and unassuming look is actually charming
    Composite: Adds a Regulator to the helmet. Works well with Composite armor
    Titan: The flat, sharp design meshes well with both Composite and Ogre Armor
    Apex: A bit humorous, but the novelty fades quickly
    Maniac: Looks good on composite armor
    Banded Skull: the only skull helmet to look off. That stripe of color really kills its aesthetics
    Basic Skull: The solid coloring of the face makes it work great for Ogre
    MT Regulator: Fallout helmet
    Extractor: Its alright.... not great, but not bad either
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  14. Bankrotas

    Go to VR, you can equip cosmetics there, choose.
  15. KnightCole

    I have the Recon Grenadier helmet =D I think it looks simply beast compared to the other helmets. When the ODST/Halo looking helmet comes out I will get that to.

    Even had some VS say he was a bit jelly of my helmet...thought it looked pretty bad *** as well.
  16. BurntDevil

    Recon Grenadier is the best heavy helmet right now, until this comes available.

  17. Malebranche

    Could we get more pics of these helmets you guys mentioned? I hate having to google them back and forth. ;)
  18. DeadliestMoon

    You can see all the helmets in work and those that made it into the game on the Player's Studio forums.
  19. KnightCole

    Yes Please
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