Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JENKMAN, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. AzureKnight

    If Jenk isn't in one battle, it's Future Crew. If Future Crew isn't, it's Jenk... In either case, I know you both cut down the lines of crappy outfits like there's no tomorrow. Though, Jenk has yet to cause me to leave battles with their arrival like Future Crew does.
  2. Fredfred

    I saw you, Jenkman, while in a MAX near Augur. I was shooting at you with Ravens.... I stopped, when I realized you were jut picking apple off the tree. Then thought to myself, "Aww, he isn't so bad after all."
  3. Hotbread

    Why I stopped fighting against the NC was because I got into the biolab and they pulled thousands of maxes with instantly kill me (even as a max).
    That's just irritating.
  4. Masterofm

    45 minute wait to get into Amerish at one point. When you can't even get into the alert before it ends what the heck is the point? Then I get 12-14 year olds on command trying to give me tactical orders that feel like were scribbled on crayon from a kindergartener who wants to show you how amazing his or her work is.

    I just gave up and decided to go hang out with my RL friends.
  5. Idle

    Just want to give a shout out to the TR who almost stole a couple off those alerts but were just piped, they did focus NC when we had the lead but if you got it they switched and attacked VS.

    They went for the win. I guess what you are asking is TR please do what you(TR) sometimes do and just focus NC and try for 2nd place and let VS win?

    Amerish was mostly even pop and TR gave a damn good fight TRG, EXE and QP4 were doing very well and many times made deep pushes or stopped NC cold.

    TR have won many alerts off their own backs never asking for NC to do their dirty work. Do the VS need TR onside to win alerts?

    If you want to win a alert on amerish don't blame TR look at your own faction and what they need 2 do. Or ask them for an alliance don't bag them when they have been fighting hard.

    I ve had some of the best fights against the TR they fight hard and don't retreat from hard fights even when out numbered and I have been in awe of some of their pushes when their best outfits launch a planned attack.

    Keep the fight up TR, I look forward to some fun battles in future.
  6. Coltorl

    Recursion is an infinite amount of problems.
  7. Bubbelda

    My question is, why do the VS and NC whine so much about us TR when we're constantly underpopped? I fight both VS and NC equally and have about equal kills against both factions. I wasn't on last night during the alerts, but usually there isn't much we can do. We can focus and try to push on one front where we have equal numbers, or we can split up our already lackluster numbers to both fronts and get destroyed. The TR do what we can. We still manage to do decently most of the time.

    We also get double teamed just as much as you guys, but unlike you we don't have the numbers to deal with it.
  8. Paperlamp

    I have considerably more VS kills than NC for some reason, in spite of NC being higher pop -

    VS 4,629
    NC 3,705

    I think it has to do with playing off hours when zergs of noob VS players give me free kills by basically surrounding near-empty spawn rooms with no regard for their lives.