Double XP weekend for EU servers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShureShot, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. St0mpy

    Why arent you doing a test deploy to a clone of a live server the day before? Having your little devs walkaround while its locked then rather than on the day makes you the lab rats rather than us.

    All this up and down, hotfixes, lost evenings and make ups is shambolic, and youre doomed to repeat it again and again unless something changes - as in clone the damn thing already.
  2. Shoe

    They said the tests need run on a live server, and people have posted population graphs which show that the servers seem to throw a fit once the population hits a certain level. Having a few Devs walking around isn't going to replicate the problem, and spawning dummy characters wont either. If the problem is population related then they need a server with a high population of active players. There's nowhere else to get that than on a real, live server.

    Yes, it sucks, but I'd rather have a few more days of suckage than weeks with no solution because they don't want to meddle with a populated server.
  3. St0mpy

    Load issues are different from simple coding problems and by definition need people around to test it but looking back over the history many items could have been ironed out with a live clone - have you not seen how they update them? They put the patch on then log in while its locked to us, sometimes for a couple of hours, longer if problems are found. Thats not load issues needing people thats devs testing an empty live server while the world waits.

    Im just saying that testing could be done in private using a recently cloned live server and after any internal hotfixes prep the package for a bump and go live deployment the next day thereby reducing net downtime to us through less hotfixing and less offline time on patch day.

    At this point I could start asking 'with all these errors still creeping into live is the PTS working?' or 'why are we not let loose on live patches to test as a separate server to the dev space we know as PTS?' but that feels outside of the scope of the XP discussion here.
  4. VakarisJ

    Does that mean that you're also giving the Europeans who don't play on EU servers double XP?
  5. Polskija

    As far as I know, no one has. There's players who have character on each faction and they've reported not getting them.
  6. Hiding in VR

    If it makes you feel any better, I cannot play during this weekend either :(

    You won't mind if move the server patch times to US Primetime then. Or how about we just rotate?
  7. JacDoom

    My NC on Cobalt got a 3 day boost, though judging from what I've read that wasn't supposed to happen. I haven't been paying attention to the WDS scores in all honesty.
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  8. AdmiralArcher

    tjings might be different with radarx back as CM...........i think the PS2 community should be used to this
  9. CardinaI

    I still didn't get one for Week 1 or Week 2....

    I contacted Customer Service last week and they said that they are aware of this issue but cannot give any ETA if and when they are trying to hand out the boosts to those people that didnt get one.

    Classic SOE...
  10. ncDieseL

    If you had been playing on Miller this week you would understand. There server was crashing at least once a day during prime time, sometimes twice. We've also been hit with a lot of the patching downtime since it overran in to our prime time. To top it all off, Miller still isn't 100%, they had to lock it last night while they tried to figure out what was wrong with it.

    But sure, complain all you want.
  11. FieldMarshall

    That is the dumbest thing i have read all day.
    There is a reason why its called primetime. Not everyone is asleeptime.
  12. SuperLexatron

    Double exp that we can't use most of the time because your EU login servers are still ******.
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