Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. IamDH

    Logged in and saw people farming on Indar and a near-empty Amerish. WTF

    When i log in at the normal playing time i want to see Amerish packed
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  2. vsae

    Imagine how many people will whine if SOE removes Indar just for a day?:eek:
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    People rather fight on maps they know.

    Nothing like getting killed because you didn't know how many entrances a building has...

    edit: right now, 5 NC squads open... all on Indar... :/
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  4. Pikachu

    You play at ~11:00 and expect there to be people outside of Indar? :rolleyes: Come on people don't play in the morning. Low pop = indarside.
  5. IamDH

    At the moment, that would actually be a good idea. Just smuggle it through as a bug or something and remove Esamir and Indar...
    Woodman TR logged in right now. Barely anyone on Amerish yet again
    There is only one zergfest between NC and VS
    Not an excuse to not try the new places.. If this were true then i suggest we all stay at the Crown and never ever leave because we might die
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  6. ChickenCurrys

    Will try to have KOTV on amerish outside of alerts.
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  7. Jaloro

    It really is depressing at the utter stupidity.
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  8. Blinklys

    I'll have a few beers tonight, hoping that Amerish will be packed. :cool:
  9. maxkeiser

    The fields of Amerish are full of unbelievers who must be converted. Those who do not chose the path of Vanu shall be cast into the abyss.
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  10. IamDH

    Alright thanks
  11. Pikachu

    You speak as a venu player but you use NC avatar? :mad:
  12. ironeddie

    I play where there is a good choice of fights. Sadly that's usually indar. Peak weekend times and alerts sometimes make switching continent a good idea. It frustrates me sometimes because I'd like to play the other continents more than I do.

    Hopefully continent locking will eventually get people moving around more. Certainly soe will eventually need to do something to make players shift continents. Particularly as new continents are added.