Infiltrator Sidearm Challenge - Celebration

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by salembeats, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Rogueghost

    Eww the inquisitor, I believe that deserves the most respect out of anything on that list.
  2. salembeats

    A knife is considered a tertiary weapon -- i.e., you usually use your SMG/Sniper/Battlerifle as your main, fall back to your Pistol, and use your Knife as a last resort. We don't necessarily always go in that order depending on circumstances, but that's the plain "bread and butter" breakdown.
  3. salembeats

    I actually had a slightly easier time with it than I did with the Emperor. If you can click quickly, the max ROF is very high with almost no penalty for rapid fire.
  4. necrolamington

    Well I use my knife almost as much as my pistol. The good old pistol-knife never gets old, the only reason that I have auraxiumed my knife before any of the secondaries is because I change secondaries all the time.
  5. Frazzle

    Knife is a powerful, underrated weapon. If you have trouble with melee, consider binding your melee button to your mouse.
  6. salembeats

    It may be powerful, but it remains at the "tertiary" weapon stage. ;)
    • Up x 1
  7. Frazzle

  8. salembeats

    • Up x 1
  9. Frazzle

    The rules for a knife are not like any other weapon. The knife doesn't need to be equipped, so you always have it. Although there is always a pause after a melee attack, you can melee instantly after firing any weapon. It also does a huge amount of damage and is almost completely silent. This means that the knife shouldn't be thought of by itself, rather as a compliment to whatever is equipped. When knifing becomes second nature, it revolutionizes a player's CQB.
  10. LownWolfe

    I feel this thread has been derailed from its initial point, a celebration.