Headhot Representation PIC, your thoughts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xTEExGOWx, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. xTEExGOWx


    This is from 5 meters away using a 3.4x scope so its very accurate.

    lets here what you think should be done about this,
  2. acksbox

    I shot someone directly between the shoulder blades about 10 minutes ago; headshot kill.

    IMO, headshot hit box is too big and headshot damage multiplier is too high.
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  3. Vinakis

    The most logical course of action would be to reduce the size to match the actual head.

    Nothing more, nothing less.
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  4. xTEExGOWx

    yea, when talking about the NC guns (Saw, ACX, DMR) each head shots is 400 damage... ouch
  5. SinerAthin

    I think it should be shrunk a little.

    Aiming at the head is too easy at the moment.


    A SAW user only needs 2 Headshots and 1 bodyshot to take someone down.

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  6. acksbox

    I still don't like the idea of purely decorative helmets. A grazing hit to your futuristic head armor should not be the same as being shot in the mouth.
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  7. Vinakis

    Two primary issues with this:
    1. You would have to modify the hitboxes for each player based on where the 'weak spots' on their helmet is located, which would cause more stress on the system.
    2. Everyone would be encouraged through a game mechanic to open their wallets and buy a full-enclosing helmet.

    If it helps you any, just remember your futuristic helmet is made of the same nanites as those bullets dinking off it.
    But, a near miss still shouldn't count as a headshot, at all. And having the hitbox be the same size as the avatar head would mean that the outer portions of your helmet would technically be "no damage" spots.
  8. BloodyPuma

    If that would be only problems with a hitboxes - I would be happy. Its the tip of an iceberg only.
  9. Alarox

    The damage increase of a headshot is often the determining factor for who lives and who dies in a given engagement. Because of how important they are you should actually have to hit people in the head (or upper neck) to get a headshot.

    When the hitbox is that large, the obvious course of action is to spray and pray toward the head when you're desperate. Really good players will get headshots anyway. A headshot is perfectly fair game. But it should actually be a headshot.

    But based on what I'm seeing here there is actually more non-head area that counts as a headshot than there is head-area. That needs fixed.
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  10. Blarg20011

    Wow, that's interesting. Hitbox should definitely be shrunk to the size of the actual head.
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  11. Eyeklops

    If you can't see how this would directly change PS2 into pay-2-win....I mean..really. Paid for cosmetics (camos) are debatable in regards to P2W, having cash purchasable helmets negate damage is absolutely P2W.
  12. SpcFarlen

    I could have sworn they said the made the hitbox match the model in some patchnotes not too long ago... guess not.
  13. Korban

    It's a pretty big head...........for a slim body!
  14. Erilis

    I think it's okay. This is a pretty standard hitbox for many FPS games. The hitbox may be a bit larger than normal to compensate for lag in a game of this size (in an MMO). Granted it's not realistic, but this is not Arma. It's a bit larger for very practical reasons. It's a reasonable size.

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  15. xTEExGOWx

    in a game this scale and when rewarded with 2x damage for a headshot, when the NC have 200 damage weapons (400 damage for a headshot), this needs to be addressed correctly this time.
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  16. WyrdHarper

    I could be wrong, but I thought the way hitboxes worked was different in the Forgelight engine than in other engines.
  17. Nephera

    I should aim for the head more often..
  18. VogonPoetMaster

    FYI, the hitboxes for the rest of the body are also larger than the model, so I don't understand what you're trying to achieve with this post.

    Keep in mind that per-pixel collision detection is expensive, possibly prohibitively so for a game of PS2's nature.
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  19. xTEExGOWx

    The rest of the body doesn't reward 2x damage. jump the GaussSaww from 200 to 400 and not even needing to take the risk of aiming for the head. that is what we are trying to achieve in telling everyone.
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  20. Devrailis

    Between latency and the actual size of the head area, I'm not that surprised.

    There are plenty of times when I've fired off a shot, written it off as a miss, and then "nailed" the headshot half a second later anyway. It certainly isn't fair for the target that I killed them because their hitbox is larger than it should be when by all rights I should have missed. Basically, you've revealed that even if someone misses you, you can still potentially die because your hit box does not actually mesh with your model.