What color do you give your enemies and allies?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roland2TowerCame, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Roland2TowerCame

    Perhaps because I play multiple factions, but I have blue for NC, purple for VS, and red for TR;
    but I really don't get why people choose to have only two colors-enemy and ally, to which faction they belong does matter.
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  2. Ash87

    Faction colors.
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  3. Gobs

    Factions colors. Occasionally though that gets me into trouble and I shoot at Charlie squad before I realize they are friendlies...
  4. Utrooperx

    Pink for VS...Spandex fairies?

    Red for NC...

    Green for The Good Guys :)
  5. Hiding in VR


    Although I have been told you can change squad colours as well, so I intend to sort that :)
  6. Posse

    Green for what I'm playing at the moment (which is VS 95% of the time) and red for everything else, I don't care if that red dot in the minimap is NC or TR, three-way fights are really rare, and the only thing that would be useful to differentiate in this case are MAXes (you can differentiate tanks by the shape).

    That said, I have the default Purple/Blue/Red for the other things (like terminals and control points)
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  7. Sovereign533

    faction colours. And to reduce confusion I changed my platoon settings
    Alpha - Dark green
    Bravo - Light green
    Charlie - Dark yellow
    Delta - Light yellow
  8. deggy

    Faction colors.

    Change Charlie Squad to WHITE. By default it's Vanu Purple.
  9. faykid

    i dont understand this faction colour thing. i play with default color codes. shoot at anything red, period.
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  10. Trukk

    Try being color blind or even color deficient then you'll understand why some have to use two colors.
  11. Pikachu

    blue nc
    red tr
    pink venu
  12. Predator01cz

    VS -Brightest pink the game has to offer
    TR -Red Army
    NC -Blue dabadee dabadai

    Squad colors default
  13. Voiidd

    Default ones... which kinda makes me too trigger-happy when I hop onto my TR char since I play NC most times and I'm just too quick to shoot "fellow" TR, especially those turning corners :p
  14. WarmasterRaptor

    Faction colors :

    Red :TR
    Blue : NC
    Cyan : VS

    Alpha : Yellow
    Bravo : Green
    Charlie : White
    Delta : Black
  15. Mustang

    Same, but I changed Charlie to be bright pink so I don't make the mistake anymore
  16. IamDH


    Not really... faction colors ftw
  17. Corporate Thug

    Friendlies are blue and everyone else is red. IDC which faction I'm fighting, besides I can usually look at the character model and tell or see what faction they are when I kill them. For facilities I use faction colors. I try to play factions that are under populated and usually intoxicated so this is easier, besides I really don't care about enemy soldiers until they're dead, and the dead have no icons.
  18. Halcyon

    Red for evil infantry, blue for friendly infantry.
    For base stuff, NC = yellow, VS = purple, TR = blue
  19. OMGSquirrel

    When playing TR.

    NC: Blue
    TR: Green
    VS: Magenta

    If I play NC or VS I change to default faction colours. Because I shoot at the colour red. Can't help it.
  20. Zentoco

    For infantry and vehicles, allies are green and enemies are red, no matter the empire I'm on. I don't want to have to remember which faction I'm currently playing. Color me lazy, but it's just a lot easier that way for me.