Melting TR armor on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NeZeK, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Rift23

    Leave Matherson TR alone, stop it! Stop it! (I'm playing Math TR atm so I can make fun of the drama queens all I like).
  2. Lethal_Sting

    I'd say to more evenly distribute your forces, but 50% of VS would complain of not having anyone to fight. :p
  3. Devilmanx

    Most vet TR either quit or left server. Which is a shame. But I don't blame them, Sony is killing their game before making it better.
  4. Tycoh

    That'd be one hell of an empty victory in TR's eyes. NC and VS are duking it out while letting TR literally ghost cap the alert. That would be an embarrassment.
  5. EliteEskimo

    I don't think let us win has to amount to allowing us to ghost cap, it may simple be that they chose to face us in a fair 48V48 fight while holding back the extra platoon they could easily insert into the battle to quickly outnumber and overwhelm the TR. They could use that extra platoon to fight against the NC which has a more stable population rather than using that platoon to double up on and steam roll the TR.

    It's kinda like how DA tries to be at fights that they are at the very least evenly matched at, but preferably a little outnumbered to result in a target rich and fun environment. They don't like being at a battle where the VS outnumber their opponents 2V1. Unfortunately videos like the following show that there are many people who that would rather steam roll a smaller demoralized force, rather than engage in a more challenging and balanced fight which in this case would've been the NC on Amerish.
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  6. bubbacon

    Just another reason TR are coming to Connery, Waterson, and Miller. I approve of this beat down.
  7. Nephera

    holy moley tracers are bright on high graphics.
  8. Peebuddy

    When he said "melting Tr armor" did anyone else picture him smelting down our new armor pieces which are nothing more than gold plated composite armor?

    . . .

    No? Never mind then
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  9. Norse

    Any twink that uses "pewpew" should be banned on principal alone.
  10. Ender

    What Eskimo said. It doesn't mean just make them ghost cap everything. For DA it means maybe not immediately jumping to the next hex that has 1:20 before the NC/TR get it. We'll stay at the current fight a little longer or avoid the alert completely.
  11. WaaWaa

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  12. DamageKing

    Doing it since the start of the server. 74% of kills are despicable VS. Still doing it today, albeit with less dedication. But you do become battle-hardened. Joining other servers, even on low-pop factions is like easy mode.
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  13. Maljas23

    Actually, I did think something like this at first lol. Not a clue why.
  14. NeZeK

    im not sure why, but i completly agree