So what buffs does the TR need?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hotbread, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Xien

    I started playing after those nerfs. So yeah...

    The first time I got on the Vulcan... I thought "Wow, this gun is going to be amazing! It's a gatling gun, **** yeah, get some!"

    Then I fired it. These days if I jump into someone's Prowler and it has a Vulcan, I just jump right back out, unless they're engaging enemy armor at POINT BLANK range, which BTW rarely happens, the gun is worthless.

    As far as Striker's and Harasser's and all that stuff - can't comment on it, as I haven't used them much yet.
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  2. Xien

    Yeah that's because TR guns don't actually have an RoF advantage, but they get all the "balancing" disadvantages - the ****** recoil, ****** CoF, and low damage per bullet. GG (no re).
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  3. WyrdHarper

    Yeah, that's the problem. We have 4 143 close-range carbines (excluding T5,AMC and Trac-5 Burst here), but at close range the things that matter within a damage class are ROF and Controllability, which the GD7F does better (and I believe this is borne out in the stats as well).
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  4. KnightCole

    Yeah, cuz everyone wants every one elses toys, so we have TR with 167dmg guns, NC with 845 RpM guns, Vanu with idk what.....

    When we need TR with 750-845RpM

    NC with 200 or 167 dmg guns

    VS with lasers that deal residual burning damage to their targets...something to signify being hit with a laser hot enough to actually burn and kill us. Their RoF can be just about what it is....give thier weapons sorta like 30 pts of burn damage per shot that hits us...idk.
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  5. Aegie

    Not really born out in the stats I have seen- in the only pre- post-PU2 performance metric comparisons I have seen the 7F is edged out in both pre- and post- PU2 by the Lynx.

    I agree that the Serpent and 7F do not make much sense for the factions they are on btw.
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  6. Pacster

    THAT is the issue. Why is all of a sudden the overpopped faction the smallest of them all while NC is suddenly overpopped on almost all servers. I mean if it would be on one server..okay...might have something to do with the outfits on that server. But all at the same time? The lore didn't change...the players didn't change....the looks didn't change.....all that changed is the power of weapons.
    I don't think that the TR weapons are underperforming compared to VS...but they are not the best in the game anymore and the players got to have a reason why they go for NC and not for VS and TR now.

    Simply not true. You need to say a fully certed Magrider with a Saron and 2 good gunners...that are NOT facing a Vanguard with a shield. But that are a darn lot of limiting factors....
    On top of that the firepower of a fully certed 2/2 Prowler is high enough that in a fight with a fully certed 2/2 magrider it only matters who starts the fight and then who lands more hits cause their AV TTK is quite close to each other. Now if we talk about prowlers and magriders with default weapons and/or just one player in it, then the prowler wins hands down even if the magrider shoots first. A magrider needs to cert into saron and to have two players to actually be useful.

    Not to mention that you left out that the magrider is the worst heavy tank vs. infantry and absolutely useless vs. air.....
  7. Longasc

    What not only the TR but NC and VS need alike is a better attitude and less whiny and demanding players. You don't fix fail by demanding buffs.
  8. CptFirelord

    Just throwing this out there:

    NC have 167 damage Carbines
    VS have a 167 damage Carbine
    TR don't.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    VS/NC also have 845 RPM carbines and TR don't.
    I could understand one or the other not being on a TR weapon, but both is a bit silly.
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  10. Posse

    TR has a 143 damage 800 RoF carbine with 40 mag size and 0.75x ADS, just saying.
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  11. WyrdHarper

    It's also hipfire-based weapon (Adv Laser) that had stupidly large amounts of horizontal recoil added to it, so a foregrip is needed for even moderate distances, so if you want to use it for ADSing playstyles, you're not getting as much out of it as you could for the close-range portion, while the GD7F is much more controllable and less random in movement, even if it isn't .75 ADS.

    It's not a bad weapon, but it's not a reliable one, either due to the RNG jitter.
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  12. Posse

    The GD7F has a bit more horizontal recoil than the Lynx, idk what you're talking about, of all the 800/845 RPM, the Lynx is the one with less horizontal recoil (0.225/0.25 vs 0.25/0.25 for the VX6-7 and the Serpent and 0.225/0.3 for the GD7F). On top of that, you have a 40 magazine size, the only trade off for this (when comparing with the VX6-7) is a slightly worse hipfire accuracy
  13. WyrdHarper

    At closer ranges the GD7F will do better simply by TTK. The 40 round magazine is nice, though. I personally prefer more stable carbines (T5 AMC, Razor, Trac-5S w/foregrip) over the close-range high horizontal recoil ones, though, so I'm a bit biased. What I like about scrimming as NC is that I feel like I have a weapon selection, instead of a bunch of very similar carbines. That's more the issue for me. If I want to ADS on TR I'll pick a more stable carbine over the Lynx, but that's generally want I want outside of SMG distance anyway.
  14. Posse

    This is just personal experience, but I do better with the VX6-7 than with the Serpent, the TTK difference at that point isn't decisive.

    Of course, ADSing wouldn't be your main way of killing with that carbine, but it can get you out of a pinch, I find myself ADSing even in tower fights sometimes.
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  15. Christo92K

    167 damage carbine (T-5 AMC buff maybe?)

    Centralized prowler turret. Please for the love of god.
    New weapon sounds and more varied designs for gear.
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  16. Aegie

    AMC buff, I doubt because it already does better performance wise than the ACX-11 (by a hair)- granted this is probably because the AMC does not leave you pants down in CQC like the ACX-11 but probably also is not quite as strong at long range.

    If they brought the damage to 167 I think they would have to adjust that against other values- not saying they should not consider this kind of change but it would have to be sidegrad like (change) not upgrade like (buff).

    Also, personally, I would rather see them introduce new weapons to make up for these oversights- in part because I started playing TR and I am really enjoying the AMC very much as it is.
  17. Christo92K

    Well I completely understand what you mean.

    They should add a new 167 damage carbine, but with a 30 round magazine. I think that would be fine.
    What do you think?
  18. KnightCole

    For TR? Meh...

    652 RpM guns should just be the easiest to handle and most accurate. If they are to be support guns, as even Wrel says about hte EM1, its a mid range support weapon with its exmag and stuff...

    But the EM1, T16 and im sure the AMC, are all lacking in the accuracy dept over range.
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  19. LordCreepy

    Listening to some people in this forum it seems they run into these "damn if I now just had 10 more bullets" situations all the time.
    Usually I kill 1-2 guys and there is nobody left and i just reload with somewhat like 12-15 bullets left in the chamber watching grass grow outside while I wait for Mister TR reload animation. ( Lets grab that magazin and ummm.... turn it around and... lets see... right there it should go.. now carefully insert the magazine... hold on .. almossssttt there... it !)
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  20. Aegie

    Yeah, I definitely feel that a lot of the complaints relate to the absence of any choice in terms of damage per shot when it comes to Carbines- plus, new stuff is new and that is good. Balancing with mag ammo may be tricky but it would be a bit of shame to do away with the extra rounds- if they had too I suppose that could work but I can also see some people unhappy with loosing both ROF (you would kind of have to for the DPS equation though, unless some other stats were really out there) and mag ammo. Still, something similar to the Razor in certain ways could probably breathe fresh air into the TR carbine selection.

    Honestly, I know I have not tried a lot of the extreme ROF TR options, but I have trouble understanding the complaints about accuracy. I feel I am very reliable at significant ranges with the AMC and default Cycler AR (ADS stats not far off other selections and not even the best in show by some comparisons). Also, I'm looking forward to the SABR and some of the other burst variant TR weapons- the stats and functionality of these (game play wise) do seem like a kind of variety missing in the VS/NC arsenals that could also be refreshing, though I realize these are mostly excluded to AR alone. I think VS/NC could appreciate more attention to options like those and TR could appreciate more attention to some of the damage tier options available to VS/NC.