Suppressors - could they use a buff or are they fine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Takoita

    That is... rather unpleasant then. Still, it's not like I have a real reason to unequip spa on my armistice that I can see. Or is it?
  2. Thpthpthp

    Nope, soft point ammo is pretty much always fantastic!
  3. phreec

    They have enough drawbacks that they aren't part of everybody's primary, which I think is good. They're very situational just as they should be but they could indeed use a little more sound suppressing. The whole logic behind suppressors reducing velocity originated from having to switch to sub-sonic ammunition which travels slower (no idea how that logic translates to plasma and gauss though, lol).
  4. Malacovics

    The reason I love my silenced SAS-R is because I don't show up on the minimap. I can farm a sundy for long long minutes before anyone finds me.
  5. IamDH

    inb4 lumbifier tracers
  6. vulcan78

    Yeah their greatest criticism, and the primary reason I don't use them (aside from the induced bullet drop), is that they don't actually muffle the sound of the weapon, they only remove the min-map signature. I don't understand why SOE has not actually muffled the sound as this is the actual function of a SOUND SUPPRESSOR.

    Worthless IMO.

    Another reason (ridiculous ballistics, projectile speed and drop, being the other) why the gameplay feels frustratingly cartoonish. No it doesn't need to be EXACTLY like Battlefield 4, but at least increase the projectile speed of a BASR to that of something realistic and not a bow and arrow. That is exactly what using a BASR in PS2 feels like, sniping with a bow and arrow in Skyrim.

  7. WyrdHarper

    The thing that bugs me is that they make a lot of weapons more noticeable: they become louder and high-pitched. Some weapons this is kind of hilarious ( the suppressed AMR sounds really cool, but it's incredibly loud), but it's not helpful since one of the biggest parts of situational awareness is sound.