Why does NC believe their max lacks range when Slug shells are available

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InvitroCanibal, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. KnightCole

    NC MAX, all you gotta do is sac one guy and rush it with 2 more, 1 with a Deci and one with a medic. NC MAX have no sustainability, that just might be my primary complaint with them.

    The other 2 MAX have amazing sustainability. 50-150 rounds for TR, 40-75 for VS....6-12 for NC....see nothing wrong with that? I know its a Shotgun, but still.....
  2. Takoita

    All these numbers are well and good but they contradict what I and other players I play with actually experience in the game. Go and play against NC for a week and see for yourself if you don't believe me.
  3. Xhaleon

    Because of a few things:
    1. The NC MAX has the least ammunition endurance of the three, and ranged combat involves eating a lot of missed shots.
    2. While slugs can be quite accurate when crouched and stationary, they don't have the ammo to make up for misses with sheer amounts of fire, especially when firing on the move, see [1].
    3. Taking slug ammunition reduces the amount of potential damage each round holds; it is still enough to 2-shot infantry at point blank but it suffers against other MAX units, see [1].

    Actually, a lot of issues could be solved by giving them more ammo per magazine and in the total pool, but if that was done then you might actually see shot ammo falling out of favor compared to slug ammo. I guess that is just a logical symptom of the game's design.
  4. InvitroCanibal

    I think a higher response time would be better with lock down than anything. Even if lockdown had the most amazing velocity, it'd be worthless if it can't move in and out of lock down. i'm not saying make it God mode but cutting the lockdown action time in half. But either way TR would least benefit from a charge skill implementation into the maxes so I somewhat agree but dislike the idea of God mode.
  5. Devrailis

    Range is not the NC MAX's "issue".

    Sustain is the NC MAX's "issue".

    And frankly, the NC MAX does not have too little sustain. Just imagine if the NC MAX could fire twice as long as it currently did. Or even half as long. It would be a sad sad day for the squishies.

    We have plenty of ranged options. My Slugged Mattocks nearly single-handedly cleared an entire stairway today during a resecure at Crossroads. From the bottom to the top, not a single Vanoo medic, engie, or heavy escaped the wrath, the freedom, or the liberty of my Slugged cert machines. The Vanoo MAXes cowered pathetically as their bulbous domes and their beady eyes watched my slugs deliver head-shot after freedom-giving head-shot. Infantry died at 30 meters. Then 40, then 50 as we took the fight outside.

    Sure, I missed plenty of shots, fired plenty of "blanks". But for every infantry who escaped because my slugs landed around him, another crumpled into a pile of steaming, wet spandex as my slugs brought them closer to enlightenment, the meaning and the will of Vanoo. I doubt I would have killed that much more infantry as a TR or VS MAX given just how few slugs I needed to land to deliver the poor purple p****ies to their ultimate destiny.

    TL: DR : NC MAX Master Race is fine, needs no buffs.
  6. FillyFluttershy

    That's about a laugh. Sorry if your insta is increased to maybe like 0.5 seconds. Whenever I run into one of your Lakelurk looking MAXes I basically accept my fate because I have no chance to win the fight or escape just as if I had been dual shotty'd. Running into a CQC MAX of any empire is basically game over unless you have C4 or they are low on health and terrible.
  7. Blastuh

    I disagree. The lower TTK that VS & TR MAX have usually gives me enough time to get a rocket on them and either an assist or finish them off myself if they aren't very good. I usually don't get that chance when I run into NC MAX.
  8. WaiZen

    Loool! So clearly you have to aim with your VS/TR Skillsuit, and you don't point and click.

    I can peek a corner and be instagibbed by a VS/TR max, -insert 0.Xs- slower. I can try to evade an NC Max by getting distance but if I try to evade a VS/TR, I'm toast.

    Such Skill, Much Aim, Wow!
  9. Bape

    Sure I guess it depends on play style some people like shotguns and are good at close range while some love sustain fire and are good at range like me :).

    I really wish they remove shotguns and give us gauss weaponry on our maxes instead that would seriously stop the max balance threads but as long as NC has shotguns they will always complain about range. Also I think they need to cut NC max extended max cert by half it to dam expensive and it mandatory to have.
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  10. Patrician

    Well, you pretty much can, just as well as an NC Max; the TTK difference is 1/3 of a second which is as near to no difference as you can get.
  11. Xasapis

    It's the difference between firing a rocket and getting insta-killed. I repeat the same thing in another thread. It is very common for a heavy going after an VS or TR MAX to be able to fire that rocket he is holding in his hand before dying. It is also very common for a heavy going after the NC MAX to not fire anything before dying.

    That, along with the penetrating pellets, have been the absolute door stoppers for anything but a MAX crash double the size.
  12. Patrician

    So you can get out and fire a Decimator in 1/3 of a second? Hmm. Why do I doubt that..
  13. Takoita

    a). actual time in-game with all the latency involved ends up being more;

    b). go and try for yourself if you not believe me.
  14. Goretzu

    There is no functional difference between a 0m 0.0 second TTT (NC) and a 0.3 second TTK (VS&TR).
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  15. Xasapis

    There is no such thing as client hit detection delay either then, right?
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  16. d3adline

    Average human reaction time is 150 to 300 ms, your so called "no functional differnce" is the difference between eating a decimator to the face or not.
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  17. Goretzu

    300ms is pretty slow ujnless you're pretty old (someone on here was claiming to be 400 years old with their reaction time :eek: ).

    However with clientside hit detection it makes no difference you don't get in and out of a door in under 0.3 seconds unless you are speed hacking (in fact even then you probably still won't :D ).

    Either way you end up dead which is functionally the same.

    And remember that is a 0m TTK, even by just 5m the advantage has swapped to the TR/VS (it swaps earlier still if you can headshot like with the Blueshift).
  18. Goretzu

    There is, that is the whole point. :)
  19. Xasapis

    Good you agree on that. So the 300ms are significant after all.
  20. d3adline

    That's why I said "is between".

    Hopping back out to not die is not the point who cares about dying? To not even get the decimator off is. The 0.3 seconds is plenty of time to run in, aim your decimator at the MAX and fire. No chance against the shotgun MAX, since you die instantly, I've fought plenty of VS and NC MAXes, VS MAXes are worlds easier to remove, it isn't even a competition. So no it is not "functionally the same".

    This is a joke or is it? Mattocks can easily reach out to 20m and kill with 2 decent volleys.