Are you tired of fighting insade bases?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by daniel696, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. daniel696

    The outposts/facilitys/bases are so close to each other that open field battles just don't exist, and when they happen you see a lot of people in the chat yelling "Epic" "This fight is so epic that I pooped myself" "So epic that Rohan will arise in a moment".

    Look at this... I'm tired of bases, camping and etc, open field battles are so awesome, look how many vehicles there's, look the size of the zerg and still no one complains about being outnumbered or fighting against a zerg vehicle, why? Because all of this in an open field battle is not so horrible like a little base of 30m wide. Look this video, this fight happened in Waterson.

    Time to get rid of idiots outposts to make viable open field battles for at least a couple of places.
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  2. dBMachine

    Yes! A lot of issues with PS2 stem from every battle being funnelled through tiny choke points just to get inside a cramped base.

    We need some type of objective in the middle of the open country to draw people away from the bases. It would also fix a lot of spawn camping!
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  3. daniel696

    If you don't like open field battles you can play COD :D
  4. Hatesphere

    there are few open field battles, and most of the ones that do exist are forced by the lattice, not that that's a bad thing.
    I am of the group that thinks many of the outlying outposts and facilities should be removed, or removed from the lattice to allow a bit more wiggle room when it comes to moving people around. I mean its so bad in some areas that base turrets can shoot at each other.
  5. EmmettLBrown

    Quartz ridge and the excavation site north usually have descent back and forth fights out in the open.
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  6. daniel696

    yes, this is really weird, in dahaka the turrets can shot your face if you are in other bases aroud the amp station, just.. wow!

    The only place, should have more places like this and there's no much cover in there so the fights don't last long.
  7. BloodyG

    the only good bases are the ones where you have space to maneuver your vehicles or flank with inf.
    it's the bad mapdesign + resorcesystem + netcode that keeps PS2 down , i hope SOE will make it better with amerish and resorce revamp, the performance boost i got from OMFG is gone again hope they will fix this too...
  8. Pikachu

    The new standard should be > 700m between bases. Some of them on Indar have as little as 300m. Could use a lot of cleaning. And this stuff is to a degree being added to Amerish with its 6 new bases and perhaps increased size of satellite bases.
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  9. Sovereign533

    The old Esamir had this. I don't know why they thought they should introduce rubbel, potholes, ditches, rocks, spikes, etc. The greatest part of the old Esamir was the fact that it was a very tank friendly continent. As a tanker you really had the choice on how you were going to advance. And it was an option to go around bases to attack them from the other side.
    And you could encounter enemies trying the same thing, causing a nice open field tank battle.

    Last I played these battles were few and far between and the usual 'tank battles' were a road in a canyon that nobody could maneuver in where on one side of the canyon sat Vanguards shooting down the canyon while being blocked behind them by other Vanguards also wanting to shoot something. And on the other side you'd have Prowlers or Magriders that were shooting to the other side of the canyon while being blocked by their friendly tanks behind them.

    It was nothing more then a funnel and a meat grinder... uhhh... armour grinder.
  10. GrandpaFlipfox

    Agreed. There's nearly a dozen outposts on Indar alone that should lose their capture/lattice status.
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  11. Czuuk

    For every person x that makes this argument, there is a person y that makes the exact opposite argument.
  12. HadesR

    They could do with removing some of the 10+ Towers on Indar .. Notably in the SW , where it seems every 2nd base fight is a Tower slog
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  13. Blarg20011

    Also a ton of the tiny bases that are spawn camped within 30 seconds of an attack and impossible to defend.
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  14. dBMachine

    What's the opposite argument? More cramped bases with choke points?
  15. Tuco

    Get rid of outposts and the only thing that will accomplish is making the zerg spend an extra 20 seconds driving from one AMP/TECH/BIO base to another.

    Even the Crown goes down easily when outnumbered.
  16. Tuco

    The lattice, and cap timers, didn't make battles more meaningful in PS1, the AMS/CE did.
  17. Tuco

    Objective: Destroy the PS1 AMS's surrounded by PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, and PS1 motion detectors blocking your advance.
  18. Tuco

    You know what the average distance between WWIIONLINE towns is? 10 kilometers. Does that help defense? No.

    "Hey I have an idea, how about put in an early warning system, and call it EWS. So when an attacker comes within 1.5 kilometers a little red dot appears over the town."

    Does that help motivate players to defend? no

    "Hey I have an idea, how about put AI pits everywhere around town. Anti Aircraft AI. Anti Infantry AI. Anti Tank AI."

    Does that help motivate players to defend? no

    "Hey I have an idea, how about make the AB less campable by tanks."

    Does that help motivate players to defend? no

    "Hey I have an idea, how about put buildings closer together to block line of site to the AB."

    Does that help motivate players to defend? no

    "Hey I have an idea, make the cap timer longer."

    Does that help motivate players to defend? no
  19. daniel696

    Hossin at the moment in being really friendly for those like me that like open field battles, some bases especially in the middle are away from each other, another thing... what makes a good open field battle is cover, there's so many covers in Hossin that I can't even imagine hundreds of LA jumping from tree to tree, this is the problem, around the bases there's many trees, cover and etc but in the rest of the map there's nothing only mountais and roads, there's no trees, there's no forests, there's no rocks, there's nothing to make viable a battle there.
    Come on, look the name of the game PLANETside 2, not BASEside 2 or mapside 2, we don't fight in the planet auraxis we fight in the COD bases of auraxis, come on, get rid of this design and create places with a lot of cover for open field battle.