Why do all of the guns look the same?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tylerso12, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Tylerso12

  2. ToastyMan

    They don't look the same exactly, if you look closely, and have a 4k screen you'll be able to see a few pixels shaded 1 RGB value differently.
    • Up x 4
  3. Hatesphere

    they seem to like to re use models from weapon class to weapon class as it saves them some time. I really hope they do an overhaul on this in the future, *** all my VS pistols and LMGs look the same.
  4. EmmettLBrown

    Optimization. I'm betting that's the official answer.
  5. EsDee

    There's about 3 standard back-end (butt stock/grip+triggerset+framework) hardware sets for each faction with 1-2 unique sets not including SMGs
    Same deal for front-end (barrel/handguard+heat shield/stock material) sets.

    Mostly because it's faster/cheaper to just render interchangeable but aesthetically similar parts.
  6. Moisture

    How could you expect them to come up with a dozen weapon models given this game is so new?
    Its not like there are modding teams out there working for free that has come up with significantly more in a third of the time before or anything.
  7. NinjaTurtle

    Which is BS. If that were the case they wouldn't be allowing hundreds of different camos and new helmets getting added constantly.

    They'd make us stick to a few for optimization
  8. Tycoh

    "Optimization" Have they looked at their ampstation wall towers lately? A crap ton of unneeded poly detail that people either don't bother to look at or climb on.

    You'd imagine even if they were aiming for performance they'd at least try to rip off cool weapons from other games/real life.
  9. Pikachu

    I think the buildings in general have tons of redundant geometry. All those carved or extruded horizontal lines on walls is just waste. Another example would be the "spikes" on the cover on tower bases.

    About weapons. TR did get some changes time ago with the arrival of the blackjack and its design. Before that it was all carv. Btt some guns got changed stock or grips. The parts that are almost never visible in fp view. :rolleyes:
  10. Heyitsrobbie1984

    3 letters. SMG. why couldnt the assault rifles look that good???