Nebula or blueshift [VS MAX]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zero M0nster, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Zero M0nster

    Hello community,

    I am wondering if I should get the nebula or the blueshift for my VS max. I know both are good but which one should i get. I know blueshift is more accurate and nebula is really good for cqc. Please carefully advise me on my decision.
  2. AccelPrime

    If you play extremely aggressively and like to do bursts of quick attacks I suggest getting the Nebula, as it has significantly higher DPS than the Blueshift. However, if you plan on sticking closer to your teammates and wish to engage targets from further away I suggest the Blueshift. It should be noted that the added accuracy paired with the lower ROF on the Blueshifts makes for a very controllable weapon.

    Source: 7K+ kills with the VS MAX, owns all weapons available to it.

    In the end it's down to your personal preference mate :)!
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  3. f0d

    pretty much this^

    but remember to use the weapons you choose as they were intended when you get the chance
    blueshifts really do well at long distance - dont be scared to crouch and shoot people on the other end of the biolab
    nebulas do awesome up close so if you see a NC max dont run - aim for the head and let loose the fury
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Hello my name is RHINO_Mk.II and I approve this message.
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  5. BraSS

    Blueshifts are amazing. The accuracy is insane and personally I dont think it should be that good on a max. Get max auto repair and charge and you would be surprised at some of the stuff you can pull off.
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  6. TechNecro

    I've played around with the Nebula a little bit and I feel like you just can't beat the Blueshifts. IMO you shouldn't even be close enough to NC MAXes to allow their shotgun to be good. Get a little distance, even 20-30 meters and headshot them. If you're up that close to NC MAX, Nebula or not those shotguns hurt. Nebula may fit your play style better so by all means but you just can't beat the Blueshift.
  7. Ripshaft

    Nebula are the closest range weapons you can get, blueshift are the longest, quasars are in the middle. Personally I'd only go with quasars or nebulae, and think that having longer range/easier to use max weapons is a terrible idea, balanced only by the total lack of ability demonstrated by the average player... but I'm in the very tiny minority. Pretty much everyone else will just tell you to go blueshift.
  8. WorldOfForms

    Nebulas melt infantry. Back when I was running dual Nebula, I had some 40+ killstreaks in a heavily contested base (yes I had engie support).
  9. faykid

    i answered to a similar question in the other thread
    in short: go for dual blueshifts
    they are decent at close range, and they are amazing at medium to long. it makes them the most versatile
    Nebulas only shine when you run into a group of enemies, into extremely short range. outside of that, Blueshifts do just as fine.
  10. Sweatybukakky

    I say it's all up to how you play but VS maxes are supposed to fight at longer ranges than the other factions maxes. Blueshifts work awesome for me, since it has high accuracy compared to other AI weapons.
    Just because ur running blueshifts does not mean you won't get kills in cqc. You're a Max, you should get kills majority of the time or youre doing something wrong. Lol
    I recommend blueshifts because outside 25 meters, nebulas lose to blueshifts.

    Also I recommend never going dual any AI, go with different AI on different sides because while you're reloading one side, you can still fire with the other.
    AV weapons, go dual, always. ;P
  11. Xasapis

    I'd suggest doing the opposite. Always going dual on everything, it helps normalising the compensation you need to make. As for the reload, in the rare case that you want to keep on firing indefinitely, it's as simple as firing with one hand for a few seconds, then start firing with both.

    As for which of the two, it depends on whether you pull your MAX for close quarter fights or in a mixed environment of closed and open environment. In pure close quarters Nebulas are better, while in more open environments, Blueshift accuracy makes a difference. On a final note, keep in mind that Blueshifts are very dependant on headshot accuracy for both infantry and especially MAX kills, while Nebulas kill a lot faster even if you aim at the upper torso/head area (in close quarters).

    Bottom line, if you like what the NC MAX is doing, get Nebulas. If you prefer a more cautious approach, Blueshifts may be better.
  12. vsae

    Nobody likes the quasars:<
  13. Xasapis

    It will be my last weapon to auraxium (well, one hand at least). 35 "volunteers" left to help me with Blueshifts and I'm done :)
  14. Prudentia

  15. Crackulous

    Blueshifts from the get go.
  16. Lucy Oreless

    I gotta agree in those saying Blueshift.. Ofc it is depending on what playstyle you prefer (if you like to get close enough to smell their breath or barely see them in the distance, or even a mix). For everything where the enemy is further away than 25-30m i would go with dual Blues :)

    In the beginning i used the combo Blueshift / Quasar and that works too when meeting AI's.... (Dual Vortex for AA's :p )
  17. Lazaruz

    Why not both?

    Way back when I was brainwashed by the VS, I used to run with the mixed loadout and it worked great.
    Of course there has been a lot of changes since then, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
  18. Longasc

    I use the Cosmos. Ammo and magazine capacity make up for ROF and Accuracy.
  19. Bonom Denej


    Even tho I can't quite afford the cert price, I'm curious to know if this would be a viable option.
  20. Lucy Oreless

    Well... i then have to ask why have two different guns that will only limit you to one "good" one in any situation? Take a second ekstra to figure out at what range (and if its AI or AA) you wanna engage, then choose weapons accordingly.

    There is situations where i use a Vortex and a Blueshift together, but never one where i use two different "similar" guns.