How To Fix TR Max Unit.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ACEkingPK, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. LordCreepy

    Implying all other max avs have no screen shake.
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  2. JonboyX

    Go try them.

    By forum accounts, slugs could solve world poverty, create world peace, and rationalize the differences between relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

    In reality, slugs are the equivalent of Russian roulette. 1 bullet might land you a random kill, but the other 5 may as well be blanks. There's little more frustrating than aiming at a player, pressing fire, and not hitting them because of a random cof factor.

    Anyway, back on topic. HEGs are suddenly, and mysteriously, very popular, and more so than Fractures which were the previous toy-wonder. It is too early in my opinion to say they're "above average", but I do wonder whether shake will become the new flinch issue given how much of the time ordnance is shelling a tower, for example.
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  3. huller

    Ah yes, nerf the worst preforming AI maxes in the game, why not?

    What is it with this recent flood of terribads flooding the forum? like this one for example

    whatever the hell it is you have been smoking this last week, it is considered impolite not to share
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  4. Jachim

    It's funny all this crying about OP pounders but not a word about the ridiculousness of the NC Maxes STILL, or how ZOE dominated forever and is still extremely useful...

    Come on guys, you're just grasping at straws by now.
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  5. huller

    don't bother, they won't cease crying for nerfs to the TR until we shoot gummy bears and reload slower than a drugged snail using the rapidly fading crutch arguments of either "woe is me, I'm NC" or "it is TR and is therefore is a crutch only bad players will defend and must be nerfed ASAP. muh statz* prove diz NERFNERFNERF!

    *do not exist or are otherwise invalid when they do not "prove" that it isn't in fact their lack of skill that got them killed
  6. phreec

    The difference being 8 shots vs 2. It's the ease of use and spam that's the biggest difference between Pounders and Falcons. They also scale ridiculously well with Lockdown when it comes to AI and defensive play.
  7. Astealoth

    lol i don't care if they nerf pounders, but the op suggests nerfing mercies? kind of a strange suggestion, they aren't a particularly accurate or hard hitting weapon as it is. not unusable but i'd take a blueshift over them any day.

    it's really strange that SOE nerfed fractures and at the same time buffed pounders to be better than the original fractures xD
  8. p10k56

    There are now two super OP things and both are NS behold mighty Mana and Viper.
    Pounder op cos now TR max has some chances against super NC max in CQB.
    And about Mercy, look at Blueshifts for sake.

    Our max have absolutely useless ability, in every category not best weapons but is still OP.
    What about give us special TR Bursters with half damage cos we have OP Striker.
    Whine more noobs:mad:
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  9. Astealoth

    They broke the poor striker to be functionally useless. Annihilator or Grounder is the king now heheh

    I wish the striker had crap damage but high versatility. like a combined annihilator, grounder, and whatever that g2g lock on one is called. it could lock on g2a, g2g, and dumbfire with annihilator style locking but the damage was sub par, that way it would fill a unique role but not be best in class.
  10. lyravega

    True, true. Pounders has a lot of room for errors when compared to Falcons or Comets.

    If they nerf the magazine, it'll be similar to Comets, with higher damage but also with grenade drop.
    If they nerf the splash damage (they already did, actually), it won't matter that much, since splash does around 1/3 of a direct hit, and direct hits are where the strong point of Pounder is at
    If they nerf direct damage, it'll perform real terrible against Armor; if they adjust resistances individually after nerfing direct damage, it could be alright

    But real problem is, people are not using flak armor. SOE buffed it so much in order to get more people using it, but that is not the case. As long as Nanoweave doesn't cover head, Flak is the best in my opinion. And it works against these "new" stuff like, Pounders aswell.
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  11. CrashB111

    Comparing something relatively benign like Pounders to ZOE should be the new Godwin's Law of Forumside.'s_law
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  12. Kantsler

    Ok I just had to log in the forums to flame this post. Not saying the op has no idea what he is talking about but he has no idea what he is talking about.

    Dear op. Have you no shame crying about OP TR maxes when you play NC?
    Is having dual ravens shotting people from across the battle field not OP?
    is having dual shotguns that 1 shot every one from across the corridor in close doors not OP?
    is having a shield when you reload that abosrbs most of the damage not OP?
    is having no need to aim when you kill infantry not OP?

    leave us poor TR be. The pounders is over all a **** weapon. It has a huge bullet drop, small magazine and slow projectile movment. Also it does a lot of friendly fire.

    The deploy ability of TR maxes is a complete joke because there are rarely situations in which you can afford to stand still and not get shot by rockets.

    all the weapons that TR maxes have are worse then NC and VS and its not because the grass on the other side is greener its because I play all of them and the only time im not scared to run in front of a max is when im playing against TR.

    If I see a TR max i run str8 for it and dodge him between his legs running around him while shooting. his damage is so low compared to the NC max which kills me on sight with out even giving me a chance to switch to C4.
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  13. DG-MOD-04

    Locking this down since it seems to have made its point and run its course.

    A word for future reference - as always, please keep our Forum Guidelines in mind when posting. Stay aware of your post's tone, make sure your post adds something to the conversation, has constructive explanations/comments and is both respectful and courteous.

    Thank you in advance.
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