What song do you think matches NC,TR, and VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tylerso12, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Tylerso12

    I don't know any for VS
  2. Tommyp2006

    Klendathu Drop is best TR theme song
  3. VaIhall




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  4. VaIhall

    more vanu

  5. PinkamenaDiane

    I think these are pretty accurate

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  6. WoozNuky?

    It depends a lot of the server you play!

    For instance, on Miller, it looks like this

    TR :


  7. Tylerso12

    Am I the only one who thinks this matches NC so much. NC:
  8. Bulltahr

    VS = YMCA
    NC = Tiny dancer (Elton John)
    TR = for those about to rock (AC/DC)
  9. NevarxTR

    The ones on the character selections screens.
    Then again those are the official faction songs so....
  10. LT_Latency

    This is TRs

  11. DukeFlash

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  12. NinjaTurtle

  13. Pikachu

    There was a thread line this somw weeks ago. Most memorable was the suggestion of tve song "its ok to be gay" for venu.
  14. Gundem

    Why does everyone keep spelling it venu? How would you like it if I started spelling the NC the nue konglomerat?

    See? It hurts too. Stupid nue konglomerats... :(
  15. FaLI3N

    I'd main TR in a heartbeat if they used C&C red alert music
  16. TGxNihilum

    sadly NC:

  17. d3adline




    What can I say? I just love to hate the blue guys...
  18. RIctavius

    Im going to bring the down on everyone here, FEEL BAD!!!

    .... now to cheer you guys up ;)

    this one always gets me right here *taps chest*

    And the pure dark militarist

  19. DashRendar

    Planetside 2 Faction songs: Metal edition

    TR: (Power in simplicity)

    NC: (Understandable vocals is just another rule to be broken)

    VS: (Time signatures are a thing of the past)
  20. AuxiMoron

    Oh **** you just gave me a massive nostalgia flashback to when I went through a MASH phase years ago....