voice chat not working.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by testsample, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. testsample

    I noticed in some videos from MattiAce and Moukass1 that they talk to their platoon members through voice chat, and when they talk, their name appears next to the squad list.
    I have been playing the game for more than 8 months and I have yet to come across a squad or platoon where they communicate through voice chat, I have never heard anyone speak and have never seen their name appear next to the squad list, so I think maybe I'm not connecting to the voice chat server or something, I've enabled voice chat in the settings but it didn't work.

    help me please.

    Edit: when I first installed mumble it didn't connect to a server, but I fixed later on by making it connect through a proxy because mumble's ports are blocked in my country (UAE), perhaps it's the same thing with the game's voice chat server?
  2. testsample

    I tried forwarding the ports but it didn't work.
  3. Pikachu

    I have noticed this too. Since a few weeks I almost never hear anything when someone talks. I have not changed volumes except making some players louder to no effect.
  4. testsample

    The problem is that I don't know when someone is talking or not because when they talk not only I don't hear them, but their name doesn't appear as well. And I have this problem since day one and I'd just recently noticed it.
  5. peebee

    I'm also seeing this issue. When you bring up the Social menu you should have a tabbed list (General, Squad, Platoon, etc) and in that list should be members who you can voice chat with. In the general tab will be people who are within proximity voice chat. Often times, when voice chat stops working, these lists are completely empty. Even though I'm standing next to 30 people it will show 0 members.

    I'd like to understand more about how the voice chat system is setup.

    Is it a dedicated voice chat server?
    If there is, are there commands or a process to try and re-establish a lost connection with the voice server? If so, what is it?
    Are those of us who NAT required to forward ports to our PS2 machine? If so, what are these ports?
    Are audio codecs provided with PS2 or are we required to install/configure them manually?
    Is there a meaningful way of troubleshooting voice chat issues? Such as enabling verbose logging, debugging, etc?
  6. starlinvf

    The voice system has always been hit and miss. But to answer peebee, its a dedicated back-end service run by SOE. The voice chat is run on a separate thread (same process) to the game's exe, which allows it to succeed or fail regardless of the state of the main thread. No ports are required to be forwarded as the session is client initiated.

    The codecs are native the to the chat system, so ignores system codecs and settings. If you pay attention over the long term, also notice that they fiddle with the voice quality about once every 4 months or so in order to save bandwidth. The problem though is the drop in bandwidth causes an immediate drop in audio quality, so the players call them out on it on very quickly. On the flip side, the voice server has finite capacity and grows increasingly unstable as throughput or number of users reaches a certain level. You'll see it act up the most during Alerts where there is enough population to lock a continent. Player clustering also adds to the load as it has to actively talk to the game servers in order to determine player proximity.

    As for troubleshooting.... the only thing we can do is disable/enable the voice settings to flush any stalled connections or misaligned channels (uncommon bug where prox or squad/plat chat lingers when that player is no longer a part of it), and to kick start a new connection.
    • Up x 2
  7. peebee

    Excellent summary starlinvf, thanks. What you explained makes perfect sense from an architectural perspective therefore I doubt there is nothing we (as players of the game) can do. Sounds like the best way of "fixing" this problem is by taking control of it - i.e. 3rd party software such as Vent, TeamSpeak, Skype, etc.

    Thanks again starlinvf.
  8. starlinvf

    Most outfits run an external voice client simply because its more reliable. However, I heard this last patch had some major change in the voice comms, so we might see improvements as they start fine tuning it.
  9. johnybogo

    i have a huge problem nobody can hear me talk i have everything on everything selected and my name comes up at bottom of screen but they say they cant hear me please help!
  10. user101

    #1 make sure you can here your self in windows first.
    #2 make sure your windows mic is at full on and boost is on.
    #3 make sure you have your audio & mic selected in windows as default.
    #4 make sure you windows green vert bars are working in mic and audio.
    #5 Then turn on PS2 and set up voice & audio - use test audio in PS2 first, if test does not work no one is going to hear you.
    assuming you get "test" working in PS2 - set PS2 audio and voice for 50% then adjust as needed.
    Make sure you don't have any EAX in PC or window turned on. DO NOT set your audio to 24bit use cd or dvd quality at 16 bit.
    PS2 does not like 24bit audio drivers - it will distort the audio in the game.