The Seraphim Regiment - A No-Profanity Guild

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by RFMG567, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. RFMG567

    Hi everyone,

    The Seraphim Regiment is a Christian guild and is recruiting for Planetside 2.

    As stated in the title, we are a no-profanity guild. A reason is because a lot of guys here have young children that like to watch their dads play. We try to create a TeamSpeak server environment so that they can move about freely throughout the channels with the confidence that there won't be anyone dropping any 'colourful' words.

    The other two rules in our guideline is that there are no big egos and no divisive behaviour (but these are a piece of cake to follow anyway). If you're interested and you can follow these three rules from the Code of Honor, then by all means check us out :)

    Q) Do you have to be a Christian to join?
    A) Nope, we are not some sort of exclusive club, we are open for all people to join. As long as you can tolerate us Jesus-loving folk, you should be good :)

    Q) Which faction are you part of?
    A) All factions. As some people are strictly with one alliance and have purchased equipment specific for that faction, we want to make it open for everyone so that new recruits can keep their characters.

    As we accept players from all factions, this creates a broad recruitment range. At the time of writing this, I will be focusing on the Mattherson and Waterson servers to narrow it down.

    Q) How does everything work over there in the Seraphim?
    A) We greet people in our TeamSpeak server once their application has been accepted to welcome them and orient them into the unit. We then get them linked up to whichever unit they wish to join and then we go from there. Organisation-wise, I am the Planetside 2 Lieutenant of the Seraphim and my work will be mostly admin work. There will be 3 faction commanders in charge of every Seraphim faction and then there will be squad Captains.

    Q) What benefits does the Seraphim have to offer?
    A) We have a number of benefits in the Seraphim. One is the private TeamSpeak server, of which many people use daily for a miltitude of games (not just Planetside). It is a great way to make friends and to have a look at games that other members play. We also have players who have taken on the role as Chaplain (you will see their icon in the TeamSpeak server). These people have expressed their desire to help other players out who are having real-life issues, many of which are either real-life pastors or elders. As a family of over 200 people, looking after our own people is a big priority for us.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this message :)
    Once again, if you are interested in the Seraphim, you can find us here:

    God bless,
  2. Pgmaer

    I am totally interested in joining up! I have been challenged with finding an outfit that didn't cuss. It seems as though God has provided an answer to my trouble. How do I sign up?
  3. RFMG567

    Haha that's the funny part - at the moment, the website is still under development (the Colonel and I will be working on it this afternoon/evening). There is a button called "Apply Within" but that doesn't have the Planetside 2 app at the moment. I will create a temporary application form through google docs... gimme about half an hour and I will have it up on the link in the original post.

    Thanks for your interest Pgamer :) Hope to see you soon
  4. RFMG567

    OK the official application link is working again - click here to apply to the Seraphim
  5. Pgmaer

  6. HarvestCheddar

    Jesus wouldn't approve of this.
  7. Pgmaer

    As a matter of interest, where do you stand on the number of members and such in your outfit, and how many leaders do you have? (I would certainly like to see the concept of progression through the outfit and leadership opportunities as well)
  8. RFMG567

    Sure thing :)

    First off, Alex Reed is the Colonel, who is the Seraphim founder (and is currently on admin leave). I expressed interest to him about setting up a Planetside 2 unit and he let me create and recruit for this unit. I'm the Lieutenant.

    We have started off pretty slow because of our change of website made things difficult. We have around ten guys registered with us, but very few that are regularly active on our forums.

    Leadership positions are given to those people that express interest in the area of managing a selected unit and understand the responsibilities assigned to them. As a Captain of a squad would need to check up on his/her squad members (being the shepherd of the flock) by communicating with them on a regular basis to see how real-life things are going. Basically, the Captain needs to be responsible for his/her people.

    What we did in Mechwarrior Online is we tried to keep a ratio of 1:3 for groups. If we had a lance of 12, we had a Company Commander, 2 Lance Commanders (the Company Commander would be a Lance Commander too). The three Lance Commanders would look after their lances of 3 (A lance equals one LC's plus 3 pilots) and the Company Commander would look after the other 2 Lance Commanders.

    We will soon have a ranking system in place that takes into account the player's activity on the forums and in the game, the time that they have spent with the unit, the discipline record of that player and a few other things that I have forgotten for the time being...

    The Leadership Structure looks like:

    Lieutenant (Me) looks after three Faction Commanders
    Faction Commander looks after their Server Commanders (which will be 8 obviously - still gotta sort out this ratio)
    Server Commander looks after their Captains (However many there will be on a Server)

    There is currently still a lot of leadership opportunities open, when we have enough people join up I will start putting groups together.

    Hope this answers your questions Pgamer
  9. Pgmaer

    Great thoughts, and a wonderful answer! Totally Glad I'm first in on this PS2 outfit!
  10. Pgmaer

    I notice that you guys mainly play TR, do you have any objection for someone to start a VS branch (Possibly me????)
  11. Liberty's-Call

    Ugh, No cursing groups like this ruin gaming. Please don't be on the NC, there is already a an outfit on this server that treats us like 5 year olds when we speak like sailors. has games for kids. Hell, SOE actually has games for kids; this is not one of them however.
  12. RFMG567

    No objection at all :)
  13. RFMG567

    I am sorry to hear that you have had bad experiences with these kinds of groups. Nobody (including me) likes a bible-basher, so I would see it as hypocritical for us to enforce our beliefs on other people. There is a profanity filter for in-game chat I believe, so all a Seraphim member needs to do is to turn that filter on.
    The bible tells us to treat others how we want to be treated. Therefore, everyone that we encounter should be addressed with respect and understanding.
    Hopefully this doesn't put you off our company in game ;)
  14. Cranect

    We are glad to have you Pgmaer. Ya I wish I had more time to play this. Do we have an official PS night yet?
  15. RFMG567

    Not yet, would be nice though :)