Pain fields detonating AP mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lyrencropt, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. GhostAvatar

    One thing about spawn room shields. You can't shoot in even if you own the spawn. Which means if a spawn room is minded up correctly prior to a base flip (all entrances and the spawn tube). It doesn't matter if you actually look before rushing, because there is no way to trigger the mines from a safe distance. You actually have to go in and take the hit.
  2. Giggily

    Next you're going to tell me that they made spawn room shields render at longer ranges than infantry.
  3. Get2dachoppa

    And yet its still possible for attackers to perch on the spawn room roof itself and not take damage.
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  4. Morti

    While I really don't care that this change has passed, whether intentional or not, it seems SoE really is hell bent on removing fun from PS2.
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  5. plek

    then i understand why i just now got a teamkill and a suicide. i was guarding the SCU room at an amp station and wanted to take precautions against an incoming MAX crash, so i threw a pack of C4 next to one of the spawn tunnel holes in the floor. this is obviously a very sound and effective tactical decision, as i can then blow up the first MAX that sets foot in the SCU room. but guess what happened? the moment the C4 touched the floor it blew up in my face and took out the guy next to me.
    so the real issue is that it is the pain field itself that will do this, even if explosives are places well away from the spawn room itself, as in my example. that is not a good update change.
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  6. HadesR

    Quick enough to make unasked for changes but still leave more pressing matters like the AV turret unchecked ..:rolleyes:
  7. ronjahn

    You also can no longer put AV mines near a vehicle spawn. Got pretty frustrated the other day when I killed myself with a tank mine after sneaking behind the enemy lines of a huge TR Zerg to prevent more vehicle spam.

    While the AP in spawn rooms was a cheesy way to get a few kills and doesn't really make a difference to me, I think that removing the ability to mine a vehicle spawn area, which was actually a useful way of preventing your enemy from fielding additional armor and one of the only effective ways to get kills with AT mines, takes away from gameplay.

    This is coming from someone with 400hrs+ in a MBT. Is it really that difficult to check your surroundings before spawning a vehicle? I have looked every time I pulled a vehicle since the first time I was killed this way.
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  8. Rift23

  9. NC_agent00kevin

    I suspected as much when I tossed an AP Mine on a jump pad and it blew up in my face.

    Kinda a lame change; AP Mines in the Spawn room were a parting gift for 80% population zergfests - and they deserved every one of them.

    I guess theres no choice but to move on. Most of my mine kills were on points and places where LA's thought they were sneakeh, but taking away my parting gifts sucks. I occasionally got groups of 3 Extreme Menace kills with them as they all rushed the spawn room.
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  10. The Shermanator

    It's okay. I understand newer generations of gamers hate the idea that they can be punished for rushing headlong into a situation without a care in the world. Games that don't insult our intelligence and expect us to learn from repeated mistakes don't sell and/or generate income. I get that.

    Doesn't mean it doesn't suck.
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  11. Tuco

    When you're outnumbered 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, all you got are cheap tricks.
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  12. Takoita

    I think this is the definition of 'nerfing fun'. First C4 can't be used in explosive traps anymore, now the traditional pasttime of mining the spawn (and throwing EMP from outside to catch the engineers in the process of mining the spawn) is out too.

    I smell bumache on devteam's part. Can't fathom any other reason from where I'm standing.
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  13. Axehilt

    What punishment? We're talking about having just captured a base, so even if you need to spawn there 15 seconds is completely irrelevant. Realistically you'll be rezzed in ~10 sec, or simply use the opportunity to instantly respawn back at the warpgate. There's no punishment involved that matters.

    This isn't a "new generaiton of gamers" thing. In fact if you're actually an older generation of gamer like me, then you should have the experience to understand the difference between relevant and irrelevant punishments, and what actually makes a game deep. Spawn mines clearly don't add any meaningful depth to PS2, and removing them won't change the game's overall depth in the slightest.
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  14. Shoe

    I can understand the logic for not allowing them in spawn areas, but rather than have them insta-explode they should just prevent them from going down in the first place. It makes no sense to let you put them down and then explode them, that's essentially just deliberately making you waste player resources. I'm pretty sure the effect extends beyond the vehicle spawner itself as well, creating an unmarked "suicide zone", and it's pretty damn unfair to actively punish someone who has no way of knowing which side of the line they're on.

    Don't make them insta-explode, just make them undeployable in those areas.
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  15. The Shermanator

    And the game should give an outnumbered group of players the ability to undermine an overpowering enemy zerg. What's next? No more destroying terminals, because it inconveniences a zerg that just captured a base by depriving them of precious vehicles? By reducing the number of potential areas where mines can be placed, they're also de-valuing flak armor, which is already still second to nanoweave from what I see.

    This is just the developers punishing outnumbered players yet again by removing one of their few methods of retaliation while rewarding zergs by making their players need even less brainpower.
  16. Donaldson Jones

    Ok this is a good case for the change.
  17. blashyrk92

    Also, PS4 release is bound to happen soon, that alone is probably enough to explain what's going on.
  18. Axehilt

    The game should give outnumbered players tools and tactics to deal with a zerg.

    But if you think putting mines in spawns actually makes a relevant distance, you're crazy. It doesn't. It's totally meaningless and not going to change the flow of battle in the slightest. There was never a situation where someone said, "Oh man we almost lost this base except for those 3 spawnkills back at the last base. Those saved us!"

    If you want to suggest the real, meaningful ways the game can help outnumbered players win more against a zerg force, then do so. There are a myriad of ways to actually achieve that, so why not suggest those things rather than complain about this near-completely-irrelevant thing which should be a logical part of taking over a base?
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  19. Vaphell

    even if that was a max with no medic around or a tank? Either way you can treat it as a stupidity tax. Stupidity tax is good, mmkey?
  20. Wildclaw

    Now, if only AV mines would detonate when a hostile tank drives over them.