Anything being done about server pop imbalance yet?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XOLiD, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. XOLiD

    Well. After ~3 months not playing, I come back to check if my characters are even still there, and server populations are still as terrible as they have always been, every server I play on, my faction has lowest pop just like they (almost) always used to.

    Seriously, is there even any plans to make it so servers have more balanced populations between factions? This is what always killed the fun of this game for me, whether I was on the high populated side or the low, it just wasn't much fun either way.
  2. Chowley

    I have to take time a month or two away from the game regularly or i will just crack up having to deal with 45% population factions. I am getting really fed up. Hopefully I will keep coming back though.
  3. Metallic123

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  4. XOLiD

    Cool, guess I'm stuck with BF4 for my FPS needs for now.
  5. Crackulous

    You're not limited to one faction, and seeing as you own three characters, just go on the one wouldn't be steamrolled. It's not that difficult to enjoy this game.
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    I really trip out on people that need population balance. BORING.
  7. Axehilt

    Continent pop limits were lowered a while back. Can't speak much for non-connery servers, but on connery at least one or two continents is pop-locked pretty regularly. A 33/33/33% continent is entirely fair and population has no influence over victory when it happens.

    Granted, cross-continent alerts are still won by the empire with world pop advantage (and they're lame alerts because of it) but at least most of the game is pretty much immune to world pop mattering nowadays.
  8. Artaxias

    I think that if a faction has a massive population on a world during an alert, another event should happen where Godzilla appears. Godzilla starts out from the overpopped factions warpgate and kills everyone, and then moves on and kills everyone else.

    Seriously though, it gets frustrating sometimes. I just came from Waterson and the TR were outpopped on every continent by a large margin and completely lost an Amp Station alert (5 for NC, 4 for Vanu). To make matters worse, the Vanu and NC decided it would be a great idea to barely fight each other.

    Someone on my team had the great idea of switching to a VS account and blowing up all their sunderers, not that I would condone such actions :D
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  9. z1967

    I clicked on your characters at the bottom and despite the planetside 2 player site not loading, I am at least 90% sure that the TR character is on Connery.

    It wouldn't be tht bad if the NC and VS would actually fight each other... Connery is always a bit of an oddball though.
  10. Artaxias

    I have an NC character I played about once on Connery and a TR character I play pretty much exclusively on Waterson.
  11. oumajgad

    I loved being under-pop. All those targets to shot at!